Author: Armin Rigo <>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r3806:a651359a1763
Date: 2011-06-29 17:22 +0200

Log:    Draft for the blog post "Global Interpreter Lock"

diff --git a/blog/draft/gil.rst b/blog/draft/gil.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/gil.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Global Interpreter Lock, or how to kill it
+People that listened to my lightning talk at EuroPython know that
+(suddenly) we have a plan to remove the Global Interpreter Lock --- the
+infamous GIL, the thing in CPython that prevents multiple threads from
+actually running in your Python code in parallel.
+That's not actually new, because Jython has been doing it all along (and
+I think IronPython too).  Jython works by very carefully adding locks to
+all the mutable built-in types, and by relying on the underlying Java
+platform to be efficient about them (so that the result is faster than,
+say, very carefully adding similar locks in CPython).  By "very
+carefully", I mean really really carefully; for example,
+'dict1.update(dict2)' needs to lock both dict1 and dict2, but if you do
+it naively, then a parallel 'dict2.update(dict1)' might cause a
+We are considering a quite different approach, based on `Software
+Transactional Memory`_.  This is a recent development in computer
+science, and it gives a nicer solution than locking.  Here is a short
+introduction to it.
+Say you want to atomically pop an item from 'list1' and append it to
+    def f(list1, list2):
+        x = list1.pop()
+        list2.append(x)
+This is not safe in multithreaded cases (even with the GIL).  Say that
+you call ``f(l1, l2)`` in thread 1 and ``f(l2, l1)`` in thread 2.  What
+you want is that it has no effect at all (x is moved from one list to
+the other, then back).  But what can occur is that instead the top of
+the two lists are swapped, depending on timing issues.
+One way to fix it is with a global lock::
+    def f(list1, list2):
+        global_lock.acquire()
+        x = list1.pop()
+        list2.append(x)
+        global_lock.release()
+A finer way to fix it is with locks that come with the lists::
+    def f(list1, list2):
+        acquire_all_locks(list1.lock, list2.lock)
+        x = list1.pop()
+        list2.append(x)
+        release_all_locks(list1.lock, list2.lock)
+The second solution is a model for Jython's, while the first is a model
+for CPython's.  Indeed, in CPython's interpreter, we acquire the GIL,
+then we do one bytecode (or actually a number of them, like 100), then
+we release the GIL; and then we proceed to the next bunch of 100.
+Software Transactional Memory (STM) gives a third solution::
+    def f(list1, list2):
+        while True:
+            t = transaction()
+            x = list1.pop(t)
+            list2.append(t, x)
+            if t.commit():
+                break
+In this solution, we make a ``transaction`` object and use it in all
+reads and writes we do to the lists.  There are actually several
+different models, but let's focus on one of them.  During a transaction,
+we don't actually change the global memory at all.  Instead, we use the
+thread-local ``transaction`` object.  We store in it which objects we
+read from, which objects we write to, and what values we write.  It is
+only when the transaction reaches its end that we attempt to "commit"
+it.  Committing might fail if other commits have occurred inbetween,
+creating inconsistencies; in that case, the transaction aborts and
+must restart from the beginning.
+In the same way as the previous two solutions are models for CPython and
+Jython, the STM solution looks like it could be a model for PyPy in the
+future.  In such a PyPy, the interpreter would start a transaction, do
+one or several bytecodes, and then end the transaction; and repeat.
+This is very similar to what is going on in CPython with the GIL.  In
+particular, it means that it gives programmers all the same guarantees
+as the GIL does.  The *only* difference is that it can actually run
+multiple threads in parallel, as long as their code are not interfering
+with each other.
+Why not apply that idea to CPython?  Because we would need to change
+everything everywhere.  In the example above, you may have noted that I
+no longer call 'list1.pop()', but 'list1.pop(t)'; this is a way to tell
+that the implementation of all the methods needs to be changed, in order
+to do their work "transactionally".  This means that instead of really
+changing the global memory in which the list is stored, it must instead
+record the change in the ``transation`` object.  If our interpreter is
+written in C, like CPython, then we need to write it explicitly
+everywhere.  If it is written instead in a higher-level language, like
+PyPy, then we can add this behavior as translation rules, and apply it
+automatically wherever it is necessary.
+A final note: as STM research is very recent (it started around 2003),
+there are a number of variants around, and it's not clear yet which one
+is better in which cases.  As far as I can tell, the approach described
+in "A Comprehensive Strategy for Contention Management in Software
+Transactional Memory" seems to be one possible state-of-the-art; it also
+seems to be "good enough for all cases".
+So, when will it be done?  No clue so far.  It is still at the idea stage,
+but I *think* that it can work.  <Insert here something about funding :->
+.. _`Software Transactional Memory`:
+.. _`this paper`: 
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