Author: Antonio Cuni <>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r4178:9899005dd47d
Date: 2012-04-06 16:41 +0200

Log:    draft for another py3k-status-update blog post

diff --git a/blog/draft/py3k-activity-march.png 
new file mode 100644
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/blog/draft/py3k-status-update-3.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/py3k-status-update-3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Py3k status update #3
+This is the third status update about my work on the `py3k branch`_, which I
+can work on thanks to all of the people who donated_ to the `py3k proposal`_.
+A lot of work has been done during the last month: as usual, the list of
+changes is too big to be reported in a detalied way, so this is just a summary
+of what happened.
+One of the most active areas was killing old and deprecated features. In
+particular, we killed support for the ``__cmp__`` special method and its
+counsins, the ``cmp`` builtin function and keyword argument for
+``list.sort()`` and ``sorted()``.  Killing is easy, but then you have to fix
+all the places which breaks because of this, including all the types which
+relied on ``__cmp__`` to be comparable,, fixing all the tests which tried to
+order objects which are no longer ordeable now, or implementing new behavior
+like forbidding calling ``hash()`` on objects which implement ``__eq__`` but
+not ``__hash__``.
+Among the other features, we killed lots of now-gone functions in the
+``operator`` module, the builtins ``apply()``, ``reduce()`` and ``buffer``,
+and the ``os.*`` functions to deal with temporary files, which has been
+deprecated in favour of the new ``tempfile`` module.
+The other topic which can't miss in a py3k status update is, as usual,
+string-vs-unicode. At this round, we fixed bugs in string formatting (in
+particular to teach ``format()`` to always use unicode strings) and various
+corner cases about when calling the (possibly overridden) ``__str__`` method
+on subclasses of ``str``. Believe me, you don't want to know the precise rules
+Other features which we worked on and fixed tests include, but are not limited
+to, ``marshal``, ``hashlib``, ``zipimport``, ``_socket`` and ``itertools``,
+plus the habitual endless lists of tests which fail for shallow reasons such
+as the syntactic differences, ``int`` vs ``long``, ``range()`` vs
+``list(range())`` etc. As a result, the number of failing tests dropped_ from
+650 to 235: we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel :-)
+Finally, we did some RPython fixes, so that it is possible again to translate
+PyPy in the py3k branch. However, the resuling binary is a strange beast which
+mixes python 2 and python 3 semantics, so it is unusable for anything but
+`showing friends how cool it's that`_.
+.. image:: py3k-activity-march.png
+I would like to underline that I was not alone in doing all this work. In
+particular, a lot of people joined the PyPy sprint at Pycon and worked on the
+branch, as you can clearly see in this activity graph. I would like to thank
+all who helped!
+XXX: benjamin, could you write a quick summary of what you did?
+.. _donated:
+.. _`py3k proposal`:
+.. _`py3k branch`:
+.. _`showing friends how cool it's that`:
+.. _dropped:
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