Author: hager <>
Branch: ppc-jit-backend-rpythonization
Changeset: r52229:8edc07deec57
Date: 2012-02-08 04:52 -0800

Log:    remove unused code

diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/ppc/ppcgen/ 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/ppc/ppcgen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.ppcgen.ppc_assembler import MyPPCAssembler
-from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.ppcgen.func_builder import make_func
-from regname import *
-def access_at():
-    a = MyPPCAssembler()
-    a.lwzx(r3, r3, r4)
-    a.blr()
-    return make_func(a, "i", "ii")
-access_at = access_at()
-def itoO():
-    a = MyPPCAssembler()
-    a.blr()
-    return make_func(a, "O", "i")
-itoO = itoO()
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/ppc/ b/pypy/jit/backend/ppc/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/ppc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.instruction import \
-     gprs, fprs, crfs, ctr, \
-     CMPInsn, Spill, Unspill, stack_slot, \
-     rSCRATCH
-from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.conftest import option
-DEBUG_PRINT = option.debug_print
-class RegisterAllocation:
-    def __init__(self, freeregs, initial_mapping, initial_spill_offset):
-        if DEBUG_PRINT:
-            print
-            print "RegisterAllocation __init__", initial_mapping.items()
-        self.insns = []   # output list of instructions
-        # registers with dead values
-        self.freeregs = {}
-        for regcls in freeregs:
-            self.freeregs[regcls] = freeregs[regcls][:]
-        self.var2loc = {} # maps Vars to AllocationSlots
-        self.lru = []     # least-recently-used list of vars; first is oldest.
-                          # contains all vars in registers, and no vars on 
-        self.spill_offset = initial_spill_offset # where to put next spilled
-                                                 # value, relative to rFP,
-                                                 # measured in bytes
-        self.free_stack_slots = [] # a free list for stack slots
-        # go through the initial mapping and initialize the data structures
-        for var, loc in initial_mapping.iteritems():
-            self.set(var, loc)
-            if loc.is_register:
-                if loc.alloc in self.freeregs[loc.regclass]:
-                    self.freeregs[loc.regclass].remove(loc.alloc)
-                    self.lru.append(var)
-            else:
-                assert loc.offset >= self.spill_offset
-        self.labels_to_tell_spill_offset_to = []
-        self.builders_to_tell_spill_offset_to = []
-    def set(self, var, loc):
-        assert var not in self.var2loc
-        self.var2loc[var] = loc
-    def forget(self, var, loc):
-        assert self.var2loc[var] is loc
-        del self.var2loc[var]
-    def loc_of(self, var):
-        return self.var2loc[var]
-    def spill_slot(self):
-        """ Returns an unused stack location. """
-        if self.free_stack_slots:
-            return self.free_stack_slots.pop()
-        else:
-            self.spill_offset -= 4
-            return stack_slot(self.spill_offset)
-    def spill(self, reg, argtospill):
-        if argtospill in self.lru:
-            self.lru.remove(argtospill)
-        self.forget(argtospill, reg)
-        spillslot = self.spill_slot()
-        if reg.regclass != GP_REGISTER:
-            self.insns.append(reg.move_to_gpr(0))
-            reg = gprs[0]
-        self.insns.append(Spill(argtospill, reg, spillslot))
-        self.set(argtospill, spillslot)
-    def _allocate_reg(self, regclass, newarg):
-        # check if there is a register available
-        freeregs = self.freeregs[regclass]
-        if freeregs:
-            reg = freeregs.pop().make_loc()
-            self.set(newarg, reg)
-            if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                print "allocate_reg: Putting %r into fresh register %r" % 
(newarg, reg)
-            return reg
-        # if not, find something to spill
-        for i in range(len(self.lru)):
-            argtospill = self.lru[i]
-            reg = self.loc_of(argtospill)
-            assert reg.is_register
-            if reg.regclass == regclass:
-                del self.lru[i]
-                break
-        else:
-            assert 0
-        # Move the value we are spilling onto the stack, both in the
-        # data structures and in the instructions:
-        self.spill(reg, argtospill)
-        if DEBUG_PRINT:
-            print "allocate_reg: Spilled %r from %r to %r." % (argtospill, 
reg, self.loc_of(argtospill))
-        # update data structures to put newarg into the register
-        reg = reg.alloc.make_loc()
-        self.set(newarg, reg)
-        if DEBUG_PRINT:
-            print "allocate_reg: Put %r in stolen reg %r." % (newarg, reg)
-        return reg
-    def _promote(self, arg):
-        if arg in self.lru:
-            self.lru.remove(arg)
-        self.lru.append(arg)
-    def allocate_for_insns(self, insns):
-        from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.rgenop import Var
-        insns2 = []
-        # make a pass through the instructions, loading constants into
-        # Vars where needed.
-        for insn in insns:
-            newargs = []
-            for arg in insn.reg_args:
-                if not isinstance(arg, Var):
-                    newarg = Var()
-                    arg.load(insns2, newarg)
-                    newargs.append(newarg)
-                else:
-                    newargs.append(arg)
-            insn.reg_args[0:len(newargs)] = newargs
-            insns2.append(insn)
-        # Walk through instructions in forward order
-        for insn in insns2:
-            if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                print "Processing instruction"
-                print insn
-                print "LRU list was:", self.lru
-                print 'located at', [self.loc_of(a) for a in self.lru]
-            # put things into the lru
-            for arg in insn.reg_args:
-                self._promote(arg)
-            if insn.result:
-                self._promote(insn.result)
-            if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                print "LRU list is now:", self.lru
-                print 'located at', [self.loc_of(a) for a in self.lru if a is 
not insn.result]
-            # We need to allocate a register for each used
-            # argument that is not already in one
-            for i in range(len(insn.reg_args)):
-                arg = insn.reg_args[i]
-                argcls = insn.reg_arg_regclasses[i]
-                if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                    print "Allocating register for", arg, "..."
-                argloc = self.loc_of(arg)
-                if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                    print "currently in", argloc
-                if not argloc.is_register:
-                    # It has no register now because it has been spilled
-                    self.forget(arg, argloc)
-                    newargloc = self._allocate_reg(argcls, arg)
-                    if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                        print "unspilling to", newargloc
-                    self.insns.append(Unspill(arg, newargloc, argloc))
-                    self.free_stack_slots.append(argloc)
-                elif argloc.regclass != argcls:
-                    # it's in the wrong kind of register
-                    # (this code is excessively confusing)
-                    self.forget(arg, argloc)
-                    self.freeregs[argloc.regclass].append(argloc.alloc)
-                    if argloc.regclass != GP_REGISTER:
-                        if argcls == GP_REGISTER:
-                            gpr = self._allocate_reg(GP_REGISTER, arg).number
-                        else:
-                            gpr = rSCRATCH
-                        self.insns.append(
-                            argloc.move_to_gpr(gpr))
-                    else:
-                        gpr = argloc.number
-                    if argcls != GP_REGISTER:
-                        newargloc = self._allocate_reg(argcls, arg)
-                        self.insns.append(
-                            newargloc.move_from_gpr(gpr))
-                else:
-                    if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                        print "it was in ", argloc
-                    pass
-            # Need to allocate a register for the destination
-            assert not insn.result or insn.result not in self.var2loc
-            if insn.result_regclass != NO_REGISTER:
-                if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                    print "Allocating register for result %r..." % 
-                resultreg = self._allocate_reg(insn.result_regclass, 
-            insn.allocate(self)
-            if DEBUG_PRINT:
-                print insn
-                print
-            self.insns.append(insn)
-        #print 'allocation done'
-        #for i in self.insns:
-        #    print i
-        #print self.var2loc
-        return self.insns
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