On Monday 08 September 2003 7:31 pm, Tony Cappellini wrote:
> Wehn I installed PyQT 3.7 on a Windows 2000 system, the installer put the
> installation in a completely different directory than I specified. As a
> result, it cannot be imported.
> SO I've tried 3.8nc, and had a similar problem.
> I've installed over 20 python packages, and never had any problems during
> the installation, nor importing them after. This is the first installer
> that has been problematic.
> I'm curious- why doesn't the installer for PyQT jut put it under the
> site-packages directory, like all the other Python packages ????
> IT seems to be the logical place to be.
> Did I overlook something ?
> Has anyone else had similar problems on Windows ?

So where did it install it? And where did you ask it to install it?


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