* eliben (Sat, 17 Jan 2009 06:55:58 -0800 (PST))
> I'll want to package my applications into .exe files, on Windows.
> Which of the existing options in the Python exe-packaging world works
> best for PyQt? PyInstaller? Py2exe? Something else?

You can try them all but probably Pyinstaller (grab the development 
snapshot if possible).
> I'm concerned with reliability of packaging (wanting to distribute to PCs
> that have nothing installed on them - no Python, no PyQt), and the size of
> the resulting executable. I imagine the PyQt exes must be large...

6 MB or more

> I've heard about UPX compression - does it work well for PyQt? Which
> packager does it work with?


> Doesn't the compression make loading of the .exe considerably longer?

No. Maybe even shorter because uncompressing may be on today's computers 
less expensive than reading a big file from disk.


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