Hi all,

I'm using a QStandardItemModel with QItemDelegate for a custom view where I need to set multiple values for one item when the editor closes.

I had these lines in my delegate's setModelData() method:
        item.setData(editor.player.isMirroredX , EL.MirrorXRole)
        item.setData(editor.player.isMirroredY , EL.MirrorYRole)
item.setData(editor.player.currentFrameNumber() , EL.CurrentFrameRole)

This led to inconsistent and unpredictable results though, e.g. often times the editor.player.currentFrameNumber() was not saved, or it was only saved when one of the other values changed as well.

I had a hunch that the repeated emission of dataChanged was teh culprit, so blocked the model's signals before running the above three lines, then re-enabled the signals and manually emitted model.dataChanged once:

        # temporarily block model signals to prevent multiple emissions of
        # the dataChanged signal which causes unpredictable results

        # set values for allnecessary roles
        item.setData(editor.player.isMirroredX , EL.MirrorXRole)
        item.setData(editor.player.isMirroredY , EL.MirrorYRole)
item.setData(editor.player.currentFrameNumber() , EL.CurrentFrameRole)

        # re-enable model's signla emissions

# manually emit dataChanged once now that all roles have been changed
        item.model().dataChanged.emit(index, index)

This seems somewhat hacky though, right? Is there a better way that people would recommend to set the value for multiple roles of the same index/item in one go inside the setModelData?

Or is the above legit?


ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com> *vfx compositing <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | *workflow customisation and consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising>* *

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