Hi Hanan,

If we are already on the topic of planetplanet, there is a nice program called feedjack which does the same thing but that I find visually more appealing.

according to the maker of feedjack, feedjack has the following advantages over planet:
  • It handles historical data; you can read old posts.
  • It parses a lot more info, including post categories.
  • It generates pages/feeds with posts of a certain category (example).
  • It generates pages/feeds with posts from a certain subscriber (example).
  • It generates pages/feeds with posts of a certain category from a certain subcriber (example).
  • A cloud tag/folksonomy (hype 2.0 compliant) for every page and every subscriber.
  • It uses Django templates.
  • The administration is done via web (using Django’s kickass autogenerated and magical admin site), and can handle multiple planets.
  • Extensive use of Django’s internal cache engine. Most of the time you will have no database hits when serving pages.
there is a small problem which is that the webserver has to run Django, and not many commercial webservers do.

I know that Django support hebrew and RTL.


Hanan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ùìåí ìôééúåðéí,

ìéàåø ÷éñåñ ùìç àåúé.

ëàï çðï ëäï î(ëì îéðé î÷åîåú) info.org.il - shatil.org.il -

ìîé ùîëéø àú äàúø ùìé ååáñèø, àâøâèåø öéáåøé ùì RSS, äåà îáåññ òì îòøëú
áùí âøâøéåñ ùëúåáä á PHP/MySql

éù òåã îòøëú îàã ðçîãä áùí planet åäéà ðîöàú á

úäéúé äàí îéùäå ëàï éëåì ìâééø àú äîòøëú. àðé îáéï ëìåí áôééúåï.


çðï ëäï

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