I am pleased to announce version 0.6.0 of the Python bindings for Poppler.

Despite the 0.6.0 release number this is the first public release,
for convenience we decided to use the same release number as Poppler.

It is available at:

The above location is temporary, until I will find a nice house for
future release.

Contributors to this release:

Ali Afshar
Gian Mario Tagliaretti


Poppler[1] is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.

PyPoppler is a wrapper which exposes the poppler API to the
python world.  It is fairly complete, most of the API are covered.

The documentation is actually missing as well as examples, help wanted :)

Like the Poppler library itself, PyPoppler is licensed under  the GNU GPL.

PyPoppler requires:

 o Poppler >= 0.6.0
 o PyGObject >= 2.10.1 (2.11.3 to build the docs)
 o PyGTK >= 2.10.0
 o PyCairo >= 1.2.0

Bug reports should go to

[1] http://poppler.freedesktop.org/

Gian Mario Tagliaretti
Python mailing list

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