pylib/py.test 1.3.4: fixes and new native traceback option

2010-09-15 Thread holger krekel
pylib/py.test 1.3.4 is a minor maintenance release mostly containing bug fixes and a new --tb=native traceback option to show normal Python standard tracebacks instead of the py.test enhanced tracebacks. See below for more change info and for more general information on

OpenOpt 0.31, FuncDesigner 0.21, DerApproximator 0.21

2010-09-15 Thread dmitrey
Hi all, I'm glad to inform you about new releases of our completely free (BSD license) cross-platform software, written using Python language and NumPy: OpenOpt 0.31 (numerical optimization), FuncDesigner 0.21 (automatic differentiation, modelling, interpolation, integration), DerApproximator