download: http://uliweb.googlecode.com/files/Uliweb-0.0.1a7.zip
project: http://code.google.com/p/uliweb https://github.com/limodou/uliweb

also plugs is a uliweb app collection project, and you can use it
download: http://plugs.googlecode.com/files/plugs-0.0.1b2.zip
project: http://code.google.com/p/plugs/ https://github.com/limodou/plugs

About Uliweb----------------
Uliweb is a Python based web framework.
This project was created and lead by Limodou <limo...@gmail.com>.
Uliweb is released under BSD license.
Uliweb was not created totally from scratch. It uses some modules
created by other developers, for example:
* Werkzeug Used to handle core processes in the framework. For
example: command line tools , URL Mapping, Debug, etc.* SqlAlchemy The
ORM based on it. Developers can access databases, or use the module
I also referenced some code from other web frameworks, for example:
* The Templating system is styled after the one used in web2py several
improvements were made.
I also constructed a few new "wheels" myself. For example:
* Form processing module. Developers can use it to create HTML code,
validate submitted data and convert submitted data to Python data
types.* I18n processing including template support, language lazy
process.* Uliorm, which is an ORM module, was built on top of
SqlAlchemy. I also referenced from GAE datastore module.* Framework
runtime process.* Plugin mechanism, styled after the one used in the
UliPad project.
* Organization
  * MVT(Model View Template) development model.  * App-based project structure.
  Uliweb organizes a project with small apps. Each app can have its
own configuration file(settings.ini), template directory, and static
directory. Existing apps can be easily reused, but are treated as a
compound. web application project if configured as such.
  Developers can also reference static files and templates between
apps, thus easing inter-application data exchange. All apps in a
project are loaded by default if INSTALLED_APPS is not configured in
the configuration file. All separate app configuration files are
automatically processed at project startup.
* URL Mapping
  Flexiable and powerful URL mapping. Uliweb uses werkzeug's routing
module. User can easily define a URL, which in turn can be easily
bound with a view function. URLs can also be created reversely
according to the view function name. It supports argument definitions
in URLs and default URL mapping to a view function.    * View and
  View templates can be automatically applied. If you return a dict
variable from view function, Uliweb will automatically try to match
and apply a template according to the view function name. And now,
Uliweb also support Class View style. I hope you can enjoy it.    *
Environment execution mode
  Each view function will be run in an environment, which eliminates
the need to write many import statements. Plus there are already many
objects that can be used directly, for example: request, response,
etc. This is DRY and saves a lot of coding
  Developers can directly use Python code in a template, the Python
code does not neede to be indented as long as a pass statement is
added at the end of each code block. Uliweb also supports child
template inclusion and inheritance.
  Uliorm is the default ORM module but not configured by default.
Developers are free to use any ORM module as preferred. Uliorm
supports model creation and automatic database migiration(table
creation and table structure modification).
* I18n
  Can be used in python and template files. Browser language and
cookie settings are supported including automatic language switching.
Provides a command line tool that developers can use to extract .po
files. This can happen either at the app level or project level
process. It can automatically merge .pot files to existing .po files.
  * Extension
  Dispatch extension. This is a dispatch processing mechanism that
utilizes different types of dispatch points. So you can write
procedures to carry out special processes and bind them to these
dispatch points. For example, database initicalization, I18n process
initialization, etc.    * Middleware extension
  It's similar to Djangos. You can configure it in configuration
files. Each middleware can process the request and response objets.
Special function calls in the views module initial process. If you
write a special function named begin, it'll be processed before any
view function can be processed, this allows developers to do some
module level processing at that point, for example: check the user
authentication, etc.  * Command Line Tools
  * Create app, and include the basic essential directory structure,
files and code.  * Export static files, you can export all available
apps' static files to a special directory.  * Startup a development
web server thats supports debugging and autoreload.
* Deployment
  * Supports easy deployment on the GAE platform.  * Supports
mod_wsgi, cgi, fast_cgi, scgi, uwsgi.
* Development
  Provide a development server, and can be automatically reload when
some module files are modified.
* Misc.
  Various demos are available for anyone interested in learning more
about Uliweb. It includes all core codes and also all source code of
uliwebproject , and some other demo codes, which can be used
directly/freely as you wish.    * static file serving support.
  Uliweb supports static file access directly, and it can also process
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and return static file content in trunk.
* Simple and easy to use web framework.* Reusability and configurable
are the main ideas about Uliweb.* The web framework should be
flexiable and easy to extend.
* Plugs is a Uliweb apps collection project, you can visit it at
https://github.com/limodou/plugs* uliweb-doc is a documentation
project of Uliweb, you can visit it at
https://github.com/limodou/uliweb-doc,   and you can also read the
compiled documentation at http://uliweb.rtfd.org* uliwebzone is a
community project of Uliweb, you can visit it at
https://github.com/limodou/uliwebzone,   and you can also see online
demo which hosted in dotcloud http://www.uliweb.dotcloud.com/.

I like python!
UliPad <<The Python Editor>>: http://code.google.com/p/ulipad/
UliWeb <<simple web framework>>: http://code.google.com/p/uliweb/
My Blog: http://hi.baidu.com/limodou

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