Squint version 0.1.0 has been released:

* New query previews provide convenient feedback at the interactive prompt.

* Completely rewritten tutorial

* Added support for Python 3.9 and dropped support for 3.3, 3.2, and 2.6.

What is Squint:

Squint is a simple query interface for tabular data. A core feature of
Squint is that the structure of a query's selection determines the
structure of its result.

Squint is available from the PyPI:

    pip install squint

With Squint You Can:

* Select data using Python literals—sets, lists, dictionaries, etc.—and
fetch results in the same format.

* Aggregate, map, filter, reduce, and otherwise manipulate data.

* Lazily iterate over results, write them to a file, or eagerly evaluate
them in memory.

* Analyze data from CSV, Excel, SQL, and other data sources.


* Docs: https://squint.readthedocs.io/

* PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/squint/

* Source: https://github.com/shawnbrown/squint

Syntax Comparison:

    # SQL

    SELECT A, SUM(B) FROM mydata WHERE C='xyz' GROUP BY A;

    # Pandas

    df[['A', 'B']][df['C'] == 'xyz'].groupby('A').sum()

    # Squint

select({'A': 'B'}, C='xyz').sum()

Note: Squint uses `dict` objects to select groups of values—the *key*
determines the field to group by, and the *value* determines the contents
of each group. Fetching the results of such a query returns a dictionary of
selected elements.
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