what is it
A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. (Not a renderer though!)

main changes
- **API CHANGE**: ``parse()`` is *DEPRECATED*, use ``parseFile()`` instead. I know this should not happen in a release already in beta but better now than later and currently both ways are still possible.

- **FEATURE'**: CSSStyleDeclatation objects may be used like dictionaries now. The value during setting a property may be a single value string or a tuple of ``(value, priority)``

- **FEATURE**: While reading an imported styleSheet all relevant encoding parameters (HTTP headers, BOM/@charset, etc) are used now as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#charset

Additionally a given parameter ``encoding`` for ``parseString``, ``parseFile`` and ``parseUrl`` functions/methods **overrides** any detected encoding of read sheet like HTTP information or @charset rules. Useful if e.g. HTTP information is not set properly. The given ``encoding`` is used for **all** imported sheets of the parsed one too! This is a cssutils only addition to the rules defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#charset.

- **FEATURE**: A custom URL fetcher may be used during parsing via ``CSSParser.setFetcher(fetcher)`` (or as an init parameter). The so customized parser is reusable (as all parsers are). The fetcher is called when an [EMAIL PROTECTED] rule is found and the referenced stylesheet is about to be retrieved.

- **FEATURE**: Added option ``-s --string`` to cssparse script which expects a CSS string to be parsed.

- **FEATURE/BUGFIX**: Parsing of CSSStyleDeclarations is improved. Invalid ``/color: red;color: green`` is now correctly parsed as ``color: green`` now. At the same time the until now parsed but invalid ``$color: red`` (an IE hack) is not parse anymore but correctly dismissed!

Unknown rules in CSSStyleDeclaration are parsed now. So e.g [EMAIL PROTECTED]; color: red;`` which is syntactically valid is kept completely.

- **LICENSE**: cssutils is licensed under the **LGPL v3** now (before LGPL v2.1). This should not be a problem I guess but please be aware. So the former mix of LGPL 2.1 and 3 is resolved to a single LGPL 3 license for both cssutils and the included encutils.

    - a few other changes, bugfixes  and improvements

CSSValue, CSSValueList, and CSSPrimitiveValue and the relevant methods/properties Property.cssValue and CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue are more or less DEPRECATED and will probably be replaced with interfaces defined in CSSOM. For now use the properties and methods that handle values as simple strings, e.g. ``Property.value``. As the aforementioned classes are not hardly that useful anyway this should not be a big problem but please beware if you use or have used them.

    If you think this a bad idea please let me know!

cssutils is published under the LGPL version 3 or later, see http://cthedot.de/cssutils/

If you have other licensing needs please let me know.

For download options see http://cthedot.de/cssutils/

cssutils needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.5.2 on Vista only)

Bug reports (via Google code), comments, etc are very much appreciated! Thanks.


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