EuroSciPy 2009

We're pleased to announce the EuroSciPy 2009 Conference to be held in
Leipzig, Germany on July 25-26, 2009.

This is the second conference after the successful conference last
year. Again, EuroSciPy will be a venue for the European community of
users of the Python programming language in science.

Call for Participation

If you are a scientist using Python for your computational work, we'd
love to have you formally present your results, methods or
experiences. To apply to present a talk at this year's EuroSciPy,
please submit an abstract of your talk as a PDF, MS Word or plain text
file to mmueller at python-academy dot de. The deadline for abstract
submission is April 30, 2009. Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable and are due by June 15, 2009. Presentations will be allotted
30 minutes.


Registration is open. The registration fee is 100.00 € for early
registrants and will increase to 150.00 € for late registration after June 15, 2009. Registration will include breakfast, snacks and lunch
for Saturday and Sunday.

Please register here:

Important Dates

March 21        Registration opens
April 30        Abstract submission deadline
May 15          Acceptance of presentations
May 30          Announcement of conference program
June 15         Early bird registration deadline
June 15         Paper/slides submission deadline
July 20 - 24    Pre-Conference courses
July 25/26      Conference


Poetenweg 28
04155 Leipzig

See for details.

Help Welcome

You like to help make the EuroSciPy 2009 a success?
Here are some ways you can get involved:

* attend the conference
* submit an abstract for a presentation
* give a lightning talk
* make EuroSciPy known:
    - write about it on your website
    - in your blog
    - talk to friends about it
    - post to local e-mail lists
    - post to related forums
    - spread flyers and posters in your institution
    - make entries in relevant event calendars
    - anything you can think of
* inform potential sponsors about the event
* become a sponsor

If you're interested in volunteering to help organize things
or have some other idea that can help the conference, please
email us at mmueller at python-academy dot de.


Do you like to sponsor the conference?
There are several options available:

Pre-Conference Courses

Would you like to learn Python or about some of the most used scientific
libraries in Python? Then the "Python Summer Course" [1] might be for
you. There are two parts to this course:

* a two-day course "Introduction to Python" [2] for people with
  programming experience in other languages and
* a three-day course "Python for Scientists and Engineers" [3] that
  introduces some of the most used Python tools for scientists and
  engineers such as NumPy, PyTables, and matplotlib

Both courses can be booked individually [4]. Of course, you can attend
the courses without registering for EuroSciPy.


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