The first ever PyCon UK takes place in Birmingham on 8th & 9th
September 2007.

Bookings are open at An early
bird rate is offered until 30th June.

For more information please visit


Want to share your expertise? PyConUK 2007 is looking for proposals to
fill the formal presentation tracks.
We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on
academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As
long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the
Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

Can you show the conference-goers something new and useful? Can you
show attendees how to: use a module? explore a Python language
feature? package an application?

Most talks will be 30 minutes, although 60 minutes may be allocated
for a particularly valuable talk requiring an extended length of time.
There will also be a dedicated Lightning Talk session for talks no
longer than five minutes.

PyconUK is a not for profit community conference, so we sadly cannot
reward speakers (but what price on glory!).

To submit a talk go to


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