Date:   Thursday July 21
Time:   6:00pm-8:30pm, with drinks and food during and after.
Topics: Graham Dumpleton on The Vampire mod_python extension
         Paul Fenwick "So you want to start a business?"
Place:  James Squires Brewhouse
         2 The Promenade,
         King St Wharf
Fee:    $0.00

The Sydney Python meetup group is on this Thursday. The meeting time has 
been brought forward half an hour, and the formal part of the evening 
will commence promptly at 6:30pm.

The James Squires Brewhouse managed to book the Python Meetup Group and 
the Perl Mongers in adjoining rooms for the same night. Everybody has 
promised to be nice and we'll be combining with them to hear from one of 
their Melbourne gurus.

As always, everybody is welcome.

Graham Dumpleton, author of Vampire, will be speaking first (6:30-7:30). 
He describes his presentation thusly:

"Although I'll talk a bit about the motivations behind writing Vampire 
and why this extra layer on top of mod_python is useful, what I want to 
talk about more is what I have learnt from writing Vampire. From that I 
would like to go on to describe a new and better way of doing this same 
thing for mod_python that Vampire attempted to do. This new approach 
moves even further away from the monolithic framework approach towards 
small building blocks of functionality that can be slotted together to 
build up a web application how you want it and not how some framework 
dictates you should do it."

More information on Vampire can be found at

Paul Fenwick of the Melbourne Perl Mongers will also be speaking 
(7:30-8:30). His talk, "So you want to start a business", will be 
presented at the SAGE-AU conference later this year, and an abstract can 
be found online at

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