Early Registration for PYCON in Atlanta Ends Jan 7

2009-12-19 Thread dartdog
See link for details

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ANNOUNCE: awstats_reader 0.5

2009-12-19 Thread Joshua Kugler

AwstatsReader is a pythonic interface to AWStats data cache files.  Using
it, you can access year and month via dict-like subscripts, and and
individual data points via both dict-like subscripts and attribute-like

As of version 0.5, it includes a script for merging AWStats Cache files.

Download: http://azariah.com/open_source.html


Joshua Kugler (jos...@azariah.com) is a programmer and system administator
with over 10 years of industory experience.  He is currently looking for a
job.  Happen to have one you could offer him? :)
Resume at: http://jjncj.com/papers/KuglerResume.pdf

This is an early-beta release.  There are 43 tests which cover most, if not
all of the functionality, but not much documentation.  The interface should
be considered stable, but not in concrete.  The usage of this project in
a real world situation (awstats_cache_merge.py) led to many improvements
to the API.

I wrote this via examples from an AWStats cache file, so I'm sure there are
sections for which I do not have definitions.  If you would send me those
sections, I'll be sure to add them.

Right now, this will parse and display cache files from AWStats 6.5. I've
not tested other versions yet, as 6.5 is the only version I've had access
to so far.

No public repository yet. Just haven't set it up.

Modified BSD

import awstats_reader

obj  = awstats_reader.AwstatsReader('/path/to/awstats_logs', 'example.com')

print obj[2007]
print obj[2008][6]
m = obj[2009][7]
print m['general']
# Access like a dictionary...
print m['general']['LastLine']
#...or like an object attribute
print m['general'].LastLine
print m.general.LastLine


Please send questions/comments/suggestions to awstatsrea...@azariah.com
For now, you can find the latest version here:


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cx_Freeze 4.1.1

2009-12-19 Thread Anthony Tuininga
What is cx_Freeze?

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts
into executables in much the same way that py2exe and py2app do. It
requires Python 2.3 or higher since it makes use of the zip import
facility which was introduced in that version.

Where do I get it?


What's new?

Changes from 4.1 to 4.1.1

1) Added support for Python 3.1.

2) Added support for 64-bit Windows.

3) Ensured that setlocale() is called prior to manipulating file names
so that names that are not encoded in ASCII can still be used.

4) Fixed bug that caused the Python shared library to be ignored and
the static library to be required or a symbolic link to the shared
library created manually.

5) Added support for renaming attributes upon import and other less
frequently used idioms in order to avoid as much as possible spurious
errors about modules not being found.

6) Force inclusion of the traceback module in order to ensure that
errors are reported in a reasonable fashion.

7) Improved support for the execution of ldd on the Solaris platform
as suggested by Eric Brunel.

8) Added sample for the PyQt4 package and improved hooks for that package.

9) Enhanced hooks further in order to perform hidden imports and avoid
errors about missing modules for several additional commonly used
packages and modules.

10) Readded support for the zip include option.

11) Avoid the error about digest mismatch when installing RPMs by
modifying the spec files built with cx_Freeze.

12) Ensure that manifest.txt is included in the source distribution.

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Checker 1.0 Released!

2009-12-19 Thread Chris Withers

I'm pleased to announce the first release of Checker.

This is a cross-platform, pluggable tool for comparing the configuration 
of a machine with a known configuration stored in text files in a source 
control system all written in Python.

For more information, please see:



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk


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