Wing IDE for Python v. 3.0 beta1 released

2007-07-31 Thread Wingware

I'm happy to announce the first beta release of Wing IDE 3.0.  It is
available from

Wing IDE is a commercial IDE designed specifically for Python programmers.
More information about the product and free trials are available at

The major new features introduced in Wing 3.0 are:

* Multi-threaded debugger
* Debug value tooltips in editor, debug probe, and interactive shell
* Autocompletion in debug probe and interactive shell
* Automatically updating project directories
* Testing tool, currently supporting unittest derived tests (*)
* OS Commands tool for executing and interacting with external commands (*)
* Rewritten indentation analysis and conversion

(*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only.

The CHANGELOG.txt file in the installation provides additional details.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or
Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs using the Submit Bug Report item in the Help menu or by
emailing support at wingware dot com.  This is beta quality software that
installs side-by-side with Wing 2.x or 1.x. We advise you to make frequent
backups of your work when using any pre-release version of Wing IDE.


To upgrade a 2.x license or purchase a new 3.x license:


Any 2.x license sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost
1/2 normal price to upgrade.


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


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Python Package Index hostname change

2007-07-31 Thread Martin v. Löwis
The Python Packaging Index (the software formerly known
as Cheeseshop) is now available at

The old addresses (, and will continue to work,
either as aliases or using HTTP redirections.

The software was renamed to its old name
(PyPI - Python Package Index), as the Cheeseshop
name was ever confusing people unfamiliar with
British television comedy sketch (and puzzling
even to people familiar with the sketch, as
you *can* get packages from the package index).

If you would like to discuss PyPI and its future,
please join [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Support the Python Software Foundation:

MailingLogger 3.2.0 Released!

2007-07-31 Thread Chris Withers
With help from Jens Vagelpohl, I'm pleased to announce a new release of 
Mailinglogger that now supports filtering of log entries...

Mailinglogger enables log entries to be emailed either as the entries
are logged or as a summary at the end of the running process.

This pair of enhanced emailing handlers for the python logging framework
is now available as a standard python package and as an egg.

The handlers have the following features:

- customisable and dynamic subject lines for emails sent

- emails sent with an X-Mailer header for easy filtering

- flood protection to ensure the number of emails sent is not excessive

- support for SMTP servers that require authentication

- fully documented and tested

In addition, extra support is provided for configuring the handlers when
using ZConfig, Zope 2 or Zope 3.

Installation is as easy as:

easy_install mailinglogger

For more information, please see:



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting


Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon UK talks announced

2007-07-31 Thread PyConUK Publicist
Details of the talks we'll be having at the UK Python conference in
September are now appearing on the website:


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