Hello Python Community,

We're pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 Release Candidate 1 
which can be freely downloaded at 
Over the development span of IronPython 2.6, exactly 417 bugs have been fixed.  
Since the release of Beta 2, we've addressed the following:

*         Non-hosting related APIs previously found in Microsoft.Scripting.dll 
have been migrated to Microsoft.Dynamic.dll.  The rationale behind this 
decision is that we're aiming for compatible DLR binaries with the next major 
release of IronRuby, namely 1.0.  Microsoft.Dynamic.dll will likely end up 
being a bit different between IronPython 2.6 and IronRuby 1.0, but we intend on 
keeping Microsoft.Scripting.dll and Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll exactly the 
same.  By doing this you'll be able to utilize the DLR hosting APIs to run both 
IronPython 2.6 and IronRuby 1.0 code from the same .NET application!

*         Documentation distributed with the release has been updated

*         A plethora of bugs have been fixed over the past two months with 
special emphasis given to CodePlex work items with lots of votes

If no major issues with this release candidate are discovered, we hope to ship 
the final 2.6 release in a little under a month.  Anyone planning on upgrading 
to 2.6 should try out this release candidate and let us know of any issues you 
find ASAP.

Thanks to everyone in the IronPython Community who reported bugs and provided 
valuable feedback:  Zachc, yamakox, vernondcole, VAks, tscottw, 
tonyandrewmeyer, tomwright, TomasMatousek, tkamiya, timers, srivatsn, sopeajw, 
saveenr, sanxiyn, rridge, ronniemaor, quirogaco, pythonfoo, py_sunil, pm100, 
pl6306, paulfelix, orestis, olegt, oldman, NDHUMuscle, mycall, mmaly, 
mmacdonaldssfcu, maplpro, luntain, llaske, lbaker, Lawouach, laurionb, 
laughingboy, kurhan, kuno, kowenswp, klrohe, kevgu, jmesserly, jlunder, 
jdhardy, jbevain, jackeyoo, hhonisch, gz, gjones, fwereade, deadalusai, 
daveremy, darb, CurtHagenlocher, chaghi, cgravill, cartman, bobarnso, billchi, 
atifaziz, ashcor, alvanet, __Helmut__, fuzzyman, fabiofz, Eloff, egonw_, 
dungen, dsblank, dmajnemer, dinov, and dfugate.

We really do appreciate your input which helps to make every release of 
IronPython better than the last.

The IronPython Team

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