Hey everyone,

The "rom" package is a Redis object mapper for Python. It sports an
interface similar to Django's ORM, SQLAlchemy with the declarative base, or
Appengine's datastore.

The changelog for recent releases can be seen below my signature.

You can find the package at:

And docs can be found at:

Please CC me on any replies if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you,
 - Josiah

#---------------------------------- 0.29.0
[added] Query result iterator: query.iter_result(timeout, pagesize) that
    automatically wraps query.cached_result(timeout) for convenient
    over all entities in the query. Added at the request of Github user
    https://github.com/JamesHutchison .
[added] On delete for OneToMany columns now support 'cascade' for
    deleting all referencing entities. All on delete behavior is checked
    before deleting (a restrict in an entity after 100 levels of 'cascade'
    will prevent all deletions). Requested by
    https://github.com/JamesHutchison and closes issue #39.
[added] OneToMany columns can now include a reference to the foreign model's
    ManyToOne column name that references *this* OneToMany. Useful for cases
    where models have multiple OneToMany or ManyToOne columns referencing
    same models. Closes issue #23.
[fixes] Index clearing with util.clean_old_index()
[changed] Index clearing with util.clean_old_index() will also clean out
    data for entities directly deleted or expired in Redis. Closes issue
#---------------------------------- 0.28.0
[added] Composite unique constraints like SQLAlchemy's UniqueConstraint()
    Django's unique_together, spelled and used like Django's
    See http://pythonhosted.org//rom/rom.html#rom.Model for details.
[fixed] Deleting entities will no longer leave extra index data around
    (regardless of whether the entitiy had any indexes defined).
[added] Convenience function for cleaning out old index data from deleted
    entities. See and read the help on util.clean_old_index() .
[added] Convenience function util.show_progress() to show the progress of
    util.refresh_indices() and util.clean_old_index() . See and read the
    on util.show_progress() for usage.
[fixed] Tests to no longer leave testing data in db 15, and running tests
    again should clean out the testing data.
[fixed] Incorrect documentation about the String column type.
#---------------------------------- 0.27.0
[changed] Added auto-tagging support for release versions pushed to PyPI.
[added] Foreign key references defined with a OneToMany and ManyToOne
    relationship will now have the "one" side of the relationship deletion
    optionally restrict. Thanks to https://github.com/pconerly for the
    request and patch.
[added] Additional warnings and tests for future on_delete behavior choices.
[fixed] Re-save issue for datetime objects, as well as any future re-save
    issues (like what happened with json columns in rom 0.15). Thanks to
    https://github.com/iamkhush for the bug report and example testcase that
    lead to the solution.

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