CodeInvestigator 0.18.0 was released on October 29.

It mainly deals with bug fixes:
 - Simple statements all on the one line separated by a semicolon.
 - Generators and yield.

It has one enhancement:
 - An Entry Point filter was added. It allows you the leave out the
entry points you're not interested in.

You need Python 2.6 and Firefox for CodeInvestigator.

CodeInvestigator is a tracing tool for Python programs.

Running a program through CodeInvestigator creates a recording.
Program flow, function calls, variable values and conditions are all
stored for every line the program executes.
The recording is then viewed with an interface consisting of the
code. The code can be clicked: A clicked variable displays its
a clicked loop displays its iterations.
You read code, and have at your disposal all the run time details of
that code. A computerized desk check tool and another way to learn
about your program.


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