Crochet is an MIT-licensed library that makes it easier to use Twisted from regular blocking code. Some use cases include:

 * Easily use Twisted from a blocking framework like Django or Flask.
 * Write a library that provides a blocking API, but uses Twisted for
   its implementation.
 * Port blocking code to Twisted more easily, by keeping a backwards
   compatibility layer.
 * Allow normal Twisted programs that use threads to interact with
   Twisted more cleanly from their threaded parts. For example this can
   be useful when using Twisted as a WSGI container.

This is a bugfix release, recommended for all users of Crochet.

Crochet can be downloaded from or by running:

    $ pip install crochet

Documentation can be found at <>

Bugs and feature requests should be filed at the project

Here’s an example of a program using Crochet. Notice that you get a completely blocking interface to Twisted and do not need to run the Twisted reactor, the event loop, yourself.

Do a DNS lookup using Twisted's APIs.
from  __future__  import  print_function

# The Twisted code we'll be using:
from  twisted.names  import  client

from  crochet  import  setup,  wait_for

# Crochet layer, wrapping Twisted's DNS library in a blocking call.
def  gethostbyname(name):
    """Lookup the IP of a given hostname.

    Unlike socket.gethostbyname() which can take an arbitrary amount of time
    to finish, this function will raise crochet.TimeoutError if more than 5
    seconds elapse without an answer being received.
    d  =  client.lookupAddress(name)
    d.addCallback(lambda  result:  result[0][0].payload.dottedQuad())
    return  d

if  __name__  ==  '__main__':
    # Application code using the public API - notice it works in a normal
    # blocking manner, with no event loop visible:
    import  sys
    name  =  sys.argv[1]
    ip  =  gethostbyname(name)
    print(name,  "->",  ip)

Run on the command line:

$ python ->


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