Ben Buchwald <> added the comment:

Hopefully I'm not too late to comment on this. I also just hit this issue, but 
I do not agree with the proposed PR. Only modifying 
_GatheringFuture.cancelled() just fixes one of the side-effects of the problem. 
The state of the future is still FINISHED and not CANCELLED and there are still 
other differences that can be observed due to this. When calling .exception() a 
cancelled future should *raise* a CancelledError, but with a _GatheringFuture 
it will return a CancelledError regardless of the value that .cancelled() 
returns. Also, if you don't fetch the exception of a future, when it gets 
deleted it will warn you, but this is not supposed to happen with cancellation. 
This unexpected warning was how I discovered that I have this issue, and the 
proposed fix doesn't solve my case.

Instead of overriding .cancelled() on _GatheringFuture, gather() should be 
updated to actually cancel the _GatheringFuture. I suggest that in gather's 
_done_callback this:

if outer._cancel_requested:
    # If gather is being cancelled we must propagate the
    # cancellation regardless of *return_exceptions* argument.
    # See issue 32684.
    exc = fut._make_cancelled_error()

Should be changed to:

if outer._cancel_requested:
    # If gather is being cancelled we must propagate the
    # cancellation regardless of *return_exceptions* argument.
    # See issue 32684.
    exc = fut._make_cancelled_error()
    super(_GatheringFuture, other).cancel(fut._cancel_message)

This alone would only fix it in the return_exceptions=True case. To fix it when 
return_exceptions=False, a bit higher up in the same function, change:

if not return_exceptions:
    if fut.cancelled():
        # Check if 'fut' is cancelled first, as
        # 'fut.exception()' will *raise* a CancelledError
        # instead of returning it.
        exc = fut._make_cancelled_error()


if not return_exceptions:
    if fut.cancelled():
        # Check if 'fut' is cancelled first, as
        # 'fut.exception()' will *raise* a CancelledError
        # instead of returning it.
        if outer._cancel_requested:
          super(_GatheringFuture, outer).cancel(fut._cancel_message)
          exc = fut._make_cancelled_error()

This case is a little trickier. Notice that I added a new if. As Caleb and Kyle 
pointed out, a task gets cancelled implicitly if its child gets cancelled. To 
be consistent with that behavior, you wouldn't actually care if 
_cancel_requested is set, if you'd always just call the super cancel. However, 
I actually think that gather *should* differ from Task here. A task wraps a 
single coroutine. If that coroutine is cancelled it makes sense that the task 
is implicitly cancelled. But with gather, I'm not convinced that cancelling one 
of the children should apply to the whole gather. It think it makes more sense 
that one child being cancelled would be treated as an exceptional return of the 

The one other thing I'd change is that I'd not actually use fut._cancel_message 
as I do in those examples above. I'd save the original message in 
_GatheringFuture.cancel() when setting _cancel_requested, and then use 
outer._cancel_message. I've attached The whole code I would suggest. I don't 
have time right now to make my own PR, but since Timm already has an open PR, 
hopefully this helps.

nosy: +sparkyb
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