New submission from Peter Occil <>:

It appears that if a method has default parameters set to functions, as in this 

    def f1():

    def f2(a, b=f1):

The resulting Pydoc output produces a different, nondeterministic rendering for 
the f2 method each time it generates the documentation, such as `m1(a, 
b=<function f1 at 0x7f4ff67f8950>)` or `m1(a, b=<function f1 at 
0x7f4ff67f8950>)`.  And this is problematic for version control systems, among 
other things, especially since this is not a meaningful change to the 

One solution may be to write, say, `m1(a, b=f1)` instead.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 360278
nosy: Peter Occil, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Nondeterministic Pydoc output on functions that have functions as 
default parameters
type: behavior

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