[issue43171] Counter not supported add in Python 3.x

2021-02-08 Thread Frank AK
New submission from Frank AK : In python 3.10, you couldn't plus two Counter instance, you will got the below tip: ``` >>> from collections import Counter >>> x={1:['a','b','c']} >>> y={1:['d','e','f'

[issue5007] urllib2 HTTPS connection failure (BadStatusLine Exception)

2009-01-19 Thread ak
New submission from ak : https://www.orange.sk/ is served by an Oracle HTTPS server, and works with firefox or opera but not urllib2. code snippet: import cookiejar import urllib2 cookiejar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar