[issue47002] argparse - "expected one argument" when used -: in argument

2022-03-13 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: '-1' and '-1.23' are recognized as numbers, and treated as arguments. '-1' requires some special handling because it is allowed as a flag, as in parser.add_argument('-1','--one') '-1:00' on the ot

[issue46228] argparse docs: default for prog= in ArgumentParser() should be basename of argv[0], not argv[0], to match behaviour

2022-02-02 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue46228> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2022-02-02 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- resolution: -> rejected stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.or

[issue46080] argparse.BooleanOptionalAction with default=argparse.SUPPRESS and help specified raises exception

2022-02-02 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue46080> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue46440] ArgumentParser.parse_args exits on missing required argument with exit_on_error=False

2022-02-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Duplicate of https://bugs.python.org/issue41255 Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False -- nosy: +paul.j3 resolution: -> duplicate stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -&g

[issue46057] argparse: embedded groups may prevent options from being in help output

2022-01-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: "I tried to create a group hierarchy in a way that I can pass the responsibility of argument validation to the argument parser." I looked at your example in: https://bugs.python.org/issue46058 The many levels of nesting groups was confusing, but now

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2022-01-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch should be rejected. By using `common_opts_parser` as parent to both the main and subparsers, you have defined the same argument in both. By a long standing patch, the value assigned in the subparser has precedence (whether it's the default or

[issue46057] argparse: embedded groups may prevent options from being in help output

2022-01-01 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Don't add an argument_group to another argument_group. While input allows this nesting, the formatting is not designed to handle it. Nor does the documentation illustrate such nesting. Nesting a mutually_exclusive_group in an argument_group works becaus

[issue46058] argparse: arg groups and mutually exclusive groups behave inconsitently

2022-01-01 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: At least until these latest deprecations, the only nesting that made sense was to put a mutually_exclusive_group inside an argument_group. This was a way of providing a title and description for the exclusive_group. (And not documented.) I don't know if t

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2022-01-01 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue46101> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue45673] argparse error with option with optional value

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Put the required positional first $ myapp myfile -s or one of the store_true arguments $ myapp -s -j myfile I think $ myapp -s -- myfile will work as well, but that needs to be tested. The '-s' has to be followed by something won't be

[issue45673] argparse error with option with optional value

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: https://bugs.python.org/issue9338 argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals As you can see this is an old issue, but still too big for a quick fix. As a general rule, don't use `nargs`

[issue45656] argparse bug: prefix_chars argument to add_argument_group doesn't really work

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: prefix_chars is a parameter of the parent _ActionsContainer class _ActionsContainer(object): def __init__(self, description, prefix_chars, argument_default, conflict_handler): super

[issue45690] Argparse exclusive group inside required exclusive group displays incorrectly

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: https://bugs.python.org/issue29553 Argparser does not display closing parentheses in nested mutex groups supposedly fixed the parentheses for nested groups. You can read its discussion and patches to see why it does not handle your case. I don't see any exa

[issue45656] argparse bug: prefix_chars argument to add_argument_group doesn't really work

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Use of 'prefix_chars' as a argument_group parameter is not documented, nor intended. If it does appear to work in the help formatting, it is probably the result of inheritance, since both ArgumentParser and Argument_group subclass a _Actions_Conta

[issue45673] argparse error with option with optional value

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is too big of an example for this board; I think it should have been asked on StackOverFlow. Or maybe trimmed do to a more compact example. But in any case, this is normal behavior for argparse. Type checking, here 'int', is done after the

[issue45690] Argparse exclusive group inside required exclusive group displays incorrectly

2021-11-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: There was a bug/issue that addressed problems with nested mutually_exclusive_groups. It should be easy to find. The problem is that the usage formatter is brittle, building a string and then striping out "unnecessary" characters. I assume the fix h

[issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults

2021-10-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A new patch, https://bugs.python.org/issue45235 has clobbered this patch. It has also exposed the inadequate unittesting for the case(s) where the 'dest' of main namespace, subparser namespace, user provided namespa

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I should study previous posts in more detail, but here are some thoughts on correctly handling user namespace. At the start of `parse_known_args`, there's a if namespace is None: namespace = Namespace() We need to hang on to a copy of

[issue45631] missing unittests for overlapping dest when using subparsers

2021-10-27 Thread paul j3
New submission from paul j3 : https://bugs.python.org/issue45235 argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults was passed and put into the latest release with rather obvious buggy behavior. This means that the unittest file does not adequately test for overlapping 'des

[issue34046] subparsers -> add_parser doesn't support hyphen char '-'

2021-10-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Артём Иконников, developers and experienced users are familiar with other programs, such as 'svn' which is used as an example svn checkout, svn update, and svn commit Also the use of '--foo' as flagged/optional(s) argument is so familiar to

[issue45504] [argparse] Entering a partial config_parser flag works with subparsers

2021-10-26 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue45504> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-26 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- stage: resolved -> test needed status: closed -> pending ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue45235> ___ ___ Python-bugs-

[issue41592] Make _SubParsersAction public

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A _SubParsersAction is private to the extent that users should not attempt to create it directly, and thus don't need to know the details - beyond what's documented: "The add_subparsers() method is normally called with no arguments and returns a

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() sub = parser.add_subparsers() example_subparser = sub.add_parser("example") example_subparser.add_argument("--flag", default=10) print(parser.parse_args(["example","--flag=15"

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I just downloaded this `argparse.py`. This change makes it impossible to use a subparser argument if it is defined in the user provided namespace, or by the main parser. It blocks not only subparser default, but also user input. It has reverted the 9351 patch

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I haven't studied or tested this change, but it looks like a partial retraction of https://bugs.python.org/issue9351 argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults Originally the main namespace was passed to the subparser. S

[issue45235] argparse does not preserve namespace with subparser defaults

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue45235> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue45504] [argparse] Entering a partial config_parser flag works with subparsers

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: As a default option flags can be abbreviated (unless there's a conflict). Recent version have a allow_abbrev parameter that lets you turn this off. -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.py

[issue45275] Make argparse print description of subcommand when invoke help doc on subcommand

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Are you expecting the subcommand help to show the 'help' line that the main help shows? subparsers.add_parser('a', help='a help') add_parser takes all of the parameters that `ArgumentParser` takes, including description and epilo

[issue45580] argparse.ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group : metavar create parenthesis undefined behavior

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The usage formatting is fragile, with many associated bug reports. Until someone does a major rewrite, it is best to avoid special characters, especially `()` and `[]` in the `dest` or `metavar`. Usage uses () to encolde mutually_exclusive_groups and [] to mark

[issue41592] Make _SubParsersAction public

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: `add_argument` also returns a Action subclass object. All of those subclasses are "private". While that return reference is usually ignored, sometimes it is useful to it, assigning it to a variable or list. The documentation could be clearer about

[issue45587] argparse add_argument_group: distinguish title and description from **kwargs

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue45587> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue24739] allow argparse.FileType to accept newline argument

2021-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Adding `newline` to `FileType` requires modifying both the `__init__` and `__call__` methods. That's nearly the whole class. I'd copy and edit, and forget about subclassing. -- ___ Python track

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-10 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg401554 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue41255> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69108632/unable-to-catch-exception-error-for-argparse it looked like `exit_on_error` does not work when using subparsers. On on further thought, I realized that it has to included in the definition of the subparser. As

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69108632/unable-to-catch-exception-error-for-argparse we found that `exit_on_error` does not work when the error occurs in a subparser. Unless someone wants to take time to get this right, I think this feature should be

[issue45110] argparse repeats itself when formatting help metavars

2021-09-05 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The idea of combining help features by defining a subclass that inherits from other subclasses was endorsed by the original developer (we could dig up an old bug/issue to prove that). The provided subclasses all tweak a "private" method, often one tha

[issue45110] argparse repeats itself when formatting help metavars

2021-09-05 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: https://bugs.python.org/issue42980 argparse: GNU-style help formatter https://bugs.python.org/issue33389 argparse redundant help string https://bugs.python.org/issue29626 Issue with spacing in argparse module while using help https://bugs.python.org/issue27303

[issue45110] argparse repeats itself when formatting help metavars

2021-09-05 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is has been requested various times on StackOverflow, and possibly here (I'd have to do a search). The closest thing to making a compact action_invocation is to set the metavar to '', and even thing we get a space, eg. -f , --foo

[issue44587] argparse BooleanOptionalAction displays default=SUPPRESS unlike other action types

2021-09-02 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue44587> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue44986] Date formats in help messages of argparse

2021-09-02 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue44986> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue44748] argparse: a bool indicating if arg was encountered

2021-09-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Another way to play with the defaults is to use argparse.SUPPRESS. With such a default, the argument does not appear in the namespace, unless provided by the user. In [2]: p = argparse.ArgumentParser() ...: p.add_argument('--foo', default=argpars

[issue44748] argparse: a bool indicating if arg was encountered

2021-07-28 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: More on the refactoring of error handling in _parse_known_args https://bugs.python.org/issue29670#msg288990 This is in a issue wanting better handling of the pre-populated "required" arguments, https://bugs.python.org/issue29670 argparse: does n

[issue44748] argparse: a bool indicating if arg was encountered

2021-07-28 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I've explored something similar in https://bugs.python.org/issue11588 Add "necessarily inclusive" groups to argparse There is a local variable in parser._parse_known_args seen_non_default_actions that's a set of the actions that have be

[issue44748] argparse: a bool indicating if arg was encountered

2021-07-28 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Joker 'type=bool' has been discussed in other issues. 'bool' is an existing python function. Only 'bool("")' returns False. Write your own 'type' function if you want to test for specific strings. It&#x

[issue43192] Argparse complains argument required when default is provided

2021-05-04 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: To a large degree the Action parameters operate independently. That is, different parts of the code use the parameters for their own purposes. The composite behavior is a result of those individual actors, rather than some sort of overall coordinated plan. First

[issue43942] RawDescriptionHelpFormatter seems to be ignored for argument descriptions

2021-05-04 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: You test with RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, but quote from the RawTextHelpFormatter. -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue43

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2021-04-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Post parsing testing for the correct number of strings is the easy part. It's the auto-generate usage that's harder to do right, especially if we wanted to enable the metavar tuple option. Clean usage for '+&#

[issue43876] argparse documentation contrasting nargs '*' vs. '+' is misleading

2021-04-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Let's see if I can clarify somethings. But first, I should say that I've worked with this code for so long, that I may miss things that could confuse a beginner. A basic distinction is between "optionals" and "positionals". I put t

[issue43874] argparse crashes on subparsers with no dest/metava

2021-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is a well known (if not fixed) issue - if subparsers is required, then a dest is needed to give a working error message. Looks like we've variously talked about documenting the requirement, or using some sort of substitute for the missing name. One

[issue43220] Argparse: Explicit default required arguments with add_mutually_exclusive_group are rejected

2021-04-07 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: An overlapping issue https://bugs.python.org/issue18943 argparse: default args in mutually exclusive groups That issue shows that this problem arises with small integers as well (<257), which in cpython have unique ids. It's an implementation detail,

[issue43259] argparse: allow add_mutually_exclusive_group on add_argument_group

2021-02-21 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I've added a script that does what you want, but with a simple utility function instead of a parent (or lots of copy-n-paste). I explored the code a bit, and have an idea that might correct the [parent] behavior. In the method that copies a parent

[issue43259] argparse: allow add_mutually_exclusive_group on add_argument_group

2021-02-19 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The parents mechanism is not elaborate. It copies groups and actions by reference. The comments that I quoted actually come from that method that does this copying. >From a quick glance at that code I see that it does not preserve the group >n

[issue43259] argparse: allow add_mutually_exclusive_group on add_argument_group

2021-02-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The mutually exclusive arguments are displayed with in the argument group, at least in my testing. From a copy-n-paste of your example: In [8]: parser.print_help() usage: ipython3 [-h] [--from-args FROM_ARGS | --from-files FROM_FILES | --from-stdin

[issue43160] argparse: add extend_const action

2021-02-08 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: It's not clear what your patch does that the existing 'store_const' doesn't. Even 'append_const' does the same except for a extra level of list/tuple nesting. But I'll admit that I didn't much need for 'extend&#

[issue42973] argparse: mixing optional and positional arguments... not again

2021-01-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Sometimes patches have unforeseen benefits. My earlier patch for this issue, parse_intermixed_args, has been useful beyond the OP's case. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50916124/allow-positional-command-line-arguments-with-nargs-to-be-seperated-by-a

[issue42973] argparse: mixing optional and positional arguments... not again

2021-01-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: So in the big picture, the purpose of this change is to treat the inputs like a kind of state-machine. In the bigger example, the `**` positional values are processed one by one, using the interspersed optionals to set state parameters. `args.sources` then ends

[issue42973] argparse: mixing optional and positional arguments... not again

2021-01-26 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I haven't had a chance to study your longer posts, but it seems to me that the AddFruitAction example could just as well be implemented with parser.add_argument('--color', nargs='*', action='append') with post parsing proc

[issue42966] argparse: customizable help formatter

2021-01-22 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Years ago I proposed a `format_wrapper`, a Format class factory https://bugs.python.org/issue12806#msg218395 also https://bugs.python.org/issue39809 There I show that the formatter may be lambda formatter = lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, width=100

[issue42875] argparse incorrectly shows help string on a new line in case of long command string

2021-01-22 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This issue is discussed in: https://bugs.python.org/issue34724 argparse subparser help indent too short and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3215/max-help-position-is-not-works-in-python-argparse-library

[issue42980] argparse: GNU-style help formatter

2021-01-22 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I was thinking of a refactoring that included the ', '.join(...) loop, but on further thought your refactoring might be enough for the case I raised. For example: def _format_option_with_args(self, option_string, args_string): if option_string.

[issue42980] argparse: GNU-style help formatter

2021-01-21 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The refactoring looks reasonable. But while we are tweaking: def _format_action_invocation(self, action): I wonder if we also give users more control over how multiple option strings are formatted. Currently if parser.add_argument('-f', &#x

[issue42973] argparse: mixing optional and positional arguments... not again

2021-01-20 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Your patch is incomplete, without documentation or tests. Your example is incomplete. That is _CustomAction? What namespace does your patch produce. It's been a while since I worked on the intermixed patch, but as I recall the OP was happy with the fix. A

[issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"

2021-01-08 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Since this issue is closed it might be a good idea to open a new one with this problem. And if possible identify the failed tests. We forgot to allow for the fact that working code/tests might be checking for specific help messages, checks the will fail when

[issue42650] Can people use dest=argparse.SUPPRESS in custom Action classes?

2020-12-20 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'd have to study the code (and docs), but I'm not sure setting the `dest` to 'SUPPRESS' does anything meaningful. default=argparse.SUPPRESS is useful, keeping the default out of the namespace. That argument appears only if the user has u

[issue37717] argparse subcommand docs has non-existent parameter "action"

2020-12-19 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm closing the is as a duplicate of https://bugs.python.org/issue23487, which is already closed. -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https:

[issue42677] Support comments in argparse fromfile_prefix_chars files

2020-12-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#customizing-file-parsing in the docs describes how to customize the @file reading. This particular extension handles several strings on a line, but that's not the limit of what you could do. You can also r

[issue42622] Add support to add existing parser to ArgumentParser.subparsers

2020-12-11 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: An existing parser can be included in a new subparser via the 'parents' mechanism. With that the _actions and groups of the parent are copied (by reference) to the new subparser. There are some rough edges to the parents mechanism, but people have used

[issue39106] Add suggestions to argparse error message output for unrecognized arguments

2020-12-11 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In the subparser example, it's the `build` subparser that puts '--overwritte' in the unrecognized list. That is then passed back to the main parser, which then issues the 'unrecognized' error, along with its own usage. The

[issue42572] Better path handling with argparse

2020-12-08 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: One caution - the type parameter is a callable (function) that takes one string as argument. I proposed `pathlib.Path` because it does that, returning a Path object. It's a class instance creator. I believe the module has other class initiators. bool(

[issue42572] Better path handling with argparse

2020-12-08 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The pathlib.Path is new since I paid much attention to os matters (I cut my teeth on py2.5). Off hand it looks like the user could import pathlib parser.add_argument('-p', type=pathlib.Path) to convert a string into a Path object. A custom typ

[issue42572] Better path handling with argparse

2020-12-07 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: What exactly do you do with a path argument? Admittedly I'm not expert with os and os.path modules, but isn't a path just a string passed to a function such as cwd(), or joined to another create a filename. I don't know what a 'path'

[issue42547] argparse: add_argument(... nargs='+', metavar=) does not work with positional arguments

2020-12-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'll reopen it - your patch, while not a complete resolution, does take care of the immediate error. -- resolution: duplicate -> status: closed -> open ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.

[issue42547] argparse: add_argument(... nargs='+', metavar=) does not work with positional arguments

2020-12-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Duplicate of https://bugs.python.org/issue14074 argparse allows nargs>1 for positional arguments but doesn't allow metavar to be a tuple -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: patch review -> resolved status:

[issue42501] Improve error messages for argparse choices using enum

2020-11-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: choices is fine for a few strings, but quickly becomes awkward with other types and large numbers. The testing isn't an issue, since it just does a simple `in/contains` test. But display, whether in usage, help or error, is problematic if you try anythin

[issue42297] [argparse] Bad error message formatting when using custom usage text

2020-11-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: We could look into using a different more compact 'prog' for these error messages. Currently the subparser 'prog' uses the main prog plus positionals plus the subparser name. The goal is to construct a subparser usage that reflects requir

[issue42297] [argparse] Bad error message formatting when using custom usage text

2020-11-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: It's the subparser that's producing this error, specifically its 'prog' attribute. If I use a custom usage with a simple parser: 1129:~/mypy$ python3 issue42297.py --foo=on usage: issue42297.py one two three issue42297

[issue42297] [argparse] Bad error message formatting when using custom usage text

2020-11-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Provide a minimal reproducible example. I can't reproduce that run on error message. Also test with arguments like '--all-logs on', which issues an 'unrecognizeable argument' error (with a different error reporting path). Stripping

[issue42191] lib.argparse._check_value() using repr instead of str

2020-10-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Do you realize that `choices` can be a dictionary? And since you want the user to supply a key, not a value, you might not want to use a type that does the conversion. To illustrate consider two ways of using a simple dictionary. import argparse adict = {&#

[issue42191] lib.argparse._check_value() using repr instead of str

2020-10-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In the Help formatting, choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices] The use of `repr` in this check_value() error message was, I think, deliberate. For simple choices like strings and numbers it doesn't matter. But for other cases, it may

[issue42105] allow_abbrev not working as intended in "argparse.ArgumentParser" in Python 3.9.0

2020-10-21 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: argparse : allow_abbrev behavior between 3.7 and 3.8 https://bugs.python.org/issue41534 covers this issue well enough. That latest change to `allow_abbrev` was prompted by: argparse: allow_abbrev=False stops -vv from working https://bugs.python.org/issue26967

[issue40509] In argparse, allow REMAINDER(...) arguments in a mutually exclusive group

2020-10-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A more recent issue shows that the use of a '*' positional in a multually_exclusive_group is poorly understood and documented. https://bugs.python.org/issue41854 That's part of why I am not enthusiastic about extending this to include REMAI

[issue41854] argparse.add_mutually_exclusive_group fails for optional positional arguments

2020-10-16 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Give the positional a non-none default: e.g. group.add_argument('args', metavar='ARGUMENT', nargs='*', default=[], help='arguments to PROGRAM') Since a '*' or '?' positional work

[issue42023] Argparse: Add a "display" arg

2020-10-14 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Some StackOverFlow answers cusomizing this help method: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23936145/python-argparse-help-message-disable-metavar-for-short-options https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18275023/dont-show-long-options-twice-in-print-help-from-argparse

[issue42023] Argparse: Add a "display" arg

2020-10-14 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: That method could be customized in a HelpFormatter subclass. There already are several subclasses (documented), and writing your own is allowed, if not actually encouraged. https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#formatter-class Adding an extra parameter

[issue42023] Argparse: Add a "display" arg

2020-10-13 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm not following this request either, especially the colored part. However, I can imagine adding a variable that gives the user full control over the action-invocation. In: argparse.HelpFormatter._format_action_invocation method. Currently it accept

[issue41980] Argparse documentation is slightly misleading

2020-10-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: For ArgumentParser, prog is defined as: prog - The name of the program (default: sys.argv[0]) The comment in the `add_subparsers` method is: # prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping # optional arguments and with no "

[issue41769] Positional arguments with boolean actions behave differently

2020-09-20 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: 'store_true/false' are subclasses of 'store_const'. All have a 'nargs=0' value. It's that value which explains their behavior. ('append_const' would also fall in this category) In [2]: parser = argparse.ArgumentParse

[issue41684] argparse: unexpected subparser behaviour on parse_args with namespace option

2020-09-20 Thread paul j3
Change by paul j3 : -- stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue41684> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue41534] argparse : allow_abbrev behavior between 3.7 and 3.8

2020-09-01 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm going to close this. 3.8 works as expected/documented, provided we use the normal double dash protocol for long options. Single dash is best reserved for single character options, where chaining is allowed. -- stage: -> resolved stat

[issue41684] argparse: unexpected subparser behaviour on parse_args with namespace option

2020-09-01 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: When there are potential conflicts between arguments set by the main parser and those set by a subparser, I often recommend giving the sub ones different "dest" parameters. Then you can reconcile the different values after parsing. There's nothi

[issue41684] argparse: unexpected subparser behaviour on parse_args with namespace option

2020-09-01 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I've noted this behavior before. https://bugs.python.org/issue27859 argparse - subparsers does not retain namespace https://bugs.python.org/issue9351 argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults Due to a change 2012, the subp

[issue41534] argparse : allow_abbrev behavior between 3.7 and 3.8

2020-08-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In your first example: In [29]: parser = argparse39.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=True) In [30]: parser.add_argument('-o'); In [32]: parser.parse_known_args([

[issue41600] Expected behavior of argparse given quoted strings

2020-08-20 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'd say the problem is with the deployment tool. Inputs like that should be split regardless of who's doing the commandline parsing. With normal shell input, quotes are used to prevent splitting, or to otherwise prevent substitutions and special

[issue41359] argparse mutually exclusive group does not exclude in some cases

2020-07-21 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is the result of how default values are handled with '?' (and '*') nargs. At the start of nested `take_action` function (which handles all actions) is this code: argument_values = self._get_values(action, argument_strings)

[issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults

2020-07-14 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I just realized if the subparser argument used default=argparse.SUPPRESS it would not clobber values (default or user) set by the main parser. (a 'store_true' would have to be replaced with a 'store_co

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The docs could change "catch errors manually" to "catch ArgumentError manually" But while 'argparse.ArgumentError' is imported, it is not documented. We have to study the code to learn when it is raised. Its class def:

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: For custom handling of unrecognized arguments, use parser_known_args(). You don't need this new parameter. -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/is

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I didn't pay attention to the patch that added this "exit_on_error" parameter. So I don't know exactly what error handling it was supposed to handle or why. But given the location of the code change, it does not handle every possible error

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