[issue41566] Include much faster DEFLATE implementations in Python's gzip and zlib libraries. (isa-l)

2020-08-23 Thread Ruben Vorderman

Ruben Vorderman  added the comment:

> If you take this route, please don't write it directly against the CPython 
> C-API (as you would for a CPython stdlib module).

Thanks for reminding me of this. I was planning to take the laziest route 
possible anyway, reusing as much code from cpython as possible.

I will probably start with a minimal implementation of these base classes 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/_compression.py using cython, 
using the gzip implementation in cpython as guidance.


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[issue36379] nb_inplace_pow is always called with an invalid argument

2020-08-23 Thread Josh Rosenberg

Josh Rosenberg  added the comment:

Zackery, should this be closed? Or is there something missing from the patch?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41617] __builtin_bswap16 is used without checking it is supported

2020-08-23 Thread Ned Deily

Change by Ned Deily :

nosy: +vstinner

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41564] Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"

2020-08-23 Thread Jeffrey Kintscher

Jeffrey Kintscher  added the comment:

hex.py works for me with CPython versions 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9, and the 
master branch.


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[issue41564] Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"

2020-08-23 Thread Matt Joiner

Matt Joiner  added the comment:

I do not think so. mypy has the same issue. The ByteString type does not 
include the methods shared by all its implementations. I already linked to this 
in https://bugs.python.org/msg375553. I also showed that mypy doesn't work in 
my last comment.


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[issue41564] Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"

2020-08-23 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

This looks like a problem in pyright, not in CPython.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41564] Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"

2020-08-23 Thread Matt Joiner

Matt Joiner  added the comment:

$ pyright hex.py 
stubPath /Users/anacrolix/src/dht-scraper/typings is not a valid directory.
Assuming Python platform Darwin
Searching for source files
Found 1 source file
  3:9 - error: Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"
  Member "hex" is unknown (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
1 error, 0 warnings 
Completed in 0.562sec
anacrolix@anacrolix-mbp-2018:~/src/dht-scraper$ mypy hex.py 
hex.py:3: error: "ByteString" has no attribute "hex"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
anacrolix@anacrolix-mbp-2018:~/src/dht-scraper$ python3 hex.py 


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[issue41564] Cannot access member "hex" for type "ByteString"

2020-08-23 Thread Matt Joiner

Change by Matt Joiner :

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49423/hex.py

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[issue24622] tokenize.py: missing EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES

2020-08-23 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Closing, this is out of date. EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES has been moved to token.py in 
3.8 and is now automatically generated from Grammar/Tokens. 3.7 is too old to 

nosy: +gvanrossum
resolution:  -> out of date
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue41513] High accuracy math.hypot()

2020-08-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I'm ready to move forward on this one.  Have improved the assertions, 
explanations, and variable names.  Hve also added references to show that the 
foundations are firm.  After tens of millions of trials, I haven't found a 
single misrounding.  I can't prove "correctly rounded" but am content with 
"high accuracy".  The speed is comparable to what we had in 3.7, so I think it 
is a net win all around.

title: Scale by power of two in math.hypot() -> High accuracy math.hypot()

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41513] Scale by power of two in math.hypot()

2020-08-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg375827

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[issue37943] mimetypes.guess_extension() doesn’t get JPG right

2020-08-23 Thread Jens Troeger

Jens Troeger  added the comment:

@fbidu, oh I missed that, thank you! Shall I close the issue again, or what’s 
the common procedure in this case?


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[issue41513] Scale by power of two in math.hypot()

2020-08-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I'm ready to more forward on this one.  I've improved the assertions, 
explanations, and variable names.  I also added references to show that the 
foundations are firm.  After tens of millions of trials, I haven't found a 
single misrounding.  I can't prove "correctly rounded" but am content with 
"highly accurate".  The speed is comparable to what we had in 3.7, so I think 
it is a net win all around.

priority: low -> normal
resolution: fixed -> 

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[issue41622] Add support for emoji-data.txt and emoji-variation-sequences.txt to unicodedata

2020-08-23 Thread jack1142

New submission from jack1142 :

`emoji-data.txt` and `emoji-variation-sequences.txt` files were formally pulled 
into the UCD as of Version 13.0 [1] so I think that unicodedata as a package 
providing access to UCD could support those as well.
In particular:
- `emoji-data.txt` lists character properties for emoji characters [2] 
- `emoji-variation-sequences.txt` lists valid text and emoji presentation 
sequences [3]

Data from `emoji-variation-sequences.txt` can be used to ensure consistent 
rendering of emoji characters across devices [4] (`StandardizedVariants.txt` 
has a similar purpose for non-emoji characters).
I'm not entirely sure of the use cases for `emoji-data.txt`, but because it's 
also newly added in UCD 13.0.0, I figured I at least shouldn't omit it when 
making this issue.

[1] https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Change_History - Changes in Unicode 
13.0.0, "Emoji Data" section
[2] https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties_and_Data_Files
[3] https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Variation_Sequences
[4] https://unicode.org/faq/vs.html#1

components: Unicode
messages: 375826
nosy: ezio.melotti, jack1142, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add support for emoji-data.txt and emoji-variation-sequences.txt to 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue38302] __pow__ and __rpow__ are not reached when __ipow__ returns NotImplemented for **=

2020-08-23 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon  added the comment:

It turns out **= ONLY calls __ipow__ and neither __pow__ or  __rpow__ as the 
data model says should be called.

- Data Model: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ipow__
- PyNumber_InPlacePower(): 
- ternary_op (which is what is used to implement PyNumber_InPlacePower(): 

nosy: +brett.cannon
priority: normal -> high
title: __rpow__ not reached when __ipow__ returns NotImplemented -> __pow__ and 
__rpow__ are not reached when __ipow__ returns NotImplemented for **=
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.8, Python 3.9 -Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue39640] fall back os.fdatasync() to fsync() on POSIX systems without fdatasync() support

2020-08-23 Thread George Melikov

George Melikov  added the comment:

PR rebased and ready to review.


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[issue41621] defaultdict miss behave when using default_factory passed as kwargs

2020-08-23 Thread Irit Katriel

Change by Irit Katriel :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41621] defaultdict miss behave when using default_factory passed as kwargs

2020-08-23 Thread Moshe Morad

New submission from Moshe Morad :

How to reproduce

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> dd = defaultdict(default_factory=list)
>>> dd
defaultdict(None, {'default_factory': })
>>> print(dd.default_factory)


defdict_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) function that 
initializing defaultdict object ignores the kwds and pass them to the dict init 

Since we can understand why we want to move kwds to dict without modification 
consider at least adding comment in the docstring or enforce it as positional 
argument only.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, ctypes
messages: 375823
nosy: docs@python, moshemorad12340
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: defaultdict miss behave when using default_factory passed as kwargs
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue37426] getpass.getpass not working with on windows when ctrl+v is used to enter the string

2020-08-23 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Change by Terry J. Reedy :

versions:  -Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14611] inspect.getargs fails on some anonymous tuples

2020-08-23 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

I think this was fixed here:


and in any case it's a 2.7-only issue, so can this ticket be closed?

nosy: +iritkatriel

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[issue32313] Wrong inspect.getsource for datetime

2020-08-23 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

The documentation for getfile says "This will fail with a TypeError if the 
object is a built-in module, class, or function."


But it doesn't:
>>> inspect.getfile(datetime.datetime)

nosy: +iritkatriel

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[issue41620] Python Unittest does not return results object when the test is skipped

2020-08-23 Thread Iman Tabrizian

New submission from Iman Tabrizian :

Result object is null when a test case is skipeed.

messages: 375820
nosy: Tabrizian
priority: normal
pull_requests: 21054
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python Unittest does not return results object when the test is skipped
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue37426] getpass.getpass not working with on windows when ctrl+v is used to enter the string

2020-08-23 Thread Brian Rutledge

Brian Rutledge  added the comment:

In addition to Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert also doesn't work. This behavior is the 
same Command Prompt and PowerShell on Windows 10.

Workarounds include:

- Clicking `Edit > Paste` from the window menu
- Enabling `Properties > Options > Use Ctrl+Shift+C/V as Copy/Paste` from the 
- Use right-click to paste
- Using the new Windows Terminal: 

I stumbled upon this issue while investigating 
https://github.com/pypa/twine/issues/671. Thanks for writing it up!

nosy: +bhrutledge2
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue41610] Any Raspberry Pi Zero Projects to try?

2020-08-23 Thread Mark Dickinson

Change by Mark Dickinson :

status: open -> closed

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[issue41505] asyncio.gather of large streams with limited resources

2020-08-23 Thread Kevin Amado

Kevin Amado  added the comment:

Yeah definitely it must be workers

I've experimented a lot about it and finally found something with an interface
similar to asyncio.as_completed

- You control concurrency with `workers` parameter
- You upper-bound memory usage with `worker_greediness` parameter
- Results are yielded back in the same order of the input
- Results are yielded! so working over an unknown-sized iterable of 
`awaitables` like map(func, thins_to_do) or a generator is no problem

The implementation may no be the cleanest as it uses some Events and N Queues 
it's proven in tests (keep reading to the end) that the overhead is negligible

def resolve(
awaitables: Iterable[Awaitable[T]],
workers: int = 1024,
worker_greediness: int = 0,
) -> Iterable[Awaitable[T]]:
if workers < 1:
raise ValueError('workers must be >= 1')
if worker_greediness < 0:
raise ValueError('worker_greediness must be >= 0')

if hasattr(awaitables, '__len__'):
# A small optimization can be done if we know the length
workers = min(workers, len(awaitables))

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
store: Dict[int, asyncio.Queue] = {}
stream, stream_copy = tee(enumerate(awaitables))
stream_finished = asyncio.Event()
workers_up = asyncio.Event()
workers_tasks: Dict[int, asyncio.Task] = {}

async def worker() -> None:
done: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue(worker_greediness)
for index, awaitable in stream:
store[index] = done
future = loop.create_future()
future.set_result(await schedule(awaitable, loop=loop))
await done.put(future)

async def start_workers() -> None:
for index in range(workers):
if stream_finished.is_set():
workers_tasks[index] = asyncio.create_task(worker())
await force_loop_cycle()
await workers_up.wait()

async def get_one(index: int) -> Awaitable[T]:
if not workers_tasks:
await start_workers()

awaitable = await store.pop(index).get()
result: Awaitable[T] = (await awaitable).result()
return result

for index, _ in stream_copy:
yield cast(Awaitable[T], get_one(index))

Some notes on the usage and outputs are part of the docs of this library:


Here are some proofs about the implementation:
- There is bound-concurrency:
- Workers are always busy even if one of them is processing a long-running job:
- Many workers do not add overhead:
- Errors can be caught on retrieval:

nosy: +kamado2

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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

I suppose that, in addition to fixing the bug with si.dwFlags, code could be 
added to use DETACHED_PROCESS if GetConsoleCP() returns 0 (i.e. the launcher 
isn't attached to a console).


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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

Confirmed, CREATE_NO_WINDOW works - in my test I used it *with* 

Is it not a bug that the launcher doesn't respect the value of DETACHED_PROCESS 
when calling the Python interpreter, though? If nothing else, it means that 
there are differences between running Python via the launcher and not doing so 
(which are also evident as differences between a virtual environment and a 
non-virtual interpreter, as the venv machinery uses the launcher internally).


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[issue41609] pdb's whatis command reports method as function

2020-08-23 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

It should really use inspect.* functions but I think that should be done 
separately from this fix.


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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

Creating the py.exe process with creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS sets a special 
ConsoleHandle value in its ProcessParameters that makes the base API skip 
allocating a console session at process startup. However, the launcher itself 
spawns python.exe normally, without the DETACHED_PROCESS flag. So the base API 
in the python.exe process allocates a new console session that creates a window.

Using creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW resolves the problem. This flag makes the 
base API in the py.exe process allocate a new console session that doesn't 
create a window. The child python.exe process inherits this windowless console 
session. Note that CREATE_NO_WINDOW is ignored if combined with 
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or DETACHED_PROCESS, since the combination makes no sense.

You can also use creationflags=CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE with 
startupinfo=STARTUPINFO(dwFlags=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW), in which case py.exe 
allocates a console session with a hidden window. This option is useful if a 
console application should be able to show the console window later on via 
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_SHOW). With CREATE_NO_WINDOW, in contrast, 
there is no window to show.

It should work if creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS is combined with 
startupinfo=STARTUPINFO(dwFlags=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) because the launcher is 
supposed to clone its startup information to the child python.exe process, 
including dwFlags. But there's a bug in run_child in PC/launcher.c. It sets 
si.dwFlags to STARTF_USESTDHANDLES instead of using a bitwise OR to set the 
flag value.

nosy: +eryksun

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[issue41602] Python doesn't exit with proper resultcode on SIGINT in runpy (pymain_run_module)

2020-08-23 Thread Thomas Grainger

Change by Thomas Grainger :

type:  -> behavior

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[issue41608] IDLE: multiple space deletion by Backspace after non-spaces

2020-08-23 Thread E. Paine

E. Paine  added the comment:

I have updated the PR for the following two suggestions:

> I would rather trailing blocks be deleted all at once
> Anything after [the prompt] is an indent and should be treated as such

Again, consider the following examples (apologies about the last ones: I have 
learnt the lesson - always test your examples!). All examples use the default 
indent width of 4:

8 spaces; cursor - This is currently deleted in blocks of 4 and the patch will 
not change this behaviour (an indent takes precedence over trailing)

4 spaces; 4 chars; 8 spaces; cursor - As the trailing whitespace is no longer 
also the indent, all 8 spaces will be deleted

1 char; 2 spaces; cursor; 1 char - This behaviour of the original patch has not 
changed: the spaces get deleted one at a time

In the process of testing this patch, I stumbled across another bug which is, 
if a continuation line is changed to start with the prompt, IDLE will refuse to 
delete it. Simple example: type `\`; return; backspace; `>>> `; backspace. I 
have prepared a branch which resolves this by setting a text mark at the start 
of the last prompt line and checking for that when refusing to delete prompt 
characters (if you would like me to create an issue and PR for this).


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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Bernat Gabor

Change by Bernat Gabor :

nosy: +Bernat Gabor

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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

Originally discovered in https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1928 - see 
that issue for more context.


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[issue41619] Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window

2020-08-23 Thread Paul Moore

New submission from Paul Moore :

The following code pops up an extra console window when run on Windows 10, 
Python 3.8:

from subprocess import DETACHED_PROCESS, Popen
p = Popen(["py", "-c", "from time import sleep; sleep(5)"], 

Adding CREATE_NO_WINDOW doesn't help, nor does adding a STARTUPINFO with 

The problem occurs whether the Python interpreter is started via the py.exe 
wrapper or the actual python.exe. However, changing the process being run from 
"py" to sys.executable makes the problem go away. I've seen similar issues when 
using sys.executable, but the script is being called from a virtualenv.

I can't find any set of options for Popen that reliably avoids showing a 
console window when invoked like this.

components: Windows
messages: 375811
nosy: paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Subprocesses created with DETACHED_PROCESS can pop up a console window
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue41610] Any Raspberry Pi Zero Projects to try?

2020-08-23 Thread Mika Hawkins

Mika Hawkins  added the comment:

Hi supriyasingh,

Actually, only python experts are here in this forum. 
Still, I am sharing what I found on Google follow the link given below  
https://eleggible.com/best-raspberry-pi-zero-projects/ but you have to ask this 
in the General section of any other forum like 

Hope this will be helpful.

Mika Hawkins

nosy: +Mika_Hawkins

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[issue41610] Any Raspberry Pi Zero Projects to try?

2020-08-23 Thread supriya singh

Change by supriya singh :

status: closed -> open

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[issue41618] [C API] How many slots of static types should be exposed in PyType_GetSlot()

2020-08-23 Thread hai shi

hai shi  added the comment:

related bpo: bpo-41073


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41618] [C API] How many slots of static types should be exposed in PyType_GetSlot()

2020-08-23 Thread hai shi

New submission from hai shi :

In order to resolve bpo41073, we want to extend `PyType_GetSlot()` to accept 
static types. But there have another question we should be considered: How many 
slots should be exposed in `PyType_GetSlot()`.

petr's opinion from PR-21931:I would not want to expose the Py_tp_as_* slots at 
all; their contents are covered in other slots that should be used instead. And 
slots like Py_tp_version_tag are specific to CPython; I don't think they should 
be exposed in the general C API.

components: C API
messages: 375808
nosy: petr.viktorin, shihai1991, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [C API] How many slots of static types should be exposed in 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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