[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-04-20 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

I'm not sure that users of my program will like if I define such variables in 
their systems


Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-04-19 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

I compared the behaviour of urllib with these browsers: Firefox("use system 
proxy" selected), Google Chrome, Yandex. And also Skype (requests to 
login.live.com). All of them are not doing DNS requests for proxy bypass 
handling as Marc expects.
The result is attached: compare_urllib_progs.png

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46813/compare_urllib_progs.png

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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-04-06 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Steve, do you mean that there should be no address to IE configuration from 
urllib? I could undertake it if I understand the task.

gethostbyaddr() is ok. It just makes a reverse lookup, that some dns-servers 
work up too slow. The command "nslookup" also works slowly in same conditions. 
The problem is in those dns-servers I think.


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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-03-30 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Ok, but may be there are some Windows users, that have different opinion, who 
prefer to put up with this bug for the benefit of better performance. Could you 
leave them an opportunity to refuse this behavior of urllib?


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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-03-29 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

May be I described the problem not clearly enough, because English is not my 
native language, so I try to explain once again.

In Windows there is an option "Do not use proxy server for address beginning 
with". I call this option . This option is invented for 
Internet Explorer (IE) and is used by IE. It could be used by other 
applications and I think it's obvious that other applications must handle it 
same way as IE does. May be I'm wrong here, please dissuade me.

The problem is that IE only compares the hostname received with items in this 
list. And urllib also makes the reverse lookup and the forward lookup of the 
hostname and compares the results of those lookups with items in this list. To 
reproduce that you need to:
1. Run a proxy on your Windows or use any other proxy, that outputs requests 
coming from clients.
2. On Windows in "Browser settings" (IE settings) turn on the option "use 
proxy", set up the IP of your proxy, set the list "Do not use proxy server for 
address beginning with" to '' (without commas). ( - 
is the result of 'nslookup python.org' at this time when I write this comment)
3. Make a request in IE to http://python.org/. Then analyze the output of your 
proxy. You will see that the request to python.org goes through proxy. 
4. Make a request to http://python.org/ via urllib (run checklib-py3.py). 
Analyze the output of your proxy. You will see that the request to python.org 
bypasses proxy.

Be careful: there might be redirections when you make a request to 
http://python.org/. If you see 'http://www.python.org/' in proxy output and 
don't see 'http://python.org/' it means that request to 'python.org' bypasses 

This is the behavioral part of the problem which is attended by the performance 
decreasing, because the reverse lookup on some dns servers for some hostnames 
works slowly (up to 10 secs sometimes). May be the solution in my PR is not 
smart enough. But how can I make this issue go forward?

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46766/checklib-py3.py

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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-03-25 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Could someone look into my PR, please...


Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-22 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

pull_requests: +212

Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-22 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

I added variable smart_proxy_bypass into request module. If it's False then 
checking IP and FQDN of the host is skipped in proxy_bypass_registry function. 

I set the default value to False, because I think it's better when the 
behaviour of urllib corresponds to IE rather than previous versions of urllib. 
This will affect only NT-systems.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46661/request.patch

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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-19 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

http://bugs.python.org/issue23384 - same problem


Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-19 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Why not to take it into account? 

Imagine that someone wants that requests to "ovinnik.canonical.com" should 
bypass proxy and requests to "ubuntu.com" souldn't. I don't know what for, it's 
just an assumption. 
He adds a hostname "ovinnik.canonical.com" into  and checks 
requests in IE. He sees that requests to "ovinnik.canonical.com" bypass proxy 
and requests to "ubuntu.com" go via proxy. And it's ok.
But suddenly he discovers that requests in urllib to "ubuntu.com" bypass proxy 
and it's unexpected. 

I think this behavior of urllib should be at least optional.


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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-18 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

I compared the behavior of IE and urllib.
I put different addresses to the  ("Do not use proxy server 
for address beginning with" setting), made different requests through IE and 
urllib and watched if the proxy was bypassed.

IE doesn't even make a forward dns lookup for the hosname given to check 
whether it should bypass proxy, whereas urllib does.

For example:
proxy_bypass_list   request  IE bypasses proxy   
urllib bypasses proxy   https://python.org/  no  yes  https://docs.python.org/ no  yes
ovinnik.canonical.com   https://ubuntu.com/  no  yes

compare_ie_urllib.txt - full report

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46649/compare_ie_urllib.txt

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[issue23384] urllib.proxy_bypass_registry slow down under Windows if website has no reverse DNS and Fiddler is runing

2017-02-18 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

nosy: +juliadolgova

Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-18 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

The issue applies to 3.6 as well. 

I agree that the replacement of gethostbyaddr with gethostbyname_ex is not a 
solution. But is there a way to check whether a hostname is in the  that doesn't bring to the reverse lookup? I suppose that IE 
doesn't make a reverse lookup for each request.

versions: +Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-16 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

I sincerely appreciate your time. Thank you very much for your answer. I'll try 
to test this on python 3.5


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-15 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Surely noone is concerned that programms written on python could work better 
when addressing to "python.org"?


Python tracker 
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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-11 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46632/socket.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-11 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46630/test.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-11 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46631/log.txt

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-11 Thread Julia Dolgova

Changes by Julia Dolgova :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46629/socket.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-02-11 Thread Julia Dolgova

New submission from Julia Dolgova:

I've found that urllib works sometimes slowly on windows with proxy.

To reproduce the issue:
on Windows:
1. Turn on the option "use proxy" in "browser settings" in "control panel".
No real proxy needed. The problem will come out before addressing to proxy. 
Just don't pay attention to exception.
2. Make sure that the list of addresses for proxy bypass is not empty
3. Execute checklib.py with socket.py (attached here) in the same directory

The result output could be:
A (not a problem):
Before call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")
After call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")

B (little problem):
Before call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")
Exception in call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")

C (worse problem):
Before call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")
Exception in call to _socket.gethostbyaddr("docs.python.org")

The result A,B or C depends on what DNS server you use, what url you pass into 
urllib2.urlopen(), and could differ at different time because dns is not a 
stable thing. 
However, no matter what result you have, this test shows that a hostname is 
passed into gethostbyaddr instead of IP as expected and described in MSDN. It 
should be changed to gethostbyname_ex here.

test.py compare performance of gethostbyaddr and gethostbyname_ex. 
It sets different dns servers on the system and calls these functions with 
different hostnames passed into. Run on my computer shows that gethostbyname_ex 
is 3 times more productive and doesn't raise exceptions.

Attached files:
checklib.py - just make a call to urllib2.urlopen("https://docs.python.org";)
socket.py - not a patched lib. Has debug lines near 141 line. Use it with 
test.py - compare performance of gethostbyaddr with gethostbyname_ex
log.txt - result of test.py on my computer (Windows 8, 64 bit)
socket.patch - socket.py patch

components: Library (Lib), Windows
files: checklib.py
messages: 287597
nosy: juliadolgova, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows
type: performance
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46628/checklib.py

Python tracker 
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[issue26236] urllib2 initiate irregular call to gethostbyaddr

2016-01-28 Thread Julia Dolgova

New submission from Julia Dolgova:

I'm using python 2.7. My system is windows 7(64-bit). I also use proxy.
urllib2.urlopen usually implements 0,2..1sec but sometimes sends a strange UDP 
to 137 port (netbios-ns) of the remote server, waits 4..6 sec. and then sends 

If I disable Netbios over TCP/IP in my system settings no UDP to 137 port is 
sent, but urlopen still implements 4..6sec.

I've found out that the delay happens in 
called by socket.getfqdn(HostName)
called by urllib.proxy_bypass_registry(HostName)
called by urllib.proxy_bypass(HostName)
called by urllib2.ProxyHandler.proxy_open 


"nslookup pykasso.rc-online.ru" works quickly in my computer

I suppose the problem is that the hostname is passed into gethostbyaddr instead 
of IP

If I add an IP-verification of the string before socket.getfqdn() call in 
socket.inet_aton(rawHost)  I added this operator
fqdn = socket.getfqdn(rawHost)
if fqdn != rawHost:
except socket.error:

then no delay happens.

My proposal is to make an IP-verification in urllib.proxy_bypass_registry() or 
to add an opportunity for a programmer to refuse a proxy bypass attempt

components: Library (Lib), Windows
messages: 259190
nosy: juliadolgova, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: urllib2 initiate irregular call to gethostbyaddr
type: performance
versions: Python 2.7

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