[issue33143] encode UTF-16 generates unexpected results

2018-03-26 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren  added the comment:

Thanx for the superquick response!
I really appreciate it.

I'm obviously a Python n00b



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[issue33143] encode UTF-16 generates unexpected results

2018-03-26 Thread Anders Rundgren

New submission from Anders Rundgren :

Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> v = '\u20ac'
>>> print (v)
>>> v.encode('utf-16')
b'\xff\xfe\xac '
>>> v.encode('utf-16_be')
b' \xac'

I had expected to get pair of bytes with 20 AC for the € symbol

components: Unicode
messages: 314443
nosy: anders.rundgren@gmail.com, ezio.melotti, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: encode UTF-16 generates unexpected results
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

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[issue26229] Make number serialization ES6/V8 compatible

2016-02-02 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

In ES6/V8-compatible implementations which include "node.js", Chrome, Firefox, 
Safari and (of course) my Java reference implementation you can take a 
cryptographic hash of a JSON object with a predictable result.

That is, this request is in no way limited to JCS.

Other solutions to this problem has been to create something like XML's 
canonicalization which is much more complex.

The JSON RFC is still valid, it just isn't very useful for people who are 
interested in security solutions.  The predictable property order introduced in 
ES6 makes a huge difference!  Now it is just the number thing left...

The other alternative is dressing your JSON objects in Base64 to maintain a 
predictable signature like in IETF's JOSE.  I doubt that this is going to be 
mainstream except for OpenID/OAuth which JOSE stems from.


Python tracker 
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[issue26229] Make number serialization ES6/V8 compatible

2016-02-02 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

An easier fix than mucking around in the pretty complex number serializer code 
would be adding an "ES6Format" option to the "json.dump*" methods which could 
use the supplied conversion code as is.

For JSON parsing in an ES6-compatible way you must anyway use an "OrderedDict" 
hook option to get the right (=original) property order.


Python tracker 
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[issue26241] repr() and str() are identical for floats in 3.5

2016-01-30 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

Apparently the docs have changed since 2.7:

However, the documentation still "sort of" mentions repr() as the most accurate 
form which isn't entirely correct since it nowadays is identical to str() for 

No big deal, I just thought I was doing something wrong :-)

related: http://bugs.python.org/issue26229


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26229] Make number serialization ES6/V8 compatible

2016-01-30 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

As I said, the problem is close to fixed in 3.5.

You should not consider the JCS specification as the [sole] target but the 
ability to creating a normalized JSON object which has many uses including 
calculating a hash of such objects.

# Convert a Python double/float into an ES6/V8 compatible string #
def convert2Es6Format(value):
# Convert double/float to str using the native Python formatter
pyDouble = str(value)
pySign = ''
if pyDouble.find('-') == 0:
# Save sign separately, it doesn't have any role in the rest
pySign = '-'
pyDouble = pyDouble[1:]
pyExpStr = ''
pyExpVal = 0
q = pyDouble.find('e')
if q > 0:
# Grab the exponent and remove it from the number
pyExpStr = pyDouble[q:]
if pyExpStr[2:3] == '0':
# Supress leading zero on exponents
pyExpStr = pyExpStr[0:2] + pyExpStr[3:]
pyDouble = pyDouble[0:q]
pyExpVal = int(pyExpStr[1:])
# Split number in pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast
pyFirst = pyDouble
pyDot = ''
pyLast = ''
q = pyDouble.find('.')
if q > 0:
pyDot = '.'
pyFirst = pyDouble[0:q]
pyLast = pyDouble[q + 1:]
# Now the string is split into: pySign + pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast + pyExpStr
if pyLast == '0':
# Always remove trailing .0
pyDot = ''
pyLast = ''
if pyExpVal > 0 and pyExpVal < 21:
# Integers are shown as is with up to 21 digits
pyFirst += pyLast
pyLast = ''
pyDot = ''
pyExpStr = ''
q = pyExpVal - len(pyFirst)
while q >= 0:
q -= 1;
pyFirst += '0'
elif pyExpVal < 0 and pyExpVal > -7:
# Small numbers are shown as 0.etc with e-6 as lower limit
pyLast = pyFirst + pyLast
pyFirst = '0'
pyDot = '.'
pyExpStr = ''
q = pyExpVal
while q < -1:
q += 1;
pyLast = '0' + pyLast
# The resulting sub-strings are concatenated
return pySign + pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast + pyExpStr


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26241] repr() and str() are identical for floats in 3.5

2016-01-30 Thread Anders Rundgren

New submission from Anders Rundgren:

According to the documentation repr() and str() are different when it comes to 
number formatting.  A test with a 100 million random and selected IEEE 64-bit 
values returned no differences

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 259244
nosy: anders.rundgren@gmail.com
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: repr() and str() are identical for floats in 3.5
versions: Python 3.5

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26229] Make number serialization ES6/V8 compatible

2016-01-27 Thread Anders Rundgren

New submission from Anders Rundgren:

ECMA has in their latest release defined that JSON elements must be ordered 
during serialization.  This is easy to accomplish using Python's OrderedDict.  
What is less trivial is that numbers have to be formatted in a certain way as 
well.  I have tested 100 millions specific and random values and found out that 
Python 3.5.1 is mathematically identical to ES6/V8 but has some differences in 

   IEEE DoubleECMAScript 6/V8Python 3.5.1

c43211ede4974a35, -0,-3.333e+20
c3fce97ca0f21056, -6000, -3.3336e+19
c3c7213080c1a6ac, -3334000,  -3.334e+18
c39280f39a348556, -333400,   -3.334e+17
c35d9b1f5d20d557, -33340,-3.334e+16

c327af4c4a80aaac, -3334, -3334.0

bf0179ec9cbd821e, -0.5,  -3.3335e-05
becbf647612f3696, -0.03, -3.e-06

4024, 10,10.0
, 0, 0.0
4014, 5, 5.0
3f0a36e2eb1c432d, 0.5,   5e-05
3ed4f8b588e368f1, 0.05,  5e-06

3ea0c6f7a0b5ed8d, 5e-7,  5e-07

Why could this be important?


# Python test program
import binascii
import struct
import json

f = open('c:\\es6\\numbers\\es6testfile100m.txt','rb')

l = 0;
string = '';

while True:
  byte = f.read(1);
  if len(byte) == 0:
  if byte == b'\n':
l = l + 1;
i = string.find(',')
if i <= 0 or i >= len(string) - 1:
  print('Bad string: ' + str(i))
hex = string[:i]
while len(hex) < 16:
  hex = '0' + hex
o = dict()
o['double'] = struct.unpack('>d',binascii.a2b_hex(hex))[0]
py3Double = json.dumps(o)[11:-1]
es6Double = string[i + 1:]
if es6Double != py3Double:
  es6Dpos = es6Double.find('.')
  py3Dpos = py3Double.find('.')
  es6Epos = es6Double.find('e')
  py3Epos = py3Double.find('e')
  if py3Epos > 0:
py3Exp = int(py3Double[py3Epos + 1:])
  if es6Dpos < 0 and py3Dpos > 0:
if es6Epos < 0 and py3Epos > 0:
  py3New = py3Double[:py3Dpos] + py3Double[py3Dpos + 1:py3Epos - 
  q = py3Exp - py3Epos + py3Dpos
  while q >= 0:
py3New += '0'
q -= 1
  if py3New != es6Double:
print('E1: ' + py3New)
elif py3Epos < 0:
  py3New = py3Double[:-2]
  if py3New != es6Double:
print('E2: ' + py3New)
  print (error + hex + '#' + es6Double + '#' + py3Double)
  elif es6Dpos > 0 and py3Dpos > 0 and py3Epos > 0 and es6Epos < 0:
py3New = py3Double[py3Dpos - 1:py3Dpos] + py3Double[py3Dpos + 1:py3Epos 
- len(py3Double)]
q = py3Exp + 1
while q < 0:
  q += 1
  py3New = '0' + py3New
py3New = py3Double[0:py3Dpos - 1] + '0.' + py3New 
if py3New != es6Double:
  print('E3: ' + py3New + '#' + es6Double)
  elif es6Dpos == py3Dpos and py3Epos > 0 and es6Epos > 0:
py3New = py3Double[:py3Epos + 2] + str(abs(py3Exp))
if py3New != es6Double:
  print('E4: ' + py3New + '#' + es6Double)
  elif es6Dpos > 0 and py3Dpos < 0 and py3Epos > 0 and es6Epos < 0:
py3New = py3Double[:py3Epos - len(py3Double)]
q = py3Exp + 1
while q < 0:
  q += 1
  py3New = '0' + py3New
py3New = '0.' + py3New 
if py3New != es6Double:
  print('E5: ' + py3New + '#' + es6Double)
print ('Unexpected: ' + hex + '#' + es6Double + '#' + py3Double)
string = ''
if l % 1 == 0:
string += byte.decode(encoding='UTF-8')

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 259105
nosy: anders.rundgren@gmail.com
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make number serialization ES6/V8 compatible
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26191] pip on Windows doesn't honor Case

2016-01-24 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

You are right. Pardon me for erring :-(

Thanks for the quick response BTW!



Python tracker 
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[issue26191] pip on Windows doesn't honor Case

2016-01-24 Thread Anders Rundgren

New submission from Anders Rundgren:

pip install Crypto

Terminates correctly and the package is there as well.
Unfortunately the directory is named "crypto" rather than "Crypto" so when I 

>>>import Crypto

the interpreter fails.

>>>import crypto 

seems to work but is incompatible over platforms.

If this is a problem with pycrypto or pip is beyond my knowledge of python.

components: Installation
messages: 258887
nosy: anders.rundgren@gmail.com
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pip on Windows doesn't honor Case
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.5

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-30 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

> Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
> I won't claim to know/understand the specifics, but "message payload in 
> base64" actually sounds reasonable to me, if far from optimal (both from 
> readibility and space overhead POV) :-).

It is indeed a working solution.  I do though think that communities that 
previously used XML would accept base64-encoded messages.  It becomes really 
messy when applied to counter-signed messages like the following:

  "@context": "http://xmlns.webpki.org/wcpp-payment-demo";,
  "@qualifier": "AuthData",
  "commonName": "Demo Merchant",
  "amount": 8600550,
  "currency": "USD",
  "referenceId": "#100",
  "dateTime": "2014-12-18T13:39:35Z",
  "algorithm": "RS256",
  "issuer": "CN=Merchant Network Sub CA5,C=DE",
  "serialNumber": "1413983542582",
  "subject": "CN=Demo Merchant,,C=DE"
  "domainName": "merchant.com",
  "cardType": "SuperCard",
  "pan": "1618342124919252",
  "dateTime": "2014-12-18T13:40:59Z",
  "algorithm": "RS256",
  "issuer": "CN=Mybank Client Root CA1,C=US",
  "serialNumber": "1413983550045",
  "subject": "CN=The Cardholder,"


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-30 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

> Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
> "To cope with this potential problem, compliant parsers must preserve the 
> original textual representation of properties internally in order to support 
> JCS normalization requirements"
> That sounds ridiculous. Did someone try to reason the "IETF guys"?:)

The alternative is either doing what Bob suggested which is almost the same as 
writing a new parser or take the IETF route and shroud the message payload in 

So all solutions are "by definition" bd :-)

FWIW my super-bad solution has the following compatibility issues:
- Whitespace: None, all parsers can "stringify", right?
- Escaping: None, all parsers MUST do it to follow the JSON spec.
- Property order: A problem in some parsers.  If you take a look on 
stackoverflow lots of folks request that insertion/reader order should be 
honored since computers <> humans.  Fixed in Python. Works in browsers as well.
- Floating point: an almost useless JSON feature anyway, it doesn't work for 
crypto-numbers or money.  It is "only" a validation problem though.  Now fixed 
in Python.



Python tracker 
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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

Ethan Furman added the comment:

> I am not a regular json user, but my impression is the format is
> pretty  basic, and we would be overloading it to try and keep numbers
> with three decimal places as Decimal, and anything else as float.

> Isn't json's main purpose to support data exchange between different
> programs of different languages?  Not between different Python
> programs?

Right, unfortunately the need to support non-native data types like big 
decimals, dates and blobs have lead to a certain amount of confusion and 
innovation among JSON tool designers.

I (FWIW) do actually NOT want to extend a single bit from the RFC, I just want 
serializing to be "non-invasive".   If the parse_float option stays "as is" it 
seems that both the people who want big (non-standard) numbers and I who want 
somewhat non-standard serialization would be happy.  I.e. a documentation 
snippet would be sufficient as far as I can tell.

Serialization order of objects is apparently a hot topic
but Python has no problem with that.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

The current JCS validator is only 150 lines and does both RSA and EC signatures:


My Java-version is much more advanced but this is quite useful anyway


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

I'm not sure I understand why you say that JCS requires *almost* full 
normalization.  Using browsers you can generate fully compliant JCS objects 
using like 20 lines of javascript/webcrypto (here excluding base64 support).  
No normalization step is needed.

But sure, the IETF JOSE WG has taken an entirely different approach and require 
JSON objects to be serialized and Base64-encoded.  Then the Base64 is signed.  
Boring.  And in conflict with complex messaging like:

Thanx anyway, I'm pretty happy with how it works now!

Well, if Decimal didn't manipulate its argument I would be even happier :-) 
because then there wouldn't even be a hack.


Python tracker 
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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

Using simplejson I got it to work!!!
I just wonder what you think of the solution:

import collections
import simplejson as json
from decimal import Decimal

class EnhancedDecimal(Decimal):
   def __str__ (self):
 return self.saved_string

   def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
 obj = Decimal.__new__(cls,value,context)
 obj.saved_string = value
 return obj;

jsonString = '{"t":6,"h":4.50, "g":"text","j":1.40e450}'
jsonObject = json.loads(jsonString, 
for item in jsonObject:
  print jsonObject[item]
print json.dumps(jsonObject)

{"t": 6, "h": 4.50, "g": "text", "j": 1.40e450}


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

Well, I could have insisted on canonicalization of floating-point data but 
that's so awkward that outlawing such data is a cleaner approach.  Since the 
target for JCS is security- and payment-protocols, I don't think the absence of 
floating-point support will be a show-stopper. I does though make the IETF 
folks unhappy.

Another reason for still wanting it to work as currently specified is because 
it would be nice to have JCS running on three fully compatible platforms, 
including one which I haven't designed :-)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

Your'e right, I have put up a requirement for JSON serializing that may be 
"over the top".  OTOH, there are (AFAICT...) only two possible solutions:
1. Outlaw floating point data from the plot
2. Insist that serializers conform to the spec

As a pragmatic I have settled on something in between :-)

I don't think that the overhead in Decimal would be a problem but I'm not a 
Python platform maintainer so I leave it to you guys.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

I guess my particular requirement/wish is unusual (keeping the original textual 
representation of a floating point number intact) while using Decimal should be 
fairly universal.

If these things could be combined in a Decimal support option I would (of 
course) be extremely happy.  They do not appear to be in conflict.

Currently I'm a bit bogged down by the crypto-stuff since it is spread over 
different and incompatible modules which makes it awkward creating a nice 
unified RSA/EC solution.  I may end-up writing a wrapper...


Python tracker 
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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-28 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

It would be great if I could use a sub-classed Decimal during parsing but since 
it doesn't appear to be a way to serialize the result using the "json" package 
I'm probably stuck with the current "99%" solution.

I have solved this in Java and JavaScript by writing my own JSON stuff
but that method obviously doesn't scale and I'm a real n00b when it comes to 
Python although it was more fun than I had expected :-)

A minor patch addressing serialization of Decimal would probably do fine (after 
sub-classing) and would be generally useful.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-28 Thread Anders Rundgren

Anders Rundgren added the comment:

I was actually hoping to implement the final part of this:

It seems that the current Decimal implementation wouldn't save me anyway since 
it modifies the input :-(

Anyway, floats in JSON have rather little use so maybe my existing Pyhton (PoC) 
solution will be "good enough":


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-27 Thread Anders Rundgren

New submission from Anders Rundgren:

jsonString = '{"t":6,"h":4.50, "g":"text","j":1.40e450}'
jsonObject = json.loads(jsonString, 
for item in jsonObject:
  print jsonObject[item]

Works as expected.

However, there seems to be no way to get back to the original JSON string as 
far as I can tell since you have to convert Decimal to str in cls when using 
json.dumps which adds "" around the arguments

components: Extension Modules
messages: 233139
nosy: anders.rundgren@gmail.com
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Only READ support for Decimal in json
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list