[issue37788] fix for bpo-36402 (threading._shutdown() race condition) causes reference leak

2019-08-08 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

nosy: +vstinner

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37788] fix for bpo-36402 (threading._shutdown() race condition) causes reference leak

2019-08-08 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis  added the comment:

The root cause for the reference leak is the global set 
threading._shutdown_locks. It contains Thread._tstate_lock locks of non-daemon 
threads. If a non-daemon thread terminates and no other thread joins the 
terminated thread, the _tstate_lock remains in threading._shutdown_locks 

I could imagine that a long running server could accumulate many locks in 
threading._shutdown_locks over time. Therefore the leak should be fixed.

There are probably several ways to deal with this issue. A straight forward 
approach is to discard the lock from within `tstate->on_delete` hook, that is 
function "void release_sentinel(void *)" in _threadmodule.c. Pull request 
(GH-15175) implements this idea. Eventually I should add another C-Python 
specific test-case to the PR.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37788] fix for bpo-36402 (threading._shutdown() race condition) causes reference leak

2019-08-08 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

pull_requests: +14906
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15175

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37788] fix for bpo-36402 (threading._shutdown() race condition) causes reference leak

2019-08-07 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

Starting with commit 468e5fec (bpo-36402: Fix threading._shutdown() race 
condition (GH-13948)) the following trivial test case leaks one reference and 
one memory block.

class MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_without_join(self):
# Test that a thread without join does not leak references.
# Use a debug build and run "python -m test -R: test_threading"

Attached is a patch, that adds this test case to Lib/test/test_threading.py. 
After you apply this patch "python -m test -R: test_threading" leaks one 
(additional) reference. This leak is also present in Python 3.7.4 and 3.8.

I'm not sure, if it correct not to join a thread, but it did work flawlessly 
and didn't leak in previous releases.
I didn't analyse the root cause yet.

components: Library (Lib)
files: threading-leak-test-case.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 349173
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: fix for bpo-36402 (threading._shutdown() race condition) causes 
reference leak
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48534/threading-leak-test-case.diff

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[issue35804] v3.6.8 _ctypes win32 compiled with pgo crash

2019-01-22 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis  added the comment:

Closing the issue is perfectly OK for me. I just want to document the problem, 
because there is no bpo ticket yet and Tools/msi/README.txt does not mention 
any problems with PGO either.

3.7 and master might be affected too, but I didn't observe this issue with 
3.7.2, when I did the QA testing for Stackless 3.7.2 a few days ago.

Otherwise a PGO optimized build seems to work quite well.


Python tracker 
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[issue35804] v3.6.8 _ctypes win32 compiled with pgo crash

2019-01-22 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

nosy: +steve.dower

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35804] v3.6.8 _ctypes win32 compiled with pgo crash

2019-01-22 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48072/test_ctypes.log

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35804] v3.6.8 _ctypes win32 compiled with pgo crash

2019-01-22 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

During the QA for Stackless 3.6.8 I observed a crash in _ctypes compiled for 
win32 with PGO, that also exists with plain C-Python v3.6.8. I didn't check 
other versions yet.

OS: Win7 (64bit)
Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 professional 15.9.5

How to reproduce

1. Checkout v3.6.8

I'm using the git-bash
$ git status
HEAD detached at v3.6.8
nothing to commit, working tree clean

2. Clean the sandbox and compile. It is sufficient to use a short pgo-job, but 
the default pgo-job works a well (but takes much more time).

$ cd PCbuild/
$ rm -rf obj win32 amd64
$ PYTHON=/e/Pythons/3.6.4-64/python.exe cmd //c build.bat --pgo-job "-m test 
--pgo test_ctypes" 2>&1 | tee build.log

The file "build.log" is attached. Nothing conspicuous in it.

3. Run the test case ctypes.test.test_win32.WindowsTestCase.test_callconv_1
Sometimes the test passes, sometimes it fails with a Segmentation Fault.

$ win32/python.exe -X faulthandler -m ctypes.test.test_win32 
Ran 1 test in 0.000s


$ win32/python.exe -X faulthandler -m ctypes.test.test_win32 
Windows fatal exception: access violation

Current thread 0x1574 (most recent call first):
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 178 in handle
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 733 in assertRaises
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\ctypes\test\test_win32.py", line 20 in 
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 605 in run
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 653 in __call__
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\suite.py", line 122 in run
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\suite.py", line 84 in __call__
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\suite.py", line 122 in run
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\suite.py", line 84 in __call__
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\runner.py", line 176 in run
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\main.py", line 256 in runTests
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\main.py", line 95 in __init__
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\ctypes\test\test_win32.py", line 165 in 
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\runpy.py", line 85 in _run_code
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\runpy.py", line 193 in _run_module_as_main
Segmentation fault

4. I observed another variant of the crash, if I run all tests in test_ctypes

$ cmd //c rt.bat -q -v test_ctypes 2>&1 | tee test_ctypes.log

The file "test_ctypes.log" is attached. Relevant content:
test_callconv_1 (ctypes.test.test_win32.WindowsTestCase) ... XXX lineno: 124, 
opcode: 0
test_callconv_2 (ctypes.test.test_win32.WindowsTestCase) ... XXX lineno: 124, 
opcode: 0
test_variant_bool (ctypes.test.test_wintypes.WinTypesTest) ... test test_ctypes 

ERROR: test_callconv_1 (ctypes.test.test_win32.WindowsTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\ctypes\test\test_win32.py", line 27, in 
self.assertRaises(ValueError, IsWindow, 0, 0, 0)
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 733, in assertRaises
return context.handle('assertRaises', args, kwargs)
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 157, in handle
if not _is_subtype(self.expected, self._base_type):
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 124, in _is_subtype
if isinstance(expected, tuple):
SystemError: unknown opcode

ERROR: test_callconv_2 (ctypes.test.test_win32.WindowsTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\ctypes\test\test_win32.py", line 36, in 
self.assertRaises(ValueError, IsWindow, None)
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 733, in assertRaises
return context.handle('assertRaises', args, kwargs)
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 157, in handle
if not _is_subtype(self.expected, self._base_type):
  File "C:\build\python36\lib\unittest\case.py", line 124, in _is_subtype
if isinstance(expected, tuple):
SystemError: unknown opcode


I had a quick look at  _call_function_pointer() in Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c, 
but I didn't see anything obvious. A very speculative first guess is the 
calling convention of ffi_call() or a related funct

[issue33711] Could not find externals/db-* in msi.py on license generation

2018-06-24 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis  added the comment:

I'm build msi installers regularly and I can confirm the issue.
PR 7241 is ok and should be merged.

nosy: +anselm.kruis

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33931] Building 2.7 on Windows with PC\VS9.0 is broken

2018-06-21 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +7454
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33931] Building 2.7 on Windows with PC\VS9.0 is broken

2018-06-21 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

Currently 2.7 fails to build on Win32 using PC\VS90\build.bat -e for two 

1. Wrong openssl version: PC\VS9.0 is still at version 1.0.2k, whereas 
PCbuild/get_externals.bat downloads version 1.0.2o.

2. Building tcl fails with well known "nmakehlp" not found problem. It is 
caused by the following line in PC\VS90\build.bat: "nmake -f makefile.vc 
MACHINE=%machine% DEBUG=%debug_flag% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" clean all". 
Separate invocations of nmake for "clean" and "all" fix the problem.

I'll provide a pull request for both issues. I hope it is OK to make just a 
single PR, because the changes are trivial.

Relevant output from PC\VS90\build.bat:

Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

*** Compiler has 'Optimizations'
*** Compiler does not have 'Pentium 0x0f fix'
*** Linker has 'Win98 alignment problem'
*** Intermediate directory will be '.\Release_VC9\tcl_Dynamic'
*** Output directory will be '.\Release_VC9'
*** Suffix for binaries will be ''
*** Optional defines are '-DTCL_CFGVAL_ENCODING=\"cp1252\" -DSTDC_HEADERS 
*** Compiler version 9. Target machine is IX86
*** Host architecture is AMD64
*** Compiler options '-W3  -Ot -Oi -fp:strict -Gs -GS -GL  -RTC1 -W3'
*** Link options '-ltcg'
*** Dependency rules are not being used.

Cleaning .\Release_VC9\tcl_Dynamic\* ...
Cleaning ..\win\nmakehlp.obj ...
Cleaning ..\win\nmakehlp.exe ...
Cleaning ..\win\_junk.pch ...
Cleaning ..\win\vercl.x ...
Cleaning ..\win\vercl.i ...
Cleaning ..\win\versions.vc ...
cl -nologo -c -W3 -W3 -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D 
_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -Fp.\Release_VC9\tcl_Dynamic\ -O2  -Ot -Oi -fp:strict 
-Gs -GS -GL -MD -I"
..\win" -I"..\generic" -I"..\libtommath" -DTCL_PIPE_DLL=\"tclpip85.dll\" 
-DTCL_TOMMATH -DMP_PREC=4 -Dinline=__inline -DTCL_CFGVAL_ENCODING=\"cp1252\" 
-Fo.\Release_VC9\tcl_Dynamic\tclAppInit.obj ..\win\tclAppInit.c
Der Befehl "nmakehlp" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'nmakehlp' : return code '0x1'

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

*** Compiler has 'Optimizations'
*** Compiler does not have 'Pentium 0x0f fix'
*** Linker has 'Win98 alignment problem'
*** Intermediate directory will be '.\Release_VC9\tcl_Dynamic'
*** Output directory will be '.\Release_VC9'
*** Suffix for binaries will be ''
*** Optional defines are '-DTCL_CFGVAL_ENCODING=\"cp1252\" -DSTDC_HEADERS 
*** Compiler version 9. Target machine is IX86
*** Host architecture is AMD64
*** Compiler options '-W3  -Ot -Oi -fp:strict -Gs -GS -GL  -RTC1 -W3'
*** Link options '-ltcg'
*** Dependency rules are not being used.

Installing to 'D:\kruis_F\fg2\stackless\python\PC\VS9.0\..\..\externals\tcltk'
Installing tcl85.dll
Datei tcl85.dll nicht gefunden
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'xcopy' : return code '0x4'

assignee: christian.heimes
components: SSL, Tkinter
messages: 320172
nosy: anselm.kruis, christian.heimes, steve.dower, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Building 2.7 on Windows with PC\VS9.0 is broken
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30028] make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe

2018-02-23 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

pull_requests: +5604

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30028] make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe

2018-02-23 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

pull_requests: +5603

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31890] Please define the flag METH_STACKLESS for Stackless Python

2017-11-02 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis  added the comment:

Hi Victor,

The project is still somewhat alive, because the software, that is used to 
control a large percentage of the CAE simulation jobs of large German 
automakers, requires Stackless Python, especially the option to serialize 
tasklets and move them around between different computers.

The Stackless project recently released Stackless Python 3.5.4 and 2.7.14 and 
C-Python is merged up to 3.6.1. See 
https://github.com/stackless-dev/stackless/tree/3.6-slp and 

Under the hood we fixed the reference counting (2016) and migrated from 
bitbucket/hg to github/git.



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[issue31890] Please define the flag METH_STACKLESS for Stackless Python

2017-10-28 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +4128
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31890] Please define the flag METH_STACKLESS for Stackless Python

2017-10-28 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

The header Include/methodobject.h defines ml_flags METH_xxx.

Stackless Python adds the flag METH_STACKLESS. Traditionally Stackless used bit 
0x0080 for METH_STACKLESS, but starting with C-Python 3.6 bit 0x0080 is used 

In order to prevent future conflicts, I propose to add METH_STACKLESS to 

#define METH_STACKLESS 0x0100

Include/object.h already contains a similar definition.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 305164
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Please define the flag METH_STACKLESS for Stackless Python
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31835] _PyFunction_FastCallDict and _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords: fast path not used

2017-10-21 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

Just a minor performance issue.

The C functions _PyFunction_FastCallDict() and _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords() 
(branch 'master', Objects/call.c) and their predecessors fast_function() and 
_PyFunction_FastCallDict() in Python/ceval.c all contain the following 
sub-expression in the "if"-statement for the fast-path. For instance 


Now, if co_flags has any of the CO_FUTURE_... bits set, the expression is 
always False and the fast path is not used.

Currently this affects only Python 3.6 and Python 2.7, because other Python 
versions do not use the __future__ mechanism.

The fix is simple. Replace the faulty sub-expression by

 (co->co_flags & (~PyCF_MASK)) == (CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS | CO_NOFREE))

I discovered this issue while debugging reference leaks in Stackless Python a 
few month ago. It is hard to write a test case, but one can compare C call 
stacks using a debugger.

$ ulimit -c unlimited  # enable core dumps
$ python3.6 -c 'from __future__ import generator_stop; import os; (lambda: 
$ gdb -batch -ex bt  python3.6 core > trace_with_future
$ python3.6 -c 'import os; (lambda: os.abort())()'
$ gdb -batch -ex bt  python3.6 core > trace_without_future

If you compare the traces, the difference is in stack frame #9. Same for 

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 304702
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: _PyFunction_FastCallDict and _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords: fast path not 
type: performance
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31662] trivial typos in Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat

2017-10-02 Thread Anselm Kruis

Change by Anselm Kruis :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +3830
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31662] trivial typos in Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat

2017-10-02 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis :

There are 3 trivial typos in Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat: "godo" instead of 
"goto" in lines 25 to 28.

components: Build
messages: 303513
nosy: anselm.kruis, steve.dower
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: trivial typos in Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30028] make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe

2017-04-09 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

I had the same concerns about os.getpid(), but test.support uses it 
unconditionally in various places. See 
for an example.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30028] make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe

2017-04-09 Thread Anselm Kruis

Changes by Anselm Kruis :

pull_requests: +1212

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30028] make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe

2017-04-09 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

The context manager test.support.temp_cwd() creates a temporary directory and 
removes it on exit. The test runner test.regrtest uses this context manager.

I observed an annoying behaviour of test.support.temp_cwd() on Linux/UNIX: if 
the code, that runs in the temp_cwd() context forks and if the forked child 
terminates (without calling exec), then the temporary directory will be removed 
twice: by the child and by the parent. This can cause errors in the parent, if 
the parent tries to access the no longer existing directory.

I discovered this problem, when a test in test_multiprocessing_fork failed and 
the test directory for the complete test.regrtest-run got removed. Of course 
all other tests failed too.

I propose to modify test.support.temp_cwd() to remove the created directory 
only, if the process id (os.getpid()) is unchanged. I'll create a pull request.

components: Tests
messages: 291396
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: make test.support.temp_cwd() fork-safe
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28568] Build files in PC/VS9.0 contain an outdated sqlite version number

2016-10-31 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

Python 2.7 only. Tested with 2.7.12.

Commit fa68df1d5e65 for #19450 changes the sqlite version for Python 2.7 on 
Windows from 3.6.21 to, but only for the build files in PCbuild. The 
documentation states, that the build files under PC\VS9.0 are also fully 
supported, but they still refer to sqlite version 3.6.21. This causes the 
command "PC\VS9.0\build.bat -r -e" to fail, because it first fetches sqlite from svn.python.org and then tries to build sqlite 3.6.21, which is of 
course not available.

The attached patch fixes the problem.

components: Build, Windows
files: fix-sqlite-version.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 279802
nosy: anselm.kruis, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Build files in PC/VS9.0 contain an outdated sqlite version number
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45295/fix-sqlite-version.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28551] sysconfig.py wrong _PROJECT_BASE for Py2.7 Windows 64bit PC/VS9.0

2016-10-28 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

Affected versions: 2.7.11, 2.7.12
Windows amd64 build with Visual Studio 2008 using the files in PC/VS9.0

If you run test_sysconfig using PC/VS9.0/rt.bat the test case 
test_get_config_h_filename fails.

  -Wd -3 -E -tt "D:\kruis_F\fg2\stackless64\stackless\PC\VS9.0\
\..\..\Lib\test\regrtest.py" -v test_sysconfig
== CPython 2.7.11 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, Oct 28 2016, 22:32:20) [MSC 
v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
==   Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 little-endian
==   c:\users\kruis\appdata\local\temp\test_python_12436
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, py3k_warning=1, division_warning=1, 
division_new=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, 
site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=1, tabcheck=2, verbose=0, unicode=0, 
bytes_warning=0, hash_randomization=0)
[1/1] test_sysconfig
test_get_config_h_filename (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... FAIL
test_get_config_vars (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_get_makefile_filename (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... skipped 
'Test is not Windows compatible'
test_get_path (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_get_path_names (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_get_paths (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_get_platform (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_get_scheme_names (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok
test_platform_in_subprocess (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... skipped 
'test only relevant on MacOSX'
test_symlink (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... skipped 'module os has no 
attribute symlink'
test_user_similar (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig) ... ok

FAIL: test_get_config_h_filename (test.test_sysconfig.TestSysConfig)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\kruis_F\fg2\stackless64\stackless\lib\test\test_sysconfig.py", line 
239, in test_get_config_h_filename
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(config_h), config_h)
AssertionError: D:\kruis_F\fg2\stackless64\stackless\Include\pyconfig.h


The failure is caused by the migration of the build files from PCbuild to 
PC\VS9.0, because
Lib/sysconfig.py does not know this build location.

The attached patch fixes the problem.

components: Library (Lib), Tests, Windows
files: fix_sysconfig_py.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 279631
nosy: anselm.kruis, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sysconfig.py wrong _PROJECT_BASE for Py2.7 Windows 64bit PC/VS9.0
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45256/fix_sysconfig_py.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23963] Windows build error using original openssl source

2015-04-15 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

I just had an issue rebuilding 2.7.9 with openssl-1.0.1m. Because this openssl 
version is not yet available from svn.python.org, I used the original source 
from https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1m.tar.gz.
Of course Perl is installed.


The build fails, because the created makefile ms/nt.mak contains rules for 
excluded ciphers ("RC5", "MDC2", "IDEA"). The documentation in 
PCbuild/readme.txt anticipates a similar compile error: "You may have to 
manually remove $(OBJ_D)\i_*.obj from ms\nt.mak if the build process complains 
about missing files or forbidden IDEA."

Obviously manual patching of ms\nt.mak is inconvenient. A clean solution: 
invoke the openssl Configure script with appropriate arguments:

perl Configure no-rc5 no-mdc2 no-idea ...

The attached patch changes PCbuild/build_ssl.py to add the no-xxx args  to the 
Configure command line.

Python 3.x already contains a similar fix (changeset bcf93e3766e8).

components: Build
files: 2.7-build_ssl.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 241096
nosy: anselm.kruis, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows build error using original openssl source
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39034/2.7-build_ssl.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23160] Respect the environment variable SVNROOT in external-common.bat

2015-01-12 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

Your guess is correct, it will be a null merge into default.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23160] Respect the environment variable SVNROOT in external-common.bat

2015-01-03 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

Patch for 2.7

nosy: +zach.ware
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37594/issue23160-2.7.diff

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[issue23160] Respect the environment variable SVNROOT in external-common.bat

2015-01-03 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

Patch for 3.4

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37593/issue23160-3.4.diff

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[issue23160] Respect the environment variable SVNROOT in external-common.bat

2015-01-03 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

Issue #21907 introduced the environment variable SVNROOT in 

I propose to use the same variable in Tools/buildbot/external-common.bat too. 
This batch contains many verbatim copies of the SVN-URL.
With the provided patch, it would become much simpler to use a (local) mirror 
of svn.python.org.

components: Build
messages: 233395
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Respect the environment variable SVNROOT in external-common.bat
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4

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[issue17667] Windows: build with "build_pgo.bat -2" fails to optimize python.dll

2014-10-12 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

It's indeed a very low priority issue.

You mention VS2008 and VS2010 PGO compiler bugs. I'm aware of the VS 2010 bugs, 
but I didn't observe any VS 2008 PGO bug with Python 2.7. Are you aware of any 
publicly available bug reports?

About the black/white list. I started with a black list, but then I switched to 
a white list for the following reason: the goal of running the test suite is to 
generate a reasonable profile. It is not a goal to test anything. Therefore 
both white list and black listing is possible.
I consider it more likely that a newly added test breaks the PGO build than 
that an existing test will be modified in a breaking way. Therefore I consider 
the while list superior for this particular application.

But as you already stated, it is low prio.


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[issue18004] test_list.test_overflow crashes Win64

2014-08-01 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

Currently, if you run the test suite of a 64bit Windows python installation it 
consumes all your memory and - depending on your RAM and swap space - you 
system becomes unusable. That's a behaviour nobody expects.

I didn't look into the implementation of the test case test_list. Therefore I 
can't make a proposal what to change. Obviously there are at least two options: 
- skip the test
- replace "sys.maxint" with "sys.maxsize" in test_overflow


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[issue21967] Interpreter crash upon accessing frame.f_restricted of a frame from a dead thread

2014-07-12 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

If you store a reference to a frame from a dead thread and then access 
frame.f_restricted python eventually crashed.

I didn't investigate this bug in depth. Here is my preliminary explanation.

The access of frame.f_restricted causes a call of PyFrame_IsRestricted(f). 

PyFrame_IsRestricted is a macro and expands to 
((f)->f_builtins != (f)->f_tstate->interp->builtins) 

Now, if the thread that created f is already dead, the f_tstate points to an 
invalid structure. Depending on the content of the memory the access of 
f_tstate->interp causes an access violation. I use a Win32 debug build to 
reliable reproduce the issue.

components: Interpreter Core
files: crash_on_f_restricted.py
messages: 222852
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Interpreter crash upon accessing frame.f_restricted of a frame from a 
dead thread
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file35931/crash_on_f_restricted.py

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[issue21959] msi product code for 2.7.5150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py

2014-07-11 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

The file Tools/msi/uuids.py contains the product codes for all recently 
released Python 2.x versions except 2.7.8. Without this code it is not possible 
to recreate the MSI installer using Tools\msi\msi.py. 

The product code of https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.8/python-2.7.8.msi is 

By the way. We had exactly the same issue with 2.7.5: #18023

components: Windows
messages: 222774
nosy: anselm.kruis, loewis, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: msi product code for 2.7.5150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue21959] msi product code for 2.7.8150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py

2014-07-11 Thread Anselm Kruis

Changes by Anselm Kruis :

title: msi product code for 2.7.5150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py -> msi product 
code for 2.7.8150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py

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[issue18015] python 2.7.5 fails to unpickle namedtuple pickled by 2.7.3 or 2.7.4

2013-05-22 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

I created a small *.pth to monkey patch collections.py until 2.7.6 gets 
released. Maybe this is useful for someone else. Therefore I attach it here.

The pth file runs the following code during Python startup:

import collections
def _fix_issue_18015(collections):
template = collections._class_template
except AttributeError:
# prior to 2.7.4 _class_template didn't exists
if not isinstance(template, basestring):
return  # strange
if "__dict__" in template or "__getstate__" in template:
return  # already patched
lines = template.splitlines()
indent = -1
for i,l in enumerate(lines):
if indent < 0:
indent = l.find('def _asdict')
if l.startswith(' '*indent + 'def '):
lines.insert(i, ' '*indent + 'def __getstate__(self): pass')
lines.insert(i, ' '*indent + '__dict__ = _property(_asdict)')
collections._class_template = '''\n'''.join(lines)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30338/fix_python_275_issue18015.pth

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[issue18015] python 2.7.5 fails to unpickle namedtuple pickled by 2.7.3 or 2.7.4

2013-05-21 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

Just for the records: the patch works as expected.


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[issue18004] test_list.test_overflow crashes Win64

2013-05-21 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

> I take it you have more than 16GB of RAM?
I used a system with 16GB Ram.

> What happens if you replace "sys.maxint" with "sys.maxsize" in test_overflow?
The test passes. Both mul and imul raise MemoryError.


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[issue18023] msi product code for 2.7.5150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py

2013-05-20 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

The file Tools/msi/uuids.py contains the product codes for all recently 
released Python 2.x versions except 2.7.5. Without this code it is not possible 
to recreate the MSI installer using Tools\msi\msi.py. 

The product code of http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.5/python-2.7.5.msi is 

components: Build, Windows
messages: 189686
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: msi product code for 2.7.5150 not in Tools/msi/uuids.py
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18015] python 2.7.5 fails to unpickle namedtuple pickled by 2.7.3 or 2.7.4

2013-05-19 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

Change 18303391b981 breaks unpickling named tuples pickled by 2.7.3 and 2.7.4.

See closed issue #15535 for the full story. Unfortunately Raymond was wrong, 
when he wrote that the addition of __dict__ was a 2.7.4 change. It was added by 
changeset 26d5f022eb1a in 2.7.3.

Now 2.7.5 can't unpickle any named tuples pickled by 2.7.3, which is probably 
one of the most widely used python versions.


Pickle a namd tuple using 2.7.3 and unpickle it using 2.7.5.

anselm@Emmy:~$ python2.7
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 16 2012, 21:46:37) 
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import collections
>>> import pickletools
>>> import pickle
>>> N=collections.namedtuple("N","a")
>>> n=N(1)
>>> p=pickle.dumps(n, 2)
>>> p2=pickletools.optimize(p)
>>> pickletools.dis(p2)
0: \x80 PROTO  2
2: cGLOBAL '__main__ N'
   14: KBININT11
   16: \x85 TUPLE1
   17: \x81 NEWOBJ
   18: cGLOBAL 'collections OrderedDict'
   43: ]EMPTY_LIST
   44: ]EMPTY_LIST
   45: (MARK
   49: KBININT11
   51: eAPPENDS(MARK at 45)
   52: aAPPEND
   53: \x85 TUPLE1
   54: RREDUCE
   55: bBUILD
   56: .STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
>>> print repr(p2)

anselm@Emmy:~/sc/eclipsews/fg2py$ fg2python
Python 2.7.5 (default, May 18 2013, 17:02:17) 
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pickle
>>> import collections
>>> N=collections.namedtuple("N","a")
>>> pickle.loads('\x80\x02c__main__\nN\nK\x01\x85\x81ccollections\nOrderedDict\n]](U\x01aK\x01ea\x85Rb.')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
line 1419, in loads
return Unpickler(file).load()
line 895, in load
line 1261, in load_build
d = inst.__dict__
AttributeError: 'N' object has no attribute '__dict__'

As we can see from the trace back, the problem arises from the pickle op-code 
'BUILD'. BUILD requires that the object to be build either has a method 
__setstate__ or has an attribute __dict__. Therefore I propose:

- Revert change 18303391b981 and add a __getstate__ method
  This is the Python 3 fix for the problem.


- Add a method __setstate__:

  def __setstate__(self, state): 
 """For compatibility with Python 2.7.3 and 2.7.4"""

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 189614
nosy: anselm.kruis, rhettinger
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python 2.7.5 fails to unpickle namedtuple pickled by 2.7.3 or 2.7.4
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue15535] Fix pickling efficiency of named tuples in 2.7.3

2013-05-19 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:

>> why the different fix for 3.3 
> I reverted the 2.7.4 addition of __dict__ rather than introduce more
> differences between point releases with possible unintended effects.

__dict__ was a 2.7.3 addition (changeset 26d5f022eb1a). Now unpickling of named 
tuples created by 2.7.3 and 2.7.4 fails.

nosy: +anselm.kruis

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[issue18004] test_list.test_overflow crashes Win64

2013-05-17 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

I installed Python 2.7.5 including tests using the MSI installer from 
http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.5/python-2.7.5.amd64.msi Running 

python.exe -m test.regrtest -v test_list

consumes all available memory and renders the my system completely unusable. I 
had to reboot. The problem is caused by the test case "test_overflow". If you 
run the test with an imposed memory limit, e.g. by using ulimitnt 
(http://code.google.com/p/ulimitnt/) , test_overflow passes.

I propose to skip this test on Win64.

components: Tests
messages: 189491
nosy: anselm.kruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_list.test_overflow crashes Win64
type: resource usage
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue5773] Crash on shutdown after os.fdopen(2) in debug builds

2013-05-10 Thread Anselm Kruis

Anselm Kruis added the comment:


I was faced with a very similar problem also caused by an invalid file 

My solution is to set an invalid parameter handler, that does nothing. This 
effectively disables Dr. Watson. Perhaps this is a suitable solution for other 
users too. And it does not require a patch.

def set_invalid_parameter_handler(flag):
Set the MSVCRT invalid parameter handler.

If flag is True, this function sets an invalid parameter handler,
that does nothing. This effectively disables Dr. Watson.
If flag is an integer number, it must be the address of an 
invalid parameter handler function. 
If flag is None, this function removes the invalid parameter
handler. This effectively enables Dr. Watson.

The return value is the address of the current handler or None,
if no handler is installed.


old = set_invalid_parameter_handler(True)
# get the msvcrt library
import ctypes.util
libc = ctypes.util.find_msvcrt()
if not libc:
# probably not windows
return None
libc = getattr(ctypes.cdll, libc)
siph = libc._set_invalid_parameter_handler
siph.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
siph.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p ]
# now we need a suitable handler. 
# The handler must simply return without performing any actions.
# Of course there is none.
# But if we look at the calling convention (cdecl), and 
# at the fact, that we don't need the argument values
# we find, that we can call any function, as long as the function 
# does not harm. A suitable function is "int abs(abs)".
null_handler = libc.abs
except Exception:
# probably not the correct windows version 
return None
if flag is True:
flag = null_handler
return siph(flag)

nosy: +anselm.kruis

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17667] Windows: build with "build_pgo.bat -2" fails to optimize python.dll

2013-04-08 Thread Anselm Kruis

New submission from Anselm Kruis:

Version: 2.7.4 (and any prior 2.7-version. not tested with 3.x)
Compiler: VS 2008 Professional

If I compile Python using the batch 

> PCbuild\build_pgo.bat -2

Visual Studio fails to correctly collect profile information for the project 
"python27.dll". As a result, no real optimisation takes place.

The command "build_pgo.bat -2" runs the full test suite 
(..\lib\test\regrtest.py) to collect profile data. Experiments show, that 
several test cases (i.e. test_os and test_subprocess) break the collection of 
profile data. Probably the failure is related to the creation of sub-processes. 
I consider it a Visual Studio bug.

To work around this issue I created a list of good test cases and patched 
build_pgo.bat to run only the tests from this list.

components: Build, Windows
files: build_pgo-2.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 186322
nosy: akruis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows: build with "build_pgo.bat -2" fails to optimize python.dll
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29739/build_pgo-2.patch

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