[issue38385] statistics: incorrect documentation

2019-10-06 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT :

The documentation for the statistics package indicates that many of its 
functions (like median()) accept iterators. They seem to actually accept 
something more convenient, namely iterables.

Thus, iterator could probably be  usefully replaced by iterable on many of the 
functions (when applicable, which I would expect is everywhere).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 354043
nosy: docs@python, lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: statistics: incorrect documentation
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output in json

2019-07-21 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

The essence of the original post is simply to document any order-preserving 
properties of the Python to JSON and JSON to Python transformation for 
mappings. This way users can rely on it. This is for instance useful if a 
program modifies JSON created by a user and wants to preserve the user ordering.


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[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output in json

2019-07-14 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

Kyle, what you're saying is correct but is unfortunately unrelated to any of 
the points in the original issue. In fact, the JSON encoder does preserve 
whatever order the dictionary elements are in, and it would be useful to 
document this. Thus, if a user gives an OrderedDict (or a dict with a known 
order, in Python 3.7+), it is useful that he know that the order of its 
elements will not be changed upon transformation into JSON.


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[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output in son

2017-06-02 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Changes by Eric O. LEBIGOT :

title: Document order-preserving dictionary output -> Document order-preserving 
dictionary output in son

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output in json

2017-06-02 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Changes by Eric O. LEBIGOT :

assignee:  -> docs@python
components: +Documentation -Library (Lib)
nosy: +docs@python

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output in json

2017-06-02 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Changes by Eric O. LEBIGOT :

title: Document order-preserving dictionary output in son -> Document 
order-preserving dictionary output in json

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[issue30550] Document order-preserving dictionary output

2017-06-02 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT:

The JSON encoder for dictionaries preserves the order of the items in a 
dictionary: it would be useful to document this behavior, so that users can 
rely on it.

While JSON itself does not have ordered key/value pairs, this feature can be 
useful (for modifying the original JSON document while maintaining as much of 
it untouched, for manipulating our own extension of JSON with ordered 
dictionaries, etc.).

The documentation could also usefully mention that _reading_ sets of key/value 
pairs can also be done in an order-preserving way with 

Reference: the json module does not alter the order of the dictionary items 
upon encoding: 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 295001
nosy: lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Document order-preserving dictionary output
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue30217] Missing entry for the tilde (~) operator in the Index

2017-04-30 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT:

The index (https://docs.python.org/3.6/genindex-Symbols.html) is missing an 
entry for the tilde operator ~ (there is also no entry under "tilde").

A relevant pointer could be to object.__invert__ 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 292641
nosy: docs@python, lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Missing entry for the tilde (~) operator in the Index
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue24658] open().write() fails on 2 GB+ data (OS X)

2015-07-20 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT added the comment:

I see, thanks.

This sounds good to me too: no need for a warning or exception, indeed, since 
file.write() should work and the behavior of os.write() is documented.


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[issue24658] open().write() fails on 2 GB+ data (OS X)

2015-07-20 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT added the comment:

Thank you for looking into this, Ronald.

What does your patch do, exactly? does it only limit the returned byte count, 
or does it really limit the size of the data written by truncating it?

In any case, it would be very useful to have a warning from the Python 
interpreter. If the data is truncated, I would even prefer an explicit 
exception (e.g. "data too big for this platform (>= 2 GB)"), along with an 
explicit mention of it in the documentation. What do you think?


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[issue24658] open().write() fails on 2 GB+ data (OS X)

2015-07-17 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT added the comment:

PS: I should have written "2 GB" bytearray (so this looks like a signed 32 bit 
integer issue).

title: open().write() fails on 4 GB+ data (OS X) -> open().write() fails on 2 
GB+ data (OS X)

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24658] open().write() fails on 4 GB+ data (OS X)

2015-07-17 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT:

On OS X, the Homebrew and MacPorts versions of Python 3.4.3 raise an exception 
when writing a 4 GB bytearray:

>>> open('/dev/null', 'wb').write(bytearray(2**31-1))

>>> open('/dev/null', 'wb').write(bytearray(2**31))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

This has an impact on pickle, in particular 

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 246878
nosy: lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: open().write() fails on 4 GB+ data (OS X)
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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[issue23164] "pydoc filter" documentation restrictive

2015-01-04 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT:

The pydoc documentation for filter reads:

filter(function or None, sequence) -> list, tuple, or string

Return those items of sequence for which function(item) is true.  If
function is None, return the items that are true.  If sequence is a tuple
or string, return the same type, else return a list.

It would be nicer to know (e.g. when offline and with no local access to the 
HTML documentation) that filter() can actually be used more generally with an 

filter(function or None, **iterable**) -> list, tuple, or string

Return those items of **iterable** for which…

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 233416
nosy: docs@python, lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "pydoc filter" documentation restrictive
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21195] None float format: incomplete documentation

2014-04-10 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT added the comment:

The Python 2.7 goes even as far as to say that format(1e10, ' ') should give 
"the same as" format(1e10, ' g') (not something "similar to g"), which is 
obviously incorrect.

If the Python 3.4 documentation for the empty presentation type of floats were 
used in the Python 2.7 documentation, it would be closer to the real behavior 
of Python 2.7, so that would be an improvement.

Now, the real question is whether the Python 3.4 documentation applies exactly 
to Python 2.7, here, or whether improving the Python 2.7 documentation would 
require a different description.


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[issue21195] None float format: incomplete documentation

2014-04-10 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT added the comment:

These examples are good.

I am confused, though, about "The SO question is asking about an empty 
"presentation type", which is indeed similar to 'g' for floats.": the question 
is actually about why the '' format gives a result that differs from the 'g' 
format despite the Python 2.7 documentation saying that a "None" format type is 
"The same as 'g'.". Both the SO question and your examples show that the Python 
2.7 documentation is incorrect, unless the other commenters and I were missing 

Clarifying the documentation would in any case be useful, as the comments to 
the SO question show…


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[issue21195] None float format: incomplete documentation

2014-04-10 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT:

The documentation for a None (empty) format for floats indicates that it is 
equivalent to the g format. This does not appear to be correct 

The Python 3.4 documentation 
 seems to be much closer to what Python 2.7 does.

It would be useful to have a more correct documentation for the effect of a 
None format for floats in Python 2.7 (maybe by copying the Python 3.4 
documentation if it applies).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 215871
nosy: docs@python, lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: None float format: incomplete documentation
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O

2012-06-19 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

Thank you for this lucid account of the situation, Terry.

As for where in the documentation something additional could be said about .pyo 
files and the -O option, I must say that it is already mentioned in some 
relevant places 

However, I can see one other place where some additional information would be 
useful: in the documentation for the -O option itself 
(http://docs.python.org/using/cmdline.html#miscellaneous-options). The current 
documentation only mentions the .pyo-producing effect of -O. Mentioning there 
that -O is *required* for interpreting .pyo files would be useful.



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[issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O

2012-06-14 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

Terry, it seems that the doc I was quoting is for version 1.5.1 
(http://docs.python.org/release/1.5.1p1/tut/node43.html). I can't find it in 
more recent versions of the doc. I should not have quoted an obsolete version 
of the documentation—I'm not sure how this happened. :)

I am not fully sure why -O is essentially required for running .pyo files: why 
not have the Python interpreter handle everything automatically based on the 


Python tracker 
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[issue12982] Document that importing .pyo files needs python -O

2012-06-12 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your message.

You are mentioning the suggestion of "the other Eric" (Araujo). My suggestion 
was to rename your .pyo files as .pyc files; it is hackish (according to a 
previous post from Eric Araujo), but might save you some trouble, on the short 
term, as .pyc do not need -O.

Best wishes,


On Jun 12, 2012, at 21:25, Michael Herrmann wrote:

> Michael Herrmann  added the comment:
> Hi Eric,
> thank you for your quick reply. I'm not the first one who encounters this 
> problem and in my opinion it is simply counter-intuitive that you cannot read 
> a mixture of .pyo and .pyc files. That is why I think that my proposed change 
> is valuable. In the meantime, I will follow your suggestion and try to use 
> the imp-module to load the .pyo-files myself. Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Michael
> --
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue12982>
> ___


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[issue12982] .pyo file cannot be imported

2011-09-15 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Eric O. LEBIGOT  added the comment:

Indeed.  Thanks.  I wish it had been in the documentation. :)  This is yet 
another reason for me to check how I can submit patches to the doc. :)

I also found out that renaming the .pyo file as .pyc makes Python happy upon 
import.  That's the solution I chose, because I don't want users to have to 
type "python -O" when calling programs compiled with -O or -OO.


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[issue12982] .pyo file cannot be imported

2011-09-14 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

New submission from Eric O. LEBIGOT :

When creating a .pyo file (either with -O or -OO) and removing any .pyc or .py 
original file, import  complains with "No module called 
".  The import does work with .pyc files.

I'm not sure that this is the correct behavior, as the documentation does not 
seem to make any difference between .pyc and .pyo files on this point:

"It is possible to have a file called spam.pyc (or spam.pyo when -O is used) 
without a file spam.py for the same module. This can be used to distribute a 
library of Python code in a form that is moderately hard to reverse engineer."

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 144049
nosy: lebigot
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: .pyo file cannot be imported
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue1653416] OS X print >> f, "Hello" produces no error on read-only f: normal?

2010-09-16 Thread Eric O. LEBIGOT

Changes by Eric O. LEBIGOT :

title: OS X print >> f, "Hello" produces no error: normal? -> OS X print >> f, 
"Hello" produces no error on read-only f: normal?

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