[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-06-18 Thread Ivan Ivanyuk

Ivan Ivanyuk  added the comment:

Was there some solution in progress here? We would like to use dataclasses and 
seems this problem currently limits their usefulness to us.

We recently came upon the same behaviour 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2020-June/897502.html and I was 
wondering if it was possible to make it work without changing the property 
decorator behaviour. Is there a way at all to preserve the default value on the 
class with @property even before dataclass starts processing it? 

 An example from that mail thread to workaround this:

 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
 def set_property():
 Container.x = property(Container.get_x, Container.set_x)
 return 30
 class Container:
 x: int = field(default_factory=set_property)
 def get_x(self) -> int:
 return self._x
 def set_x(self, z: int):
 if z > 1:
 self._x = z
 raise ValueError

set_property can also be made a class method and referenced like this:
 x: int = field(default_factory=lambda: Container.set_property())

Is it possible that this kind of behaviour can be made one of standard flows 
for the field() function and dataclasses module can generate a function like 
this and set it on the class during processing?
 Or maybe it's better to extend @property decorator to update property object 
with default value which can be used later by the dataclass?

nosy: +iivanyuk

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[issue40227] SSLError is not passed to the client during handshake

2020-04-08 Thread Ivan Ivanyuk

New submission from Ivan Ivanyuk :

Due to the combination of the logic here: 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/asyncio/sslproto.py#L483 and 
changes introduced in the issue https://bugs.python.org/issue37035, the 
assumption that "Not-logged exceptions are not skipped but reported to the user 
by protocol.connection_lost(exc) callback." as stated in the issue is not valid.
 If SSLError happens during the handshake, no exception get's propagated even 
if it's possible to log stacktrace using loop.set_debug(True).

 As opposed to the usage pattern mentioned in the initial issue comment, we are 
very much interested in the errors there, so, for now, I just monkey patch 
SSLprotocol.connection_lost() in runtime to be like this 

What should be the best solution for this?

components: asyncio
messages: 365988
nosy: asvetlov, iivanyuk, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SSLError is not passed to the client during handshake
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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