[issue34071] asyncio: repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2022-03-21 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt  added the comment:

As the original reporter, I have no objection to closing this old report. It 
remains in the historical record. That was its purpose all along. Thank you to 
all the bug data maintainers!


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[issue36675] Doctest directives and comments missing from code samples

2021-01-25 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt  added the comment:

My goodness, things get complex sometimes. 

If we cannot make Sphinx preserve doctest directives and comments, perhaps we 
should go back to the historical bug discussion to look at workarounds which we 
considered earlier. For instance, maybe we should modify the text surrounding 
the examples to explain that doctests directives should appear there, but that 
our tool chain currently removes them.

At the moment, I see doctest directives in the doctest source code at: 
which do not appear in the corresponding HTML output at:

How about rewording the text before each of those examples? Or maybe finding 
some way to show those examples as literal text which Sphinx won't modify, even 
if it is not formatted like Python code examples?

By the way, the discussion of this same problem back in 2011-2012 is at #12947 
. At that time, we applied a "monkey patch" to the Sphinx code. I haven't read 
the discussion closely enough to figure out if such a patch would help now.


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[issue36675] Doctest directives and comments missing from code samples

2020-04-24 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt  added the comment:

We discovered and fixed this same problem back in 2011-2012 with #12947 . 

That was apparently the source of the monkeypatch that was removed as "obselete 
code" on 2019-09-12. That old issue commentary has some suggestions about other 
workarounds. This includes adding explanatory text about the fact that doctest 
directives are missing from the examples which should be showing them. Maybe 
some of those workarounds would be effective for us now.

nosy: +JDLH

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[issue34176] Asyncio StreamReader fails to close Transport

2018-07-20 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt :

Asyncio's StreamReaderProtocol[1] often returns True from 
Protocol.eof_received(). This tells the Transport that "closing the transport 
is up to the protocol" [2]. However, StreamReaderProtocol does not call 
Transport.close(). More precisely, StreamReaderProtocol leaves the transport 
interaction to StreamReader. It calls StreamReader.feed_eof()[3]. But 
StreamReader does not call self._transport.close(). It only sets a self._eof 
flag, and awakens any of its functions which were waiting for data. 

The only occurrence of self._transport.close() occurs in StreamWriter[4]. There 
is none in StreamReader or StreamReaderProtocol.

I believe that the fix should be for StreamReader to call 
self._transport.close(). However, it may need to avoid this if 
StreamReaderProtocol._over_ssl is True, and I don't immediately see how it can 
tell this. Also, it may need to wait for anything waiting for self._waiter to 
run, before closing the Transport.
Or, maybe StreamReaderProtocol should not return True from 

I discovered this when using a Transport of my own devising, which reads from a 
file instead of from a socket, with asyncio.streams.  The file did not close in 
the unit test. My transport duly called Protocol.eof_received(), but received a 
True in response, so did not close the file.

My workaround will probably be to not believe what Protocol.eof_received() 
tells me, and to close my transport regardless.

[1] Lib/asyncio.streams.StreamReaderProtocol.eof_received, line 259-266.
[2] "Streaming protocols" 
[3] Lib/Lib/asyncio.streams.StreamReader.feed_eof, lines 419-421.
[4] Lib/Lib/asyncio.streams.StreamWriter.close, lines 316-317.

All line numbers are as of tag v3.7.0, commit 
1bf9cc509326bc42cd8cb1650eb9bf64550d817e . 

Bug observed in v3.7.0. Not yet investigated in HEAD revision.

components: asyncio
messages: 322047
nosy: JDLH, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Asyncio StreamReader fails to close Transport
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34071] repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2018-07-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt  added the comment:

This is what I observe when I run my original program with Python 3.7.0. Notice 
that the Task object instantiation fails with a clear error message:

% python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)'
3.7.0 (default, Jun 28 2018, 06:01:52) 
[Clang 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)]

% python bug_task_repr_1.py
type(ag()) is  
asyncio.iscoroutine(ag)?  False
repr(ag()) is  
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bug_task_repr_1.py", line 42, in 
task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(ag())
 line 386, in create_task
task = tasks.Task(coro, loop=self)
TypeError: a coroutine was expected, got 

Also, the unit test example fails due to asyncio.test_utils no longer being 
present in Python 3.7.0. 

I am comfortable with a workaround of upgrading to 3.7.0 or later for anyone 
who encounters this problem. 

I file this bug report mostly to let people who encounter this problem find 
this report in web searches, to help them understand the cause, and  to see the 
workaround (patching Task._repr_info) if upgrading to 3.7 is not feasible.


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[issue34071] repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2018-07-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt :

In Python 3.6.5, Task.__repr__() with raise an AssertionError for 
certain, arguably incorrect, coroutines which the instantiation of Task() 
accepts. repr(task) thus fails with an AssertionError, instead of
returning a string which describes the task object and why its coroutine 
is wrong. Complications ensue. 

In particular, if this Task is used in a unittest.TestCase, and appears in test 
failure diagnostics, the test
diagnostics are discarded when the AssertionError occurs, masking the 
problem in the code under test. 

In Python 3.7.0, Task.__init__() checks the supplied coroutine argument,
using the same asyncio.iscoroutine() method which Task.__repr__() calls.
Thus, while repr(task) can still raise an AssertionError, it is much harder to 
reach this situation. Task.__init__() is likely to raise an exception first, 
and the diagnostics will be pretty clear.

To reproduce:

1. Here is a simple, perhaps misguided, attempt at a coroutine, and a Task 
which uses it:

import asyncio

async def ag():
yield None

print("type(ag()) is ", type(ag()))
print("asyncio.iscoroutine(ag)? ", asyncio.iscoroutine(ag))
print("repr(ag()) is ", repr(ag()))

task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(ag())
print("type(task) is ", type(task))
print("asyncio.iscoroutine(task._coro)? ", asyncio.iscoroutine(task._coro))
print("repr(task) is ")

The output from Python 3.6.5 is:
type(ag()) is  
asyncio.iscoroutine(ag)?  False
repr(ag()) is  
type(task) is  
asyncio.iscoroutine(task._coro)?  False
repr(task) is 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bug_task_repr_1.py", line 31, in 
 line 15, in _task_repr_info
coro = coroutines._format_coroutine(task._coro)
 line 276, in _format_coroutine
assert iscoroutine(coro)

Observed behaviour: 

Here is a unit test which attempts to exercise the above Task. The test fails, 
but the AssertionError in Task.__repr__() discards the error diagnostics:

from asyncio import test_utils
class Test(test_utils.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.loop = self.new_test_loop()

def test_wrongly_scheduled(self):
# this is a simple, and maybe mistaken, coroutine
async def ag():
yield None

_ = self.loop.create_task(ag())

The output from Python 3.6.5 is:

% python -m unittest bug_task_repr_2.py
Exception in default exception handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1291, in call_exception_handler
 line 1263, in default_exception_handler
value = repr(value)
 line 15, in _task_repr_info
coro = coroutines._format_coroutine(task._coro)
 line 276, in _format_coroutine
assert iscoroutine(coro)
Ran 1 test in 0.001s

Note that the error traceback is all about the exception from Task.__repr__(), 
and the diagnostics about why the unit test failed is discarded.

Expected behaviour:

Here is the same unit test, but this time with a replacement method for 
Task._task_repr_info() which avoids the AssertionError. 

import asyncio
from asyncio import test_utils
import types

class Test(test_utils.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.loop = self.new_test_loop()

def test_wrongly_scheduled(self):
# this is a simple, and maybe mistaken, coroutine
async def ag():
yield None

task = self.loop.create_task(ag())
task._repr_info = types.MethodType( task_safe_repr_info, task )

def task_safe_repr_info(self):
'''task.task_safe_repr_info(): string list representation of task. Won't 
raise AssertionError

If you have a Task object which is raising an AssertionError from 
"assert iscoroutine(coro)", then assign to instantiated object:
task._repr_info = task_safe_repr_info
Patched task object should be able to survive the AssertionError and 
deliver a useful representation.

[issue33649] asyncio docs overhaul

2018-07-02 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt  added the comment:

I'm a developer using Python in my application. I just spent the last couple of 
weeks learning about asyncio with the present documentation. I am very happy to 
see that work is underway for improved documentation. 

I would be glad to take on writing tasks or to review drafts, if there is a way 
to plug myself into that work.

I like the general structure. 

Some specific topics which would have helped me in my recent learning:

* As an application developer using an event loop as part of the application, 
how do I develop a Protocol specific to my app, and use with Streams?  An 
important part of this is being clear what the interface is between Transport 
and Protocol. This interface resides in both classes; Protocol calls Transport 
methods, and Transport calls Protocol methods.

* As an application developer using an event loop as part of the application, 
how do I develop a Transport specific to my app, and use it with Streams?  (In 
my case, I have two transports in mind: a file, containing data archived from a 
TCP network port, and an RS232 serial connection, carrying data that might 
otherwise be sent via a TCP network port. It seems to me that I should be able 
at run-time to select from any of those three Transports, and apply my 
app-specific Protocol when creating my connection.)

* As an application developer, how do I give a function which is not a 
coroutine to the event loop for scheduling and execution?  (I think the answer 
is loop.call_soon(), but the docs don't say "to run your function call 
loop.call_soon(myfunc...)", they say "call_soon(): Arrange for a callback to be 
called as soon as possible". Not the same thing. And, is a "callback" different 
"an arbitrary function"? Not clear.)

* As an application developer, how do I make an syncio-based streaming server 
and streaming client respond cleanly to interrupts, e.g. control-C in a 
command-line app?  (Existing docs hints at catching signals, but don't show how 
to combine those with exception handlers in the coroutine to shut down 
connections cleanly.)

* As a Transport developer, what interface must I provide between Transport and 
Protocol? What services does the EventLoop provide to help implement my 
Transport? As mentioned before, to me it looks like the Transport-Protocol 
interface resides in both classes; Protocol calls Transport methods, and 
Transport calls Protocol methods.  The EventLoop services useful to Transports 
are not gathered in a discussion of Transports. There is only an enumeration of 
the EventLoop methods, regardless of purpose.

Editorial checks I suggest making to the revision:

Rewrite to describe the behaviour in the doc, instead of delegating to a PEP. 
No more "this class is almost like the thing in PEP xyz, except for these 
differences". Describe the asyncio class, and steal text from PEP xyz as needed 
to do that.

Every section about a thing must start by saying what that thing is and what it 
is used for.  There are some big counterexamples in the current text. 

e.g. " Calls" 
<https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-eventloop.html#calls> starts out 
with: "Most asyncio functions don’t accept keywords. If you want to pass 
keywords to your callback, use functools.partial()."  That does not describe 
what "calls" are, nor what they are used for. And, in this case, a better title 
might be, "Getting the event loop to call regular functions".

e.g. " Futures" 
<https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-eventloop.html#futures> has no 
starting text. This is the first heading mentioning Futures when reading 
sequentially in the asyncio doc, so I interpreted it as a place to learn about 
Futures. It is not. This section would be better titles "Eventloop methods for 
Futures". The proposed "Low-level APIs" section might solve this problem by 
explaining the nature and purpose of Futures before mentioning the EventLoop 
factory for Futures objects.

Consider separating the explanation of the nature and purpose of a thing from 
the reference to the methods of the thing. The proposed structure talks about 
"High-Level APIs" and "Low-Level APIs", but not "Architecture" and "API 
Reference". I would suggest injecting an "Architecture" section which can give 
the nature and purpose of each of the public classes in Asyncio, without 
enumerating their methods. Then the sections labelled "High-Level APIs" and 
"Low-Level APIs" can be the API reference.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'll be monitoring this issue to see how 
I can help.

nosy: +JDLH

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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-04-17 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Bump. Could I get a few more eyes looking at the current state of 
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/45/ ? 

* @bitdancer made some suggestions. I accepted some, and replied to others 
where I think we should keep looking for common ground. I'd like to see replies.

* I've made changes in response to other comments.

I think pull/45 represents a targeted set of changes to those parts of the 
module documentation which are particularly unclear. It is not a wholesale 
re-write; that's a task for a different time. I believe it is responsive to 
comments so far. I'd appreciate more eyes to help arrive at consensus on those 
improvements where we can. 

Thank you!


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[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-19 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

> Note that the result of getgroups(2) is fixed on login, while "id -G" 
> reflects the current state of the user database on macOS.

Wow, that's interesting!  Thank you for this information.

The test code for test_getgroups does not mention this interaction.  I can 
certainly see how it could affect the test. Maybe it should be added?

Since I last tried that test, I've logged out and restarted several times, and 
changed OS to Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Nothing like changing several 
independent variables at once while diagnosing! I will try the test again and 
report back.


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[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-18 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Jaysinh, thank you for checking.  From your log, I see you are using Sphinx 
version 1.3.6.  I am seeing this problem with Sphinx version 1.5.2.  I think 
you need Sphinx 1.5.2 or later to see the warning message.

I notice my original bug description didn't specify a Sphinx version. Now we 
know that it needs to be a fairly recent version of Sphinx.

>From the discussion in https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2986, it 
>looks like the Sphinx team added the warning message at or shortly after the 
>release of 1.5.0.


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[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

The Mac OS 10.10 man page for initgroups(3) says:

"Processes should not use the group ID numbers from getgroups(2) to determine a 
user's group membership.  The list obtained from getgroups() may only be a 
partial list of a user's group membership.  Membership checks should use the 
mbr_gid_to_uuid(3), mbr_uid_to_uuid(3), and mbr_check_membership(3) functions."
(http://www.manpagez.com/man/3/initgroups/ -- not official Apple page, but it 
matches what I see in my OS.)

When the man page says, "The list obtained from getgroups() may only be a 
partial list of a user's group membership.", and the list from `id -G` is 
presumably a complete list, should we understand that Apple is saying their 
getgroups(2) implementation isn't POSIX-compliant? If so, maybe we should skip 
test_getgroups on Mac OS X systems?

Or, should we consider rewriting os_getgroups_impl() to use a Mac-specific 
implementation on Mac OS X?


Python tracker 
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[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I guess I didn't state the things I find odd about what the new test_getgroups 

1. `os.getgroups()` used to return group (395, 'com.apple.access_ftp'), but no 
longer does.  I don't see a reason why.

2. `os.getgroups()` is returning 2 fewer group id's than `id -G`, even as the 
total number of groups is reduced.  This is not the behaviour of an API limited 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Some diagnosis.

Group `com.apple.sharepoint.group.1` appears to be related to a certain kind of 
file sharing, but I don't have hard evidence. 

Its only member was a test user I created as part of screen sharing with Apple 
% dscacheutil -q group -a name com.apple.sharepoint.group.1
name: com.apple.sharepoint.group.1
password: *
gid: 701
users: testuser

I removed File Sharing for this user's home directory.

1. Open System Preferences... Sharing. 
2. Click on "File Sharing", which is checked. In the right pane, a list of 
shared folders appears.
3. Click on the entry "Testuser Public Folder" in the Shared Folders list.
4. Click on the "-" button below the Shared Folders list. The "Testuser Public 
Folder" entry disappears.

Having done that, the group `com.apple.sharepoint.group.1` no longer appeared.

% dscacheutil -q group -a name com.apple.sharepoint.group.1

Interestingly, `test_getgroups` still failed, and still had a discrepancy of 
two groups from the output of `id -G`.

% ./python.exe -m unittest -v test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups
test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jdlh/workspace/cpython/Lib/test/test_posix.py", line 841, in 
self.assertEqual(len(symdiff), 0, msg)
AssertionError: 2 != 0 : id -G and posix.groups() should have zero difference.
Groups in id -G but not posix.groups(): [(395, 'com.apple.access_ftp'), (398, 
Groups in posix.groups() but not id -G: []
(Effective GID (20) was disregarded.)

Ran 1 test in 0.013s

FAILED (failures=1)

Earlier, group `com.apple.access_ftp` was not part of the difference. Now it 
is. The output of `id -G` didn't change. The implementation of 
`posix.getgroups()` didn't change. It calls getgroups (2), I believe: 

That makes me think that the behaviour of getgroups (2) in Mac OS is behaving 
differently than we expect. 

`man 2 getgroups` gives documentation. (I can't find this page at an apple URL, 
but http://www.manpagez.com/man/2/getgroups/ seems to have the same content.) 
It says, 

>>> "To provide compatibility with applications that use getgroups() in 
>>> environments where users may be in more than {NGROUPS_MAX} groups, a 
>>> variant of getgroups(), obtained when compiling with either the macros 
>>> _DARWIN_UNLIMITED_GETGROUPS or _DARWIN_C_SOURCE defined, can be used that 
>>> is not limited to {NGROUPS_MAX} groups.  However, this variant only returns 
>>> the user's default group access list and not the group list modified by a 
>>> call to setgroups(2) (either in the current process or an ancestor 
>>> process).  Use of setgroups(2) is highly discouraged, and there is no 
>>> foolproof way to determine if it has been previously called."

I don't know how to determine if my copy of Mac OS X 10.10 was complied with 
either of these two macros. 

On my system, I chased NGROUPS_MAX down to /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h:84, 
where it is set to 16. That is more than the number of groups `id -G` is 
reporting, so I don't see how that is relevant.

```% id -G
20 507 12 61 80 98 399 33 100 204 395 398

This is 12 groups, whereas before it was 13 groups (see my message from 
2017-02-15 02:03). This is unsurprising.  However, the number of groups 
returned by posix.getgroups() has also shrunk by 1:

```% ./python.exe -c 'import grp,os; g={i: (n, p, i, mem) for (n, p, i, mem) in 
grp.getgrall()}; print(sorted([(i, g[i][0]) for i in os.getgroups()]) )'
[(12, 'everyone'), (20, 'staff'), (33, '_appstore'), (61, 'localaccounts'), 
(80, 'admin'), (98, '_lpadmin'), (100, '_lpoperator'), (204, '_developer'), 
(399, 'com.apple.access_ssh'), (507, 'xampp')]

Notice that group (395, 'com.apple.access_ftp') is no longer being returned by 
os.getgroups().  This is as a consequence of a different group being deleted.

The test_getgroups comment asserts: "# 'id -G' and 'os.getgroups()' should 
return the same groups, ignoring order, duplicates, and the effective gid." 

I'm getting skeptical about that claim. Does Mac OS X actually guarantee that 
'id -G' and 'getgroups(2)' return the same groups?


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[issue29561] Interactive mode gives sys.ps2 not sys.ps1 after comment-only line

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Thank you for the analysis, Eryk Sun.

You wrote, "the interpreter is correctly conveying that it's still tokenizing 
the input; it hasn't compiled or executed any code." I think one important 
question for this issue is, what meaning should the choice of prompt convey?  
That breaks down into, 1. what meaning does the user believe it conveys, and 2. 
what meaning does the present behaviour of the code imply?

"it's still tokenizing the input" translates to a meaning, sys.ps1 indicates 
the interpreter just finished executing and has no input, while sys.ps2 
indicates the interpreter is tokenizing input and awaiting a chance to execute.

I think my intuition is, and the bash shell's behaviour says, sys.ps1 indicates 
the interpreter is ready to start a new statement, and sys.ps2 indicates the 
interpreter is in the midst of a compound statement.


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[issue29563] Update Devguide about building documentation.

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Per request from Brett Cannon, I've moved this issue to 
https://github.com/python/devguide/issues/116 . Please continue the discussion 


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[issue29563] Update Devguide about building documentation.

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

The Devguide section 7.5.1 "Building the documentation" / "Using make / 
make.bat" is out of date.  The document lists 10 documentation targets for 
`make`. The Doc/Makefile lists 17. 

One important omission is `make check`, which looks for errors in 
reStructuredText syntax, using `rstlint.py`. It's important for contributors to 
know about and to run `make check`, because with the move to GitHub, the 
project is running make check after pulling in new code.  If contributors 
haven't cleaned up their submissions, the build fails.

I suggest that the following improvements be made:

1. rewrite the bullet list "Available make targets are:" in 7.5.1 
https://cpython-devguide.readthedocs.io/documenting.html#using-make-make-bat to 
match the list of targets in Doc/Makefile:21-38.

2. add a comment that `make help` will give the most up-to-date list of targets 
from the makefile, which might be better than the list in the Devguide.

3. add `make help` to both Doc/Makefile:21-38 and Devguide 7.5.1.

4. add to Devguide 6.3. "Helping with the Developer’s Guide" an instruction to 
run `make check` before submitting a pull request to the Devguide.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 287808
nosy: JDLH, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Update Devguide about building documentation.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I have pushed a branch for this issue to my cpython fork:


It modifies test_getgroups in test_posix.py to give better diagnostics in the 
event of a test failure. It says specifically which groups were in id -G, and 
posix.getgroups(), but not in the other.

% ./python.exe -m unittest -v test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups 
test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jdlh/workspace/cpython/Lib/test/test_posix.py", line 841, in 
self.assertEqual(len(symdiff), 0, msg)
AssertionError: 2 != 0 : id -G and posix.groups() should have zero difference.
Groups in id -G but not posix.groups(): [(701, 'com.apple.sharepoint.group.1'), 
(398, 'com.apple.access_screensharing')]
Groups in posix.groups() but not id -G: []
(Effective GID (20) was disregarded.)

Ran 1 test in 0.020s

I don't think this branch is ready yet to submit to the main codebase, but it 
may help people diagnose the issue.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

When I run test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups on my Mac OS X system, it 

% ./python.exe -m unittest -v test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups
test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jdlh/workspace/cpython/Lib/test/test_posix.py", line 824, in 
self.assertTrue(not symdiff or symdiff == {posix.getegid()})
AssertionError: False is not true

Ran 1 test in 0.013s

FAILED (failures=1)

Details of my system:
% sw_vers
ProductName:Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.10.5
BuildVersion:   14F2109

% id -G
20 507 12 61 80 
98 399 33 100 
204 395 398 
% id -G -n
staff xampp everyone localaccounts admin 
_lpadmin com.apple.access_ssh _appstore _lpoperator 
_developer com.apple.access_ftp com.apple.access_screensharing 
# I wrapped these lines similarly, to make the correspondence clearer

% ./python.exe -c 'import grp,os; g={i: (n, p, i, mem) for (n, p, i, mem) in 
grp.getgrall()}; print(sorted([(i, g[i][0]) for i in os.getgroups()]) )'
[(12, 'everyone'), (20, 'staff'), (33, '_appstore'), (61, 'localaccounts'), 
(80, 'admin'), (98, '_lpadmin'), (100, '_lpoperator'), (204, '_developer'), 
(395, 'com.apple.access_ftp'), (399, 'com.apple.access_ssh'), (507, 'xampp')]

So the difference, which triggers the test failure, is that id -G is returning 
groups (701, 'com.apple.sharepoint.group.1'), and (398, 
'com.apple.access_screensharing'), while posix.getgroups() is not.  I do not 
yet understand why.

Others say this test works on their OS X 10.10 system, so maybe it's triggered 
by something in my environment. 

Also: python3.6 from MacPorts, and python2.7 from MacPorts, return the same set 
of groupids as does the dev build of python3.7.

This bug affects the same test, and the same posix.getgroups() call, as 
http://bugs.python.org/issue17557 "test_getgroups of test_posix can fail on OS 
X 10.8 if more than 16 groups" (2013-2014, closed).  But I think it is a 
different problem: issue17557 is related to how posix.getgroups() deals with 
large numbers of groups, and it is fixed.

I would appreciate help in getting this test to pass. Maybe my environment is 
wrong, in which case I should fix my environment. But maybe the cpython code is 
sensitive to some detail of my environment, in which case perhaps I should fix 
the cpython code.

components: Tests
messages: 287806
nosy: JDLH
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29561] Interactive mode gives sys.ps2 not sys.ps1 after comment-only line

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

When you run the Python interpreter in interactive mode, get a sys.ps1 prompt 
(`...`), and type a comment-only or white-space-only line, the interpreter 
responds with a sys.ps2 prompt (`...`), instead of a sys.ps1 prompt. This seems 

For example: 

% ./python.exe 
Python 3.7.0a0 (default, Feb 13 2017, 16:27:07) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> # comment-only<<-- line A
...   <<-- line B
>>>   <<-- line C 
>>>   <<-- line D 

Line A is a comment-only line entered by the user. The interpreter responds 
with the sys.ps2 prompt (`...`), in line B. Line C is a null line (user enters 
only the Enter key, nothing else). The interpreter responds with a sys.ps1 
prompt (`...`).  

If user enters a white-space-only line at a sys.ps1 prompt, the interpreter 
responds the same as if it were a comment-only line, with a sys.ps2 prompt 
(line B).

The expected expected interpreter behaviour in response to a  comment-only line 
or a white-space-only line, not in the midst of a compound statement, is that 
it be the same as to a null line, with a sys.ps1 prompt. 

In the context of a compound statement, the expected interpreter behaviour is 
that a comment-only line or a white-space-only line continue the compound 
statement. Entering a null line in a compound statement ends the compound 

Another way to phrase it: the expected interpreter behaviour is that a 
comment-only line or white-space-only line not change the interpreter prompt: 
if it was sys.ps1, it remains so; if it was sys.ps2, it remains so.

I have reproduced this behaviour on my build of cpython 3.7.a0, python 3.6 from 
MacPorts, python 2.7 from MacPorts, all on Mac OS X.  I see the same behaviour 
in the interactive shell at python.org/shell .

This makes me suspect that the Python design says my expectations are wrong. In 
that case, the current behaviour certainly is surprising. It should be 
documented.  I haven't found such documentation yet.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 287799
nosy: JDLH
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Interactive mode gives sys.ps2 not sys.ps1 after comment-only line
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-12 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Pull Request https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/45 submitted to new Github 

I would appreciate a review.

I attempted to balance all the different opinions in the discussion below: stay 
concise, but also improve the clarity.

pull_requests: +45

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29387] Tabs vs spaces FAQ out of date

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

PR https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/41 to the new Github repo contains 
the following wording in Doc/faq/windows.rst:

Python raises :exc:`IndentationError` or :exc:`TabError` if mixed tabs 
and spaces are causing problems in leading whitespace.
You may also run the :mod:`tabnanny` module to check a directory tree 
in batch mode.

This is parallel wording with the contents of Martin's patch.

The PR may be enough to fix this issue.

pull_requests: +44

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I submitted a PR https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/41 to the new Github 
repo which finishes clearing the warnings in this bug report.

I would appreciate review and committing.

pull_requests: +43

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

It looks like commit e7ffb99f842ebff97cffa0fc90b18be4e5abecf2 to the new GitHub 
python/cpython repo, by Ryan Gonzalez, fixed the problems in Doc/conf.py, 
Doc/Makefile, and Misc/NEWS . It did not fix the problems in Doc/make.bat or 
Doc/faq/windows.rst .  I'll make a new Pull Request on the new repo to fix 
these two parts.

That commit was related to https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/9. 

http://bugs.python.org/issue29527 talks about over 6000 warnings in the doc 
build, maybe including some of these. Another PR appeared to have fixed many of 
the warnings.


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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I've drafted some fairly restricted changes to the doctest documentation page. 
They are in my Github branch, 
https://github.com/JDLH/cpython/tree/Issue29428_doctest_docs . The diffs are at 

There currently is no official Python github repot against which to make a pull 
request. In a few days, once it appears, I'll make a pull request.

In the meantime, I can take review comments and improve it. If you are 
interested, please review.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

My Pull Request was closed, because apparently  
https://github.com/python/cpython/ will not be the new GitHub repo for Python. 
The actual repo will open on 11. Feb, I'm told. I will repeat the PR there. 
Please stand by.


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[issue29387] Tabs vs spaces FAQ out of date

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I just created Pull Request 76 https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/76  to 
address http://bugs.python.org/issue29521 . 

In faq/windows.rst, I've used your wording from the discussion in of this bug. 
I may have address this issue completely, in fact.  I did not do the more 
careful "testing all versions patched" which Terry suggested.

nosy: +JDLH

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Thanks, Martin, for your suggestions.

In Misc/NEWS, I've respelled the ``char *`` as you suggested. 
In faq/windows.rst, I've used your wording from the discussion in 
http://bugs.python.org/issue29387 .

Pull Request 76 https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/76 ready for review.

pull_requests: +27

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

The other warnings in the "make html" output are the subject of 
http://bugs.python.org/issue29521 .


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

When I build the documentation on the current CPython code, there are various 
error and warning messages on the console. 

Here's what my build output looks like. I've marked the messages I'm concerned 
about with a numbered >>0>> prefix.

= (beginning of output)
% make html
sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_paper_size=  . build/html 
Running Sphinx v1.5.2
loading pickled environment... done
>>1>> WARNING: latex_preamble is deprecated. Use latex_elements['preamble'] 
>>2>> WARNING: latex_paper_size is deprecated. Use latex_elements['papersize'] 
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [html]: targets for 466 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] whatsnew/changelog

>>3>> ../../Misc/NEWS:659: WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without 
>>4>> ../../Misc/NEWS:659: WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without 
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] whatsnew/index 

>>5>> /Users/jdlh/workspace/cpython_github/Doc/faq/windows.rst:303: WARNING: 
>>unknown option: -t
generating indices... genindex py-modindex
writing additional pages... download index
>>6>> WARNING: Now base template defindex.html is deprecated.
 search opensearch
copying images... [100%] using/win_installer.png

copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded, 6 warnings.

Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html.
= (end of output)

This is observed when building documentation from branch master, commit 
b1dc6b6d5fa20f63f9651df2e7986a066c88ff7d . 
The build command is "cd Doc; make html".

Warning >>6>> is the subject of http://bugs.python.org/issue29520 . It's harder 
to fix, and I won't address it here.

The other five warnings are pretty easy to fix.

Warnings >>1>>, >>2>> are Sphinx warnings about names used in Doc/conf.py , 
namely `latex_preamble` and `latex_paper_size`. There are straightforward 
changes to build a dict latex_elements{}, with keys 'preamble' and 'papersize'. 
It turns out that makefiles Doc/Makefile and Doc/make.bat also referred to 
`latex_paper_size`. Those references are rewritten as 
`latex_elements.papersize`, per Sphinx syntax for external names.

Warnings >>3>>, >>4>> are Sphinx warnings about the text, in Misc/NEWS:661, 
  ```is now of type "const char *" rather of "char *".```
Put a backslash in front of the '*', and the warning disappears.
Warning >>5>> is a Sphinx warning about this text, in 

If you suspect mixed tabs and spaces are causing problems in leading 
whitespace, run Python with the :option:`-t` switch or run 
``Tools/Scripts/tabnanny.py`` to check a directory tree in batch mode.

The notation :option:`-t` seems to need a corresponding ``.. cmdoption:: -t `` 
entry, perhaps in the same file. There is no such entry.

It turns out that the -t option has no function in Python 3.6, maybe in all of 
3.x. Python swallows the option but does nothing. Thus, instead of trying to 
make the reference to '-t' work, I decided to cut the whole phrase. This 
paragraph now reads, 

If you suspect mixed tabs and spaces are causing problems in leading 
whitespace, run ``Tools/Scripts/tabnanny.py`` to check a directory tree in 
batch mode.

I am making a Pull Request with these fixes. I will shortly link to it from 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 287480
nosy: JDLH, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Minor warning messages when compiling documentation
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

When I build the documentation on the current CPython code, there is a 
deprecation warning on the console. 

= (beginning of output)
% make html
sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize=  . 
Running Sphinx v1.5.2
...[omitted irrelevant output]...
generating indices... genindex py-modindex
writing additional pages... download index
WARNING: Now base template defindex.html is deprecated.
 search opensearch
copying images... [100%] faq/python-video-icon.png  

...[omitted irrelevant output]...
build succeeded, 1 warning.

Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html.
= (end of output)

This is observed when building documentation from branch master, commit 
b1dc6b6d5fa20f63f9651df2e7986a066c88ff7d . 
The build command is "cd Doc; make html".

There are other warnings in the output, and I'm dealing with them in a 
different issue (number to follow). They are easier to fix than this one.

Sphinx config file Doc/conf.py:72 invokes the building of template 
Doc/tools/templates/indexcontent.html:1 contains Sphinx directive 
`{% extends "defindex.html" %}`.
This invokes file sphinx/sphinx/themes/basic/defindex.html 
 ]. Sure enough, it issues a deprecation warning. 

{{ warn('Now base template defindex.html is deprecated.') }}

There's a story behind this file.

Sphinx issue 2986 (https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2986) says that 
this is a very old file, from about the 0.2 version of Sphinx. It wasn't HTML 5 
compatible, so they declared it obsolete and threw it out. Well, that lasted 
only about two weeks.  It became apparent that not only Python's docs, but 
thousands of other projects, seem to rely on it. So, defindex.html was 
restored, but with the deprecation warning.

Then, on 1. January 2017, Sphinx deleted defindex.html again. (See 
 ). I can only imagine that, once this change makes it into the public release 
of Sphinx, Python's documentation, and that of thousands of projects, will 
break again.

So, it seems like a good idea to proactively remove the dependence on this 
Sphinx file, before that new Sphinx release comes out. 


1. Copy the Sphinx defindex.html file into our source tree, and keep using it. 
Plus points: it's simple and easy. Minus points: the Sphinx licence terms may 
not permit this.  And, it is not HTML5 compatible, which we might care about.

2. Identify the template which Sphinx intends as a successor to defindex.html, 
and switch to using that.  I've done a bit of searching, and couldn't find out 
which template that might be.

3. Reimplement our Doc/tools/templates/indexcontent.html to rely on supported 
Sphinx template, and replace whatever intermediate content we were using from 
defindex.html with freshly-written code. 

I don't have a solution in mind for this issue. I just want to get it in the 
bug list, so we know about it.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 287478
nosy: JDLH, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I have set up a global gitignore, and it works for me. 
% git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
(Amusingly, I had _already- set a global gitignore, but I had forgotten it 
existed, and it didn't ignore these IDE files.)

I agree that we should not put IDE entries in the CPython .gitignore. 

I also think it's a good idea to add the points Inada mentions in the developer 
doc somewhere. That should include the Git global ignore idea. I see Berker's 
point that the Devguide shouldn't get too big, but it also shouldn't leave out 
useful information. There's a balance to strike.

I think that's the topic of a different issue, however.  I'll open that when I 
get back to this.

In the meantime, if someone searches the issue database for "gitignore", they 
will find this discussion. That's helpful.

Thank you both for your responses, Inada and Berker.


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[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

gitignore_global is a great idea. I had not heard of it before. 

But here it is: https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/  . This 
instruction also has a link to a gist with a lot of helpful global ignores.

I understand your reluctance to add entries for every IDE. Maybe a better 
solution would be to add something to the devguide about excluding IDE settings 
files, with a link to the Github instructions.


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[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

I'm now looking at cpython as retrieved from Mercurial by Eclipse. It appears 
to be concerned by the presence of 
which is also an Eclipse settings file.  

It might be reasonable to extend the scope of this issue to include telling 
Mercurial to ignore settings files. My pull request does not do this, because I 
haven't yet learned the right Mercurial action.


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[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Changes by Jim DeLaHunt :

type:  -> enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

A fix is in GitHub cpython PR #75.

pull_requests: +26

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

The Eclipse IDE, and its relatives pydev and LiClipse, store settings in the 
root of a repository. It would be nice for the master .gitignore file to ignore 
these files, so that individual developers don't have to do this. 

I am preparing a GitHub Pull Request that fixes this issue. It is a matter of 
adding 4 lines to the top-level .gitignore file.

messages: 287388
nosy: JDLH
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:


> To have a wide view, usually it is a good idea to start from the beginning:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.lang.python/DfzH5Nrt05E/Yyd3s7fPVxwJ

Thank you, that is a very interesting thread. Clearly the creator of doctests, 
Tim Peters, is a well-regarded person in the Python world. 

On the other hand, I was surprised to see some of the examples used in the 
present-day documentation in Tim's original 1999 message. I find it remarkable 
that in 18 years since then, no rewrite or editing has replaced those examples 
with better ones.


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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-04 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Marco, thank you for the suggestion of a howto. That is a good idea. 

In parallel, I was thinking of some howto content that I would like to see 

• How to decide what to test with doctests and what with unittests. I have a 
feeling that the sweet spot of doctests is functionality which you can invoke 
in one line, and which produces one line of output which you can match against 
a reference string. If it takes many lines to set up, or invoke, or checking 
for correctness is more than a test for string equality, then maybe unittest is 
a better tool.

• An effective way to write doctests. I suspect that some people write doctests 
by exercising the functionality in Python's interactive mode, then copy and 
paste the transcript from that session to the doctests. I don't do it that way, 
I author in the docstring. Maybe I'm not doing it the best way.

• How to author doctests so that they both prove the module correct, and 
provide clear and readable documentation. I imagine some effective tests for 
edge cases and error conditions are important to have, but are not readable 
documentation. Maybe such tests belong in a unittest framework instead of as 

• How to run doctests from a unittest harness (your earlier note about the 
unittest API would be a part of this).

A problem for me is that I think I don't have the experience and wisdom to give 
good advice in these areas. I would be happy to start such a howto, and to 
accept feedback, and to edit it into good prose. I would need wiser people to 
contribute good ideas for the howto.

Also, Marco, thank you for being willing to review a patch.  That is helpful.

My next step is to check out the documentation source, to be in a position to 
make a patch.


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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Marco and David, thank you again for your prompt replies. 

Let me respond to both of your comments on the doctest module documentation 

[Marco] > The example in section [1], before the compound statement 
(the if/else), contains two simple statements. I also think the example is 
complete and straightforward for its purpose, and it does not have to be 
complicated adding avanced features.

You are correct, it contain two simple statements. I missed this when I first 
read the example.  Part of the problem is that the example is contrived. It is 
an actual test. I think it would be better to replace these two lines by a 
two-line test, one which sets up state and another which exercises the module 
under test.

You believe "the example is complete and straightforward for its purpose, and 
it does not have to be complicated adding avanced features." I am giving you 
feedback that it was not complete and straightforward for me, as an ordinary 
software developer trying to use the documentation. 

[Marco] > If you want a more complex control over your tests, for instance 
adding fixtures, you can find how to do it later...

No, control over tests is not what I am bringing up in this issue. I an 
concerned with documentation of doctest "Examples".

[Marco] > I am -1 on this [changing]. IMHO there is no need to add 
extra description to a such self-explaining, clear and concise example. But 
this I think is also clear from the beginning. Infact, the first line of the 
doc says: "The doctest module searches for pieces of text that look like 
interactive Python sessions"

[David] > As for the prompts, I agree with Marco: I don't think there is any 
need to add words, since it clearly says it is supposed to look like an 
interactive session and the reader gets reminded of the rules for that by the 
example provided.  IMO it is not appropriate to re-document those rules here.

My feedback to you is that for me, as an ordinary software developer trying to 
use the doctest module, this section is not "self-explaining, clear and 
concise", and that "How Docstring examples are recognised" is not "clear from 
the beginning". 

Perhaps we have a difference of opinion on how clear and effective this 
documentation is.  The best way to resolve that would be to gather data: having 
several ordinary software developers reading the document, then measuring their 
comprehension. That would be hard to arrange. At least this bug report will 
serve as a data point.

I believe that a library module documentation should at some point clearly 
specify how the module works. I believe section Section " How are 
Docstring Examples Recognized?" does poorly at that. To say, "In most cases a 
copy-and-paste of an interactive console session works fine, but doctest isn’t 
trying to do an exact emulation of any specific Python shell." is not a 
specification. It's a blurry generalisation. The list of "fine print" is at a 
better level of detail, but still doesn't mention how the parser treats 
statements, nor how prefixes relate to statement boundaries.

I am giving you feedback that for me, as a developer trying to use the doctest 
module, this documentation failed to give me the comprehension I needed to be 

[Marco] >Also this section [, execution context] IMO is well written 
and clear. I do not know what to say... If someone else thinks it is not enough 
understandable, maybe the better think to do is to add a very small example, 
with two functions, that shows their docstrings have independent globals.

[David] > It does appear that "test" is being used ambiguously in the docs.  In 
most places it means a single statement, but in execution context it appears to 
be being used as a synonym for "docstring".  In that section it should be 
replaced by "docstring".  It would probably be worth checking the rest of the 
doc to make sure it is used consistently elsewhere as well.

[David] > The execution context section makes it clear that you can use names 
defined earlier, as does the fact that doctests emulate interactive sessions.  
Both of these make it clear you can do multi line examples that use shared 

Again, I am giving you feedback that this document was not "clear" for me. I am 
taking the time to write this issue because I think the documentation has 
weaknesses, and would like to help improve it.

I agree with David, that one problem in this section is that the word "test" is 
used with three different meanings. Some instances of the word "test" should be 
changed to "docstring" or similar. That would help. 

[David] > So in summary, I think we *need* a one word change in the execution 
context section, and we'll consider a

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Marco, thank you for the suggestion to watch Raymond Hettinger's talk. 

> I suggest you to watch this talk of Raymond Hettinger, before going on:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voXVTjwnn-U

That video is 63 minutes long, and a lot of those minutes are taken up by 
stories. I will watch the rest when I get time. I wish his insights were 
summarised in writing; I'll bet that would take much less than 63 minutes to 
read. I find that written text is a much faster way to deliver information, 
though maybe it takes the teacher more time to write well than to give a talk.

I understand your point about the need for a review, and reviews being the 
bottleneck. The "Lifecycle of a Patch" document[1] is clear about that.

[1] https://docs.python.org/devguide/patch.html#reviewing


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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Marco, thank you for your prompt comment. 

> Maybe you are running the doctest with Python 3. The StringIO module is no 
> more available in Python 3, so your doctest will fail on Python 3 

Please let me be clear. This issue is not about the StringIO module or about 
any of my doctests. It is about the documentation of the doctests module, and 
the ways in which that documentation is less helpful than it could be.


Python tracker 
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[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-02 Thread Jim DeLaHunt

New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

I just had a problem with doctests. It manifested as an error that occurred 
when I did
>>> import StringIO
in my doctest. 

After some investigation, I realised that my actual problem was that the 
doctest library documentation https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html 
left me unclear about three aspects of multi-line doctest fixtures.

1. There is no example of a multiple-line doctest fixture: specifically, a 
fixture which involves at least one line to set up state, and another line to 
be the example that tested.  I suggest adding such an example as a new section, 
"26.3.2. Usage: multi-line tests".  Note that the example in doesn't 
count: that is a Compound Statement, and I'm talking about a test consisting of 
multiple interactive statements.

2. Section " How are Docstring Examples Recognized?" does not talk 
about when to use a PS1 prefix (>>>) and when to use a PS2 prefix (...). It 
should say to use the PS1 at the start of each Python "interactive statement", 
that is, a statement list ending with a newline, or a Compound Statement. And, 
to use the PS2 to prefix each continuing line within a Compound Statement. 

3. Section " What’s the Execution Context?" is not clear about the 
crucial difference between state that accumulates within a single docstring 
from Example to Example, and that is reset from one docstring to another. The 
phrase "so that one test in M can’t leave behind crumbs that accidentally allow 
another test to work" can be interpreted as applying within a single docstring. 
The phrase "names defined earlier in the docstring being run" is easy to miss.

A StackOverflow Question and Answer describing my problem and my insight about 
what the library documentation didn't tell me is at 
 . A blog post of mine, a source for documentation improvements, is at 
http://blog.jdlh.com/en/2017/01/31/multi-line-doctests/ .

I actually encountered this problem in a Python 2.7 context, with 
https://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html . But it also applies to Python 
3.6 https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html and to the current dev 
https://docs.python.org/dev/library/doctest.html . In the spirit of fixing the 
new stuff first, I am filing this issue against Python 3.7. 

Unless someone tells me otherwise, I'll get around to filing similar issues 
against Python 3.6 and Python 2.7.
Then it's my intention to write improvements to the documentation for Python 
3.7, 3.6, and 2.7, and submit each of those. It looks like they will be pretty 
similar, because the library documentation is pretty similar in each version.

I'm new to Python issue filing and doc fixing, so I would appreciate correction 
if (when?) I start to blunder.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 286843
nosy: JDLH, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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