[issue33827] Generators with lru_cache can be non-intuituve

2018-06-11 Thread Michel Albert

New submission from Michel Albert :

Consider the following code:

# filename: foo.py

from functools import lru_cache

def bar():
yield 10
yield 20
yield 30

# This loop will work as expected
for row in bar():

# This loop will not loop over anything.
# The cache will return an already consumed generator.
for row in bar():

This behaviour is natural, but it is almost invisible to the caller of "foo".

The main issue is one of "surprise". When inspecting the output of "foo" it is 
clear that the output is a generator:

>>> import foo
>>> foo.bar()

**Very** careful inspection will reveal that each call will return the same 
generator instance.

So to an observant user the following is an expected behaviour:

>>> result = foo.bar()
>>> for row in result:
>>> for row in result:
... print(row)

However, the following is not:

>>> import foo
>>> result = foo.bar()
>>> for row in result:
... print(row)
>>> result = foo.bar()
>>> for row in result:
... print(row)

Would it make sense to emit a warning (or even raise an exception) in 
`lru_cache` if the return value of the cached function is a generator?

I can think of situation where it makes sense to combine the two. For example 
the situation I am currently in:

I have a piece of code which loops several times over the same SNMP table. 
Having a generator makes the application far more responsive. And having the 
cache makes it even faster on subsequent calls. But the gain I get from the 
cache is bigger than the gain from the generator. So I would be okay with 
converting the result to a list before storing it in the cache.

What is your opinion on this issue? Would it make sense to add a warning?

messages: 319279
nosy: exhuma
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Generators with lru_cache can be non-intuituve
type: behavior

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-09-13 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Are there any updates on this? Not sure if it's too late again to get it 
applied for the next Python (3.6) release?


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-06-25 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

New patch with proposed changes.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43537/net-in-net-r6.patch

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-06-25 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

I don't quite see how the operator module could help. I don't have much 
experience with it though, so I might be missing something...

I don't see how I can relate one check to the other. The example I gave in the 
patch review was the following:

With the existing implementation:

'' subnet of '' -> False
'' supernet of '' -> False

With the proposal to simply return "not subnet_of(...)" it would become:

'' subnet of '' -> False
'' supernet of '' -> True

which would be wrong.

I have now added the new test-cases for the TypeError and removed the 
code-duplication by introducing a new "private" function. Let me know what you 

I am running all test cases again and I'll uploaded it once they finished.


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-06-25 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Updated patch, taking into account notes from the previous patch-reviews

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43535/net-in-net-r5.patch

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-06-25 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Test pass properly.

Is there anything else left to do?

Here's the fixed patch (net-in-net-r4.patch)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43534/net-in-net-r4.patch

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2016-06-25 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

I just realised that the latest patch on this no longer applies properly. I 
have fixed the issue and I am currently in the process of running the 
unit-tests which takes a while. Once those pass, I'll update some metadata and 


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-23 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

I made the changes mentioned by r.david.murray

I am not sure if the modifications in ``Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst`` are correct. I 
tried to follow the notes at the top of the file, but it's not clear to me if 
it should have gone into ``News/Misc`` or into ``Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst``.

On another side-note: I attached this as an ``-r3`` file, but I could have 
replaced the existing patch as well. Which method is preferred? Replacing 
existing patches on the issue or adding new revisions?

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34588/net-in-net-r3.patch

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[issue20826] Faster implementation to collapse consecutive ip-networks

2014-03-23 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to take some time and give a more detailed 
explanation. At least to the best of my abilities :)

I attached a zip-file with my quick-and-dirty test-rig. The zip contains:

 * gendata.py -- The script I used to generate test-data
 * testdata.lst -- My test-data set (for reproducability)
 * tester.py -- A simple script using ``timeit.timeit``.

I am not sure how sensitive the data is I am working with, so I prefer not to 
put any of the real data on a public forum. Instead, I wrote a small script 
which generates a data-set which makes the performance difference visible 
(``gendata.py``). The data which I processed actually created an even worse 
case, but it's difficult to reproduce. In my case, the data-set I used is in 
the file named ``testdata.lst``.

I then ran the operation 5 times using ``timeit`` (tester.py).

Let me also outline an explanation to what it happening:

It is possible, that through one "merge" operation, a second may become 
possible. For the sake of readability, let's use IPv4 addresses, and consider 
the following list:

[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n,,,, b_1, 
b_2, ..., b_n]

This can be reduced to

[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n,,, b_1, b_2, ..., b_n]

Which in turn can then be reduced to:

[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n,, b_1, b_2, ..., b_n]

The current implementation, sets a boolean (``optimized``) to ``True`` if any 
merge has been performed. If yes, it re-runs through the whole list until no 
optimisation is done. Those re-runs also include [a1..an] and [b1..bn], which 
is unnecessary. With the given data-set, this gives the following result:

Execution time: 48.27790632040014 seconds
./python tester.py  244.29s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 4:04.51 total

With the shift/reduce approach, only as many nodes are visited as necessary. If 
a "reduce" is made, it "backtracks" as much as possible, but not further. So in 
the above example, nodes [a1..an] will only be visited once, and [b1..bn] will 
only be visited once the complete optimisation of the example addresses has 
been performed. With the given data-set, this gives the following result:

Execution time: 20.298685277199912 seconds
./python tester.py  104.20s user 0.14s system 99% cpu 1:44.58 total

If my thoughts are correct, both implementations should have a similar 
"best-case", but the "worst-case" differs significantly. I am not well-versed 
with the Big-O notation, especially the best/average/worst case difference. 
Neither am I good at math. But I believe both are strictly speaking O(n). But 
more precisely, O(k*n) where k is proportional the number of reconciliation 
steps needed (that is, if one merger makes another merger possible). But it is 
much smaller in the shift/reduce approach as only as many elements need to be 
revisited as necessary, instead of all of them.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34583/testrig.zip

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-23 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Hi again,

The contribution agreement has been processed, and the patch still cleanly 
applies to the latest revision of branch `default`.


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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-23 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

It seems the contributor agreement form has been processed. As I understand it, 
the asterisk on my name confirms this.

I also verified that this patch cleanly applies to the most recent revision.


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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-12 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Did so already last weekend. I suppose it will take some time to be processed.

I can ping you via a message here once I receive the confirmation.


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-11 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Yes. I signed it last Friday if I recall correctly.

As I understood it, the way for you to tell if it's done, is that my username 
will be followed by an asterisk.

But I'm not in a hurry. Once I get the confirmation, I can just ping you again 
via a comment here, so you don't need to monitor it yourself.


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-06 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Here's a new patch implementing both ``subnet_of`` and ``supernet_of``.

It also contains the relevant docs and unit-tests.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34292/net-in-net-r2.patch

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-04 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

I second "supernet_of" and "subnet_of". I'll implement it as soon as I get 
around it.

I have been thinking about using ``in`` and ``<=`` and, while I initially liked 
the idea for tests, I find both operators too ambiguous.

With ``in`` there's the already mentioned ambiguity of containment/inclusion. 
And ``<=`` could mean is a smaller size (has less individual hosts), but could 
also mean that it is a subnet, or even that it is "located to the left".

Naming it ``subnet_of`` makes it 100% clear what it does.

Currently, ``a <= b`` returns ``True`` if a comes before/lies on the left of b.


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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-03 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

I strongly agree with Raymond's points! They are all valid.

I should note, that I submitted this patch to - as mentioned by Nick - 
familiarise myself with the patch submission process. I decided to make 
harmless changes which won't risk braking anything.


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[issue20826] Faster implementation to collapse consecutive ip-networks

2014-03-02 Thread Michel Albert

New submission from Michel Albert:

This alternative implementation runs over the ``addresses`` collection only 
once, and "backtracks" only if necessary. Inspired by a "shift-reduce" approach.

Technically both are O(n), so the best case is always the same. But the old 
implementation runs over the *complete* list multiple times until it cannot 
make any more optimisations. The new implementation only repeats the 
optimisation on elements which require reconciliation.

Tests on a local machine have shown a considerable increase in speed on large 
collections of elements (iirc about twice as fast on average).

components: Library (Lib)
files: faster-collapse-addresses.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 212553
nosy: exhuma, ncoghlan, pmoody
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Faster implementation to collapse consecutive ip-networks
type: performance
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34267/faster-collapse-addresses.patch

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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-02 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Hmm... after thinking about this, I kind of agree. I was about to state 
something about the fact that you could consider networks like an "ordered 
set". And use that to justify my addition :) But the more I think about it, the 
more I am okay with your point.

I quickly tested the following:

>>> a = ip_network('')
>>> b = ip_network('')
>>> a <= b
>>> b <= a

Which is wrong when considering "containement".

What about an instance-method? Something like ``b.contained_in(a)``?

At least that would be explicit and avoids confusion. Because the existing 
``__lt__`` implementation makes sense in the way it's already used.


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[issue20825] containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"

2014-03-02 Thread Michel Albert

New submission from Michel Albert:

The ipaddress module always returns ``False`` when testing if a network is 
contained in another network. However, I feel this should be a valid test. No? 
Is there any reason why this is fixed to ``False``?

In case not, here's a patch which implements this test.

Note that by design, IP addresses networks can never overlap "half-way". In 
cases where this should return ``False``, you either have a network that lies 
completely "to the left", or completely "to the right". In the case it should 
return ``True`` the smaller network is always completely bounded by the larger 
network's network- and broadcast address.

I needed to change two containment tests as they were in conflict with this 
change. These tests were ``self.v6net not in self.v6net`` and ``self.v4net not 
in self.v4net``. The reason these two failed is that the new containment test 
checks the target range *including* broadcast and network address. So ``a in 
a`` always returns true.

This could be changed by excluding one of the two boundaries, and by that 
forcing the "containee" to be smaller than the "container". But it would make 
the check a bit more complex, as you would need to add an exception for the 
case that both are identical.

Backwards compatibility is a good question. Strictly put, this would break it. 
However, I can't think of any reason why anyone would expect ``a in a`` to be 
false in the case of IP-Addresses.

Just as a side-note, I currently work at our national network provider and am 
currently implementing a tool dealing with a lot of IP-Addresses. We have run 
into the need to test ``net in net`` a couple of times and ran into bugs 
because the stdlib returns ``False`` where you technically expect it to be 

components: Library (Lib)
files: net-in-net.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 212550
nosy: exhuma, ncoghlan, pmoody
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: containment test for "ip_network in ip_network"
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34266/net-in-net.patch

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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-02 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Here's a new patch which addresses white-space issues without touching the old 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34265/test_ipaddress_pep8-r3.patch

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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-01 Thread Michel Albert

Michel Albert added the comment:

Thanks for the quick reply!

I did not know the pep8 tool added it's own rules :( I have read PEP8 a long 
while ago and have since relied on the tool to do "the right thing". Many of 
it's idiosyncrasies have probably made their way into my blood since :(

And you're right: The PEP is actually explicitly saying that it's okay to leave 
out the white-space to make operator precedence more visible (for reference: 

I will undo those changes.

Is there anything else that immediately caught your eye so I can address it in 
the update?


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[issue20815] ipaddress unit tests PEP8

2014-03-01 Thread Michel Albert

New submission from Michel Albert:

While I was looking at the source of the ipaddress unit-tests, I noticed a 
couple of PEP8 violations. This patch fixes these (verified using the ``pep8`` 

There are no behavioural changes. Only white-space.

Test-cases ran successfully before, and after the change was made.

components: Tests
files: test_ipaddress_pep8.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 212497
nosy: exhuma, ncoghlan, pmoody
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ipaddress unit tests PEP8
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34257/test_ipaddress_pep8.patch

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