[issue46317] Pathlib.rename isn't robust

2022-01-17 Thread Oz Tiram

Change by Oz Tiram :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28851
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30650

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[issue46317] Pathlib.rename isn't robust

2022-01-15 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram  added the comment:

Thanks for the answer, it makes sense now. Yes, I would adopt this.
Allowing users to use `copy2` (or any other functio ...) using a keyword.


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[issue46317] Pathlib.rename isn't robust

2022-01-14 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram  added the comment:

@barney, I am not sure that I understand your question.

I think adding another method `Pathlib.Path` and `Pathlib._Accessor` is my 
preferred way. The would be something like:

class _NormalAccessor(_Accessor):
   self.move = shutil.move

class Path:

   def move(self, src, dest):
  self._accessor.move(self, target)
  return self.__class__(target)

Now, this is hardly a patch. I need to submit a PR with proper docs, tests and 
NEWS entry... I will be glad to work on it. However, I guess I need someone to 
"sponsor" it and merge it.


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[issue46317] Pathlib.rename isn't robust

2022-01-09 Thread Oz Tiram

New submission from Oz Tiram :

Pathlib.rename will fail across file system with:

OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link

-> path_dict["current_path"].rename(path_dict["destination"])
(Pdb) n
OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link: 
'/tmp/pipenv-k1m0oynt-yaml/PyYAML-6.0/lib/yaml' -> 

This is because it uses os.rename under the hood:

One can either replace it with `shutil.move` which works, or one could
add another method to Pathlib.move(...) with similar signature and return 
value, which calls `shutil.move` under the hood.

Before submitting a patch for that, I would like to get feedback for that.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 410155
nosy: Oz.Tiram
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Pathlib.rename isn't robust
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9

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[issue39348] wrong rst syntax in socket.rst

2020-01-15 Thread Oz Tiram

Change by Oz Tiram :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +17413
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18018

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[issue39348] wrong rst syntax in socket.rst

2020-01-15 Thread Oz Tiram

New submission from Oz Tiram :

The code block for the isn't hightlighted:

Changed in version 3.7: When SOCK_NONBLOCK or SOCK_CLOEXEC bit flags are 
applied to type they are cleared, and socket.type will not reflect them. They 
are still passed to the underlying system socket() call. Therefore::

sock = socket.socket(


This is because the double colon is directly after the word Therefore.

This fix is very simple:

   :attr:`socket.type` will not reflect them.  They are still passed
-  to the underlying system `socket()` call.  Therefore::
+  to the underlying system `socket()` call.  Therefore,
+  ::
   sock = socket.socket(

I have prepared a PR for this.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 360086
nosy: Oz.Tiram, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: wrong rst syntax in socket.rst
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page

2018-06-15 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram  added the comment:

As already pointed out, it can get the parser somehow, you don't need  an 
explicit extra option --man. That's the approach suggesed in:

man-argparse and build_manpage.py attached here

You can use it a make file like this:

  ./setup.py build_manpage 
  ./setup.py install
  install -D -m 644 foo.1 ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/man/man1


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[issue33227] Cmd do_something only accepts one argument

2018-04-06 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram  added the comment:

I am disappointed you want to deprecate CMD. I knew about cmd2 and some other 
alternatives, but I think their execive use of decorators isn't so comfortable. 
That is why I wrote my own module.

I'm also willing to adopt the module and add even more features.

status: pending -> open

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[issue33227] Cmd do_something only accepts one argument

2018-04-05 Thread Oz Tiram

Change by Oz Tiram :

components: +Library (Lib)
type:  -> enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33227] Cmd do_something only accepts one argument

2018-04-04 Thread Oz Tiram

New submission from Oz Tiram :

Considering that I want to build an CLI interactive program using cmd.Cmd,
which has multiple functions that accept two or more arguments,
I always have to do parsing of arg inside my do_methods for example:

class Calc(cmd.Cmd):

do_add(self, arg):
   a, b = parse_ints(arg)
   return a+b

do_mult(self, arg):
   a, b = parse_ints(arg)
   return a*b

This is easy enough for a simple calculator. But for more logic I need to 
create more parse_type and explicitly call them at the top of each do_stuff.
Considering this I have created a patch for Cmd.cmd, that keeps the old 
functionality, but adds the ability to pass multiple arguments without having 
to parse them every time. 
The functionality is as follows:

class MyProg(cmd.Cmd):

do_simple(self, arg):

do_greet(self, name="World")
   print("Hello %s" %s)

do_add(self, a, b):

Now in the cmd prompt:

(Cmd) simple foo
(Cmd) # keeps the old functionallity 
(Cmd) add 2 3
# add two properly add the values
(Cmd) add 2
# expects two arguments, so it will print the help for add
(Cmd) greet
Hello World
# does not complain because it has a default value
(Cmd) greet Guido
Hello Guido
(Cmd) greet name=Raymond
Hello Raymond
# works too

None of these example guess the type. It is simply handles as a string. but I 
am playing around with automatically detecting types of variables using 
function annotations in python 3.5 and later.

Also, although, not demonstrated here, one can also define:

def do_some_method_with_kwargs(self, arg1, arg2, **kwargs):
... do fancy stuff ...

(Cmd) some_method_with_kwargs foo bar kwargs='{"name": "John", "age"=35}'

kwargs is parsed to a dict (using json.loads) when escaped properly.
This is a bit esoteric, hence not shown here (but the patch patch includes it).
I was wondering if this kind of enhancement would be considered for this 
I will happily create a PR with tests and documentation explaining this 
enhanced functionality.

files: cmd.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 314968
nosy: Oz.Tiram
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Cmd do_something only accepts one argument
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47520/cmd.patch

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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-06-01 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

@Walter, I fixed the issues your raised, and also solved the merge conflict in 
What's New.


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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-05-03 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:


I implemented your suggestions plus the obvious tasks of adding tests and 

Would be happy to hear your feedback.


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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-05-03 Thread Oz Tiram

Changes by Oz Tiram :

pull_requests: +1537

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-24 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

Apparently, I forgot to push the second branch. It is now pushed.

I renamed the class attribute names on the v1 branch. I still need to do
the following:

 - Add docs
 - Fix existing tests and add new tests demonstrating the usage of the new 


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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-24 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:


I agree with you about consistent naming. Personally, I would prefer to name 
all the variables "styles". But I preferred not to break past compatibility 
too. So I guess we are stuck for a while with "classes". I will rename the 
variables. As for documenting that, I would also do that.
Thanks for the feedback.


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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-23 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:


I implemented two possible solutions. Chronologically speaking V2 was 
implemented before V1, but it's a bit über-smart and might surprise it's
users requiring the class attributes to be some kind of iterable.

The first version is my current preferred solution.

I intentionally didn't create a PR for that yet. 

These are the branches:



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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-19 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

... Using class attributes would nice, also considering that the days CSS 
classes are defined as class attributes.

I meant to write :

Using class attributes would be nicer, also considering that the days CSS 
classes are defined as class attributes.


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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-19 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

@doerwalter, exactly. I found myself overwriting the relevant methods too many 

I usually did something like this:

class WorkCalendar(HTMLCalendar):

def formatmonthname(self, theyear, themonth, withyear=True,
Return a month name as a table row.
monthname = super().formatmonthname(theyear, themonth, withyear)
regex = r'class\="month"'
return re.sub(regex, style, monthname, 1)

Using class attributes would nice, also considering that the days CSS classes 
are defined as class attributes.

My intention was a few more class attributes (for the month header, and month) 
and also change the existing code such that each day can have multiple CSS 
classes and not just one.

I am willing to work on a PR for that if that sounds good and there is someone 
who would be willing to merge it.


Python tracker 
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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-18 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

Of course I can, but I can't add multiple css classes, and I forced to
have the same class for both the title of the month and the body of the month.


Python tracker 
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[issue30095] HTMLCalendar allow custom classes

2017-04-18 Thread Oz Tiram

New submission from Oz Tiram:

At the moment methods like HTMLCalendar.formatmonthname and 
HTMLCalendar.formatmonth have hard coded name 'month'.

This class is pretty helpful as a good start, but if you want to customize
the styles it's not helpful.

I think it would be helpful for others too, if this would have be customize 

Would you accept a PR for such thing?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 291841
nosy: Oz.Tiram
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: HTMLCalendar allow custom classes
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page

2014-06-13 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:

@Raymond Hettinger, 
You don't have to wait anymore. I would be happy if you review the patch, and 
share your opinion.
I might have posted my patch too early. I am still doing changes on the 
upstream, in my github posted earlier.So, please test the one upstream.


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[issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page

2014-06-11 Thread Oz Tiram

Oz Tiram added the comment:


I have been wanting this feature for quite a long time. IMHO, binaries and 
scripts should always include a man page. The Debian developers require that. 
However, man pages have a 'bizarre' format. 
Long talk, short time. I did implement something. I tested it on Python 2.7 
since my project currently only supports Python 2.7. 
I think it should not be complicated to port to Python 3.X. 

I doubt if the correct place for formatting a man page should be in argparse.py 
itself. My solution is an extension of Andial's brecht solution that uses 
ofcourse argparse.

You can see it in action in https://github.com/pwman3/pwman3

I am also attaching the code here. 

I hope you will find this file useful. I would appreciate your comments too. 


nosy: +Oz.Tiram
versions: +Python 2.7 -Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file35576/build_manpage.py

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