[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-21 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

My earlier descriptions here aren't really adequate - as soon as I started 
putting contextlib2 together, this CleanupManager idea quickly morphed into 
ContextStack [1], which is a far more powerful tool for manipulating context 
managers in a way that doesn't necessarily correspond with lexical scoping in 
the source code. Using the "collection of files" example:

with ContextStack() as stack:
files = [stack.enter_context(open(fname)) for fname in filenames]
# All opened files will automatically be closed at the end of
# the with statement, even if attempts to open files later
# in the list throw an exception

Or the optional resource use case:

with ContextStack() as stack:
if resource is None:
resource = stack.enter_context(make_default_resource())
# If we created it, the resource will be cleaned up
# Otherwise, it will be left alone

The "cleanup only if the operation fails" use case (coming in v0.3 [2])

def open_files(*filenames):
"""Returns an (opened_files, context_stack) 2-tuple

The context stack will automatically close all of the opened files.
If any file fails to open, all previously opened file handles will be 
released immediately.
with ContextStack() as stack:
files = [stack.enter_context(open(fname)) for fname in filenames]
return files, stack.preserve()

The "don't repeat your __exit__ code in __enter__" use case:

def __enter__(self):
resource = self._acquire_resource()
with ContextStack() as stack:
stack.preserve() # All good!
return resource

(In 0.3, register_exit() will probably check for __exit__ attributes 
automatically, so it will accept both callables and context managers)



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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-21 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

On 12/21/2011 12:03 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:
> Éric Araujo  added the comment:
>>> In the passage I quoted, I don’t understand what is meant by “non-Python 
>>> resources”.
>> Think about e.g. mounting a file system.
> Ah, ok.  In that case there would still be a Python-level object (just like a 
> Python file object will also release the OS-level handle when it’s closed).

I don't think so.

subprocess.check_call(['mount', 'bla', '/mnt'])

Allocates the resource (mounts the file system) but doesn't leave you
with any Python object.




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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-21 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo  added the comment:

>> In the passage I quoted, I don’t understand what is meant by “non-Python 
>> resources”.
> Think about e.g. mounting a file system.

Ah, ok.  In that case there would still be a Python-level object (just like a 
Python file object will also release the OS-level handle when it’s closed).


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-21 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

On 12/21/2011 11:46 AM, Éric Araujo wrote:
> Éric Araujo  added the comment:
>> The idea is to add a general-purpose context manager to manage (python
>> or non-python) resources that don't come with their own context manager.
> In the passage I quoted, I don’t understand what is meant by “non-Python 
> resources”.

Think about e.g. mounting a file system.




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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-21 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo  added the comment:

> The idea is to add a general-purpose context manager to manage (python
> or non-python) resources that don't come with their own context manager.

I read the thread back on python-ideas and didn’t like the idea, without 
knowing exactly why—maybe a feeling that it’s too generic and less clean than 
adding context management support to the classes directly.  My opinion is only 
that of a user, I’m less qualified than Nick or Raymond for this module.

In the passage I quoted, I don’t understand what is meant by “non-Python 

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-13 Thread Sven Marnach

Sven Marnach  added the comment:

I think that the fact that Nick got the code to close multiple files wrong 
underlines that it is difficult to get right currently.  Nick's code

files = [open(fname) for fname in names]
# ...
for f in files:

only closes the files if all of them were opened successfully.  Moreover, 
`file.close()` can fail for various reasons, which would result in all 
remaining files being left open.  When we fix both problems, the code becomes

files = []
for fname in names:
# ...
for f in files:
except IOError:

I think everyone will agree that the version using 'CleanupManager' is nicer.  
To be fair, we should note that the need to open many files simultaneously is 
not very common -- usually, we can make to with opening the files one by one.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

And the backport: http://contextlib2.readthedocs.org/

I haven't tested on anything other than 2.7 as yet - I have an account request 
in train with the Shining Panda folks, so I'll set up multi-version CI for this 
project (along with a couple of others) once that goes through.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-13 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Thanks Nick.  You're awesome.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

In the meantime, I put my version up as a cookbook recipe: 


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

Given the history of API design errors in contextlib (cf. contextlib.nested in 
general, making contextlib._GeneratorContextManager a subclass of 
contextlib.ContextDecorator), I've realised Raymond is right in wanting to see 
this idea more thoroughly vetted before it gets added to the standard library.

Accordingly, I plan to create a 'unittest2' style backport library for 
contextlib (imaginatively named 'contextlib2') and prototype the concept 
further there.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

TestCase.setUp() and TestCase.tearDown() were amongst the precursors 
to__enter__() and __exit__(). addCleanUp() fills exactly the same role here - 
and I've seen *plenty* of positive feedback directed towards Michael for that 
addition to the unittest API.

For individual one-off cases, a flag variable and an if statement inside a 
finally block is an adequate, but not ideal, solution, because it suffers from 
all the readability and auditability problems of *any* try/finally based 
solution. It's particularly annoying when an object *does* support the context 
management protocol, but I can't use a with statement simply because I don't 
*always* need (and/or own) that resource (this kind of thing happens in a few 
places in runpy, since the behaviour changes depending on whether or not runpy 
created temporary objects for itself or was given objects as arguments)

Custom context managers are typically a bad idea in these circumstances, 
because they make readability *worse* (relying on people to understand what the 
context manager does). A standard library based solution, on the other hand, 
offers the best of both worlds:
- code becomes easier to write correctly and to audit for correctness (for all 
the reasons with statements were added in the first place)
- the idiom will eventually become familiar to all Python users

If other "cleanup function" registration APIs didn't already exist, I'd agree 
with you that this needed further exposure. However, I simply don't agree 
that's the case - atexit and addCleanup provide your field testing, the rest of 
the design is just a matter of integrating those concepts with the context 
management protocol.

Indeed, one of the objections I received after we deprecated 
contextlib.nested() was that you couldn't easily pass a programmatically 
generated list of resources to nested with statements. Given 
contextlib.CleanupManager it becomes trivial:

with contextlib.CleanupManager as cm:
files = [cm.enter_context(open(fname)) for fname in names]
# All files will be closed when we leave the context

I can take this up on python-dev if you want, but I hope to persuade you that 
the desire *is* there, it's just that the workarounds for the lack of this 
functionality involve avoiding the context management protocol entirely:

files = [open(fname) for fname in names]
# Are all files closed when we're done?
# I dunno, scroll down past the algorithm code to check!

# Avoiding this would be good for all the reasons the
# with statement was added in the first place

for f in files:


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger :

assignee:  -> rhettinger
resolution:  -> later

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I think you guys need to post your code somewhere (perhaps on PyPi or the ASPN 
Cookbook).  It needs to mature beyond the stage of "I just whipped-up this code 
and think it would be great if everybody used it".

I've seen nothing like this being used in production code (code published on 
the net or at one of my clients).  Context managers have been around for a 
while, so if this were a real need, we would expect to see people already using 
something like this (for example, namedtuples got introduced to the standard 
library upon seeing many, many reinventions of the concept and we were able to 
consolidate the best features from each).

Design of the a feature in the standard library should be driven by examples of 
real world code that would be improved with the new feature.  The design should 
also be informed by the experience of teaching people how to use it and seeing 
what they do (lots of technically correct ideas get shot down because it turns 
out that incorrect usage is common (a bug factory like the % formatting 
operator) or that people have a hard time learning and remembering the feature.

The core problem is that it is easier to add things to the standard library 
than to take them out if they prove to be a bad idea.  Accordingly, we need to 
be *really sure* that this is a good idea, that it will *improve* real world 
code, that people learn, understand, and remember it easily, and that is 
doesn't impair readability.

The example code from Nikolaus has a bug in it -- that is worrisome and may 
suggest that we are better-off without this being in the standard library.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

Given the existence of tempfile.TemporaryDirectory in recent Python versions, I 
suggest finding a new cleanup function example that doesn't duplicate native 
stdlib functionality :)

I do see value in the feature itself though - I believe the precedent of both 
the atexit module [1] and unittest.TestCase.addCleanup() [2] shows how it can 
be useful to have a standard way to accumulate a sequence of "undo" operations 
for invocation at a later time.

In particular, it's a much better fit than nested with statements are for 
*optional* resources - you can make the with statement unconditional (setting 
up the cleanup manager), optionally add the cleanup methods, and avoid needing 
to have two copies of your actual invocation code (one inside a with statement 
and one without) or having a delayed check in a finally block.

It codifies the fairly common "if this resource was acquired, make sure it is 
released" idiom in a way that with statements and try/finally just don't handle 
neatly. By using an incremental API, it also avoids the traps associated with 
the ultimately misguided "contextlib.nested()" design.

However, I suggest using an API that strictly follows the "register only" model 
employed by both of the existing mechanisms. In addition, any solution provided 
as part of contextlib should interoperate nicely with existing context managers 
- it should be trivial to rewrite a nested with statement to be based on 
CleanupManager instead.

Accordingly, I would give the manager the following public methods:

  register_exit() (only accepts callbacks with the __exit__ signature)
  register() (equivalent to TestCase.addCleanup)
  enter_context() (accepts actual context managers)
  close() (equivalent to TestCase.doCleanups)

register_exit() would be the base callback registration method. It would accept 
only callbacks with the same signature as __exit__ methods.

def register_exit(self, exit):
return exit # Allow use as a decorator

register() would wrap arbitrary callbacks to support the __exit__ method 

def register(self, _cb, *args, **kwds):
def _wrapper(exc_type, exc, tb):
return _cb(*args, **kwds)
return self.register_exit(_wrapper)

enter_context() would work as follows:

def enter_context(self, cm):
result = cm.__enter__()
return result

close() would look like:

def close(self):
self.__exit__(None, None, None)

And finally, __exit__() itself would be:

def __exit__(self, *exc_details):
def _invoke_next_callback(exc_details):
# Callbacks are removed from the list in FIFO order
# but are actually *invoked* in LIFO order
cb = self._callbacks.pop(0)
if not self._callbacks:
# Innermost callback is invoked directly
return cb(exc_type, exc, tb)
# Use try-finally to ensure this callback still gets
# invoked even if an inner one fails
inner_result = _invoke_next_callback()
cb_result = cb(*sys.exc_info())
# Check if this cb suppressed the inner exception
if not cb_result:
# Check if inner cb suppressed the original exception
if inner_result:
exc_details = (None, None, None)
cb_result = cb(*exc_details)
return cb_result

An example using a cleanup manager to handle multiple files, one of which is 

with contextlib.CleanupManager() as cm:
source = cm.enter_context(open(source_fname))
if dest_fname is not None:
dest = cm.enter_context(open(dest_fname))
_write_to_dest = dest.write
def _write_to_dest(line): pass
for line in source:
yield line

[1] http://docs.python.org/library/atexit
[2] http://docs.python.org/library/unittest#unittest.TestCase.addCleanup

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Julian Berman

Julian Berman  added the comment:

For reference, the implementation that I posted in the other thread is:

def maybe(got, contextfactory, *args, checkif=bool, **kwargs):
if checkif(got):
yield got
with contextfactory(*args, **kwargs) as got:
yield got

which produces code like:

def fn(input_file=None):
with maybe(input_file, open, "/default/input/file/location/"):
for line in input_file:
print line

For the example given here in the OP, since rmtree isn't a contextmanager it'd 
require wrapping it in one first.

I could probably understand if there was desire for these to be a recipe 
instead. The advantage (if any) of the above over this class is that it keeps 
context managers sorta looking like context managers. Here if you wanted to 
write my example it'd require writing code like

with ContextManager() as mgr:
foo = ctxtmgr()

which doesn't look too great :/

The class though does have wider scope though, since it doesn't necessarily 
only need a context manager, it can do cleanup for anything, which I guess is 

nosy: +Julian

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

Check out: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/

nosy: +eric.snow

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

On 12/12/2011 03:31 PM, Sven Marnach wrote:
> Adding this as a cookbook recipe first seems like a good idea.

This is the second time that this is mentioned, so I would be very
grateful if someone could elucidate what "adding as a cookbook recipe"
means :-). Is there an official Python cookbook somewhere?




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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Sven Marnach

Sven Marnach  added the comment:

There is actually a second thread on python-ideas on a very similar topic, see


The two main advantages of the proposed CleanupManager over try/finally blocks 

1. You can add a clean-up function conditionally.  In a try/finally block, you 
would need a flag, which would scatter the single idea more across the code.  

with CleanupManager() als mngr:
if f is None:
f = open("some_file")
# do something with f (possibly many lines of code)

seems much clearer to me than

f_needs_closing = False
if f is None:
f = open("some_file")
f_needs_closing = True
# do something with f (possibly many lines of code)
if f_needs_closing:

The first version is also much more in the spirit of context managers.  You 
state at the beginning "we open the file, and guarantee that it will be 
closed", and we know right from the start that we don't have to bother with it 

2. CleanupManager could replace several nested try/finally blocks, which again 
might lead to more readable code.

On the other hand, people who never saw ContextManager before will have to look 
it up, which will impair readability for those people.

Adding this as a cookbook recipe first seems like a good idea.

nosy: +smarnach

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Changes by Giampaolo Rodola' :

nosy: +giampaolo.rodola

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Changes by Nikolaus Rath :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file23933/CleanupManager_patch_v2.diff

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-12 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

On 12/11/2011 10:17 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:
> '''
> Example code:
> with CleanupManager() als mngr:
> tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
> mngr.register(shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)) <-- this makes the call right away
> # do stuff with tmpdir
> '''

Oh, of course. That is fixed in the patch. I couldn't find a way to edit
the message in the tracker.

> The part of my note that should be clear is that the idea and code need to 
> prove itself before being added to the standard library.  So far, there has 
> been zero demand for this and I've not seen code like it being used in the 
> wild.  AFAICT, it is not demonstrably better than a straight-forward 
> try/finally.

I think it has the same advantages over try...finally as any use of
'with' has. CleanupManager would allow to use 'with' instead of
'try..finally' in many cases where this is currently not possible, so
unless the introduction of 'with' itself was a mistake, I think this is
just taking a step along the path that has already been chosen.




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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Example code:

with CleanupManager() als mngr:
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
mngr.register(shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)) <-- this makes the call right away
# do stuff with tmpdir

The part of my note that should be clear is that the idea and code need to 
prove itself before being added to the standard library.  So far, there has 
been zero demand for this and I've not seen code like it being used in the 
wild.  AFAICT, it is not demonstrably better than a straight-forward 


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

Not sure what you mean with "posted as a recipe" -- are you thinking of a 
specific website/mailing list?

Example: which one do you mean? The one in the issue or the one in the patch?

With statement: what advantages do you have in mind?

Try/finally: I think the patch and the discussion in python-ideas talk about 
the advantage over try/finally. IMO the two most important points are: (1) 
avoids deep and pointless indendation for multiple ressources, (2) keeps 
logically connected lines (allocation+cleanup) closely together in the source 
instead of splitting them far apart like try/finally.

error-prone: not sure if I understand you correctly. If there is an error prior 
to registration, the callback will not be called (that's a feature). To what 
kind of errors could that lead?

Sorry for basically asking you to re-explain every sentence, but I honestly 
don't understand most of your message.


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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I would like to see this posted as a recipe before being put in the standard 
library.  It needs a chance to mature and to demonstrate that people will want 
to use it.

FWIW, the example is problematic in a couple of ways.  The registration of 
shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) will run *before* mngr register is called.  

Also, it doesn't take advantage of any of the with-statement features.  It 
doesn't show any advantage over a standard try/finally which is arguably 

tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# do stuff with tmpdir

Also, I suspect that the CleanupManager would be an error-prone construct 
because the registration occurs somewhere after the with-statement is set-up, 
possibly resulting in errors if there is an early, pre-registration failure.

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Nikolaus Rath  added the comment:

Here's the first part of the patch with the implementation. I'll add tests and 
documentation as soon as someone confirms that the idea & API is okay.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file23923/CleanupManager_patch_v1.diff

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[issue13585] Add contextlib.CleanupManager

2011-12-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath

New submission from Nikolaus Rath :

I'd like to propose addding the CleanupManager class described in 
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.ideas/12447 to the contextlib 
module. The idea is to add a general-purpose context manager to manage (python 
or non-python) resources that don't come with their own context manager.

Example code:

with CleanupManager() als mngr:
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# do stuff with tmpdir

# shutil.rmtree() get's called automatically when the block is over

Note that mkdtemp() could of course also be changed to become its own context 
manager. The idea is to provide a general facility for this kind of problem, so 
it doesn't have to be reinvented whenever a module provides a ressource without 
its own context manager. Other possible uses are of course ressources that are 
completely external to Python,
e.g. anything allocated with a subprocess (think of 

I'll be happy to make a proper patch with documentation and testcases from 
Jan's code. As a matter of fact, I'll probably start working out it right now, 
so please let me know quickly if this doesn't have a chance of getting accepted.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 149268
nosy: Nikratio
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add contextlib.CleanupManager
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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