[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2019-09-18 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy  added the comment:

AttributeErrors on closing were a separate issue.  They are now caught on 
closing.  #35379.

Save on Close is now modal on Windows also, in that one cannot do anything with 
the Window being closed.

One can try to close a second dirty window.  Saying 'no' in either dialog no 
longer crashes.  The only oddity is that if one switched from the 2nd dialog to 
the 1st and say 'no' on the first first, it does not immediately close until 
one answers on the second.  It seems normal to me that the 2nd call that raises 
the 2nd dialog blocks the 1st from receiving and responding to the 1st click 
until the 2nd call returns.  

Thus the bugs reported here have been otherwise fixed.

resolution:  -> out of date
stage: test needed -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2017-06-20 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Changes by Terry J. Reedy :

assignee:  -> terry.reedy
nosy:  -BreamoreBoy
stage:  -> test needed
versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.7 -Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

It seems that I have been over-optimistic about uniformity of behavior.  With 
the focus issue different for opening Idle and opening subwindows in htest, I 
added it to the issue about refining htest #21624.

Given Mark's report, I must rebuild tcl/tk and make sure I am running with new 
.dlls before retesting.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

On Linux I believe that what happens to the keyboard focus depends on the 
window manager in use and how that window manager is configured to behave.  For 
instance, some window managers have a 'focus follows mouse' setting, but I 
always hated that so I would disable it, meaning I'd have to click in a window 
for it to acquire focus.  (Or, in my case, use the keyboard to select the 
window to focus).  I believe many window managers also allow you to control 
what happens to keyboard focus when a new window is opened and you aren't using 
'focus follows mouse', but it's been a while since I've played with a window 
manager that uses floating windows, so I could be misremembering.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

My 3.4.1 is the released version, 3.5.0 built from source that was synchronised 
earlier today as in :-

Python 3.5.0a0 (default:b1e99b4ec374, Jun  8 2014, 18:29:24) [MSC v.1600 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32

Running the console interpreter then import idlelib.idle works fine for both 
versions.  python -m idlelib.idle_test.htest doesn't work for either version, 
on numerous occasions for different windows there was no focus or cursor.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I am on Windows 7 also. Did you open the shell from the console interpreter 
with import? Run
python -m idlelib.idle_test.htest
and for me the tests that open a separate editor window show the same problem 
of no cursor or focus in the editor. Perhaps you ran the tcl/tk compilation 
after the recent change in compile flags.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Using 3.4.1 and 3.5.0 on Windows 7 I always get the focus set to the edit 
window or shell as appropriate.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

When writing the human-verified tests in idle_test.htest.py, we discovered that 
there is a different between Windows and Linux in focus shifting when opening 
an editor window from a visible root window. On Widows, I have to click on the 
editor window to enter anything. Saimadhav reports that on Linux, the editor 
already has the focus and is live.

Similarly, when I open Idle from console interpreter with
import idlelib.idle
the focus stay with the console and I have to click on the shell to enter code 
there. I suspect that this is also different on *nix. Can someone check?


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2014-06-08 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Using 3.4.1 on Windows I can't reproduce the AttributErrors given in msg187674

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-30 Thread Guilherme Simões

Guilherme Simões added the comment:

I didn't test Roger's patch because I have limited access to Windows, but I 
think it should solve this specific issue.

But the problem is actually more general. For example, the same odd behavior 
happens when you try to run a module without saving. On MacOS one modal dialog 
pops up, but in Windows you can open as many dialogs as you want.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Roger Serwy

Roger Serwy added the comment:

I clicked submit too soon. The attached patch inhibits closing of the Editor 
when the dialog box appears. It also sets the parent argument so that Tkinter 
on Windows actually presents a modal dialog box.

What's happening is the the dialog box enters a nested Tk eventloop which 
allows the editor window to be closed by the window manager via clicking "X". 
That re-enters the maybesave dialog. The first one unwinds and closes the 
editor window, setting its internal references to None. The initial maybesave 
resumes execution with the rug pulled out from beneath its feet and raises 

keywords: +patch
type: crash -> behavior
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29997/inhibit_close.patch

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Roger Serwy

Roger Serwy added the comment:

IDLE crashing is due to issue13582. We should maybe focus on that issue in the 
near future as it has become a common theme in many bug reports.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Guilherme Simões

Guilherme Simões added the comment:

>From what I could see the problem is that in MacOS askyesnocancel stops the 
>user from interacting with all windows and in Windows it stops the interaction 
>only in the root window (even when the parameter 'master' is used, as is the 
>case in IDLE). Since the root window in IDLE is hidden askyesnocancel doesn't 
>do anything.


Python tracker 

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

A different console message, Shell window not closed

Python 3.4.0a0 (default:bcfb6888fb8d, Apr 18 2013, 19:47:33) 
>>> import idlelib.idle
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\cpython\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1475, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File "\cpython\lib\idlelib\EditorWindow.py", line 1002, in close
reply = self.maybesave()
  File "\cpython\lib\idlelib\EditorWindow.py", line 999, in maybesa
return self.io.maybesave()
  File "\cpython\lib\idlelib\IOBinding.py", line 324, in maybesave
  File "\cpython\lib\idlelib\IOBinding.py", line 338, in save
if self.writefile(self.filename):
  File "\cpython\lib\idlelib\IOBinding.py", line 370, in writefile
  File \cpython\lib\idlelib\IOBinding.py", line 426, in fixlastlin
c = self.text.get("end-2c")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

There is, of course, no 3.4 installation icon for starting Idle without a 
console. However
D:\Python\dev\cpython\PCbuild>pythonw_d -m idlelib

No message, Shell closes.

D:\Python\dev\cpython\PCbuild>python_d -m idlelib
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'focus_set'

Message (different from other method of starting), Shell does not close.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

If I open Command Prompt, and start Idle with
C:\Python\Python33>python -m idlelib
I get the same attribute error without the Shell window closing. Perhaps not 
having a console to write the traceback to closes 3.3 but not 2.7. Peculiar.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Because model is normal (as far as I know) I did not understand that 'continue 
to write' meant doing so without hitting [Cancel] ;-). I might consider being 
able to do so a feature *if* the dialog were the only one ever created and if 
subsequent attempts to close merely shifted focus back to the dialog.

However, after shifting focus back to the edit window without hitting [Cancel] 
and hitting [X] again, I get a *duplicate* "Save on Close" dialog. This is a 
bug somewhere. I get this duplication on 2.7.4a1 and 3.4a0 also. Only the last 
dialog created works to close the window.

On 3.3, after closing the edit window with the last dialog [No], I can 
duplicate the unexpected Idle exit by selecting any of the 3 choices in the 
previous dialog. This is a second and more serious bug. I do not see this with 

When I run 3.3 Idle from the console interpreter with 'import idlelib.idle', 
the Shell window does not close, mimicking 2.7.
The console displays '''
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python33\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1475, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File "C:\Python33\lib\idlelib\EditorWindow.py", line 996, in close
reply = self.maybesave()
  File "C:\Python33\lib\idlelib\EditorWindow.py", line 993, in maybesave
return self.io.maybesave()
  File "C:\Python33\lib\idlelib\IOBinding.py", line 331, in maybesave
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'focus_set'
Running 2.7 shows the same message. So this AttributeError seems not to be the 
exception causing Idle 3.3 to quit when run otherwise.

versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.4

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Interesting that you consider Windows working as expected, Terry.  I thought 
save/close dialogs were generally modal; but, then, I avoid GUIs whenever 
possible so I could easily be wrong :)

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

What behavior on which system to you consider to be buggy? On 3.3.1, Win 7, all 
seems fine.  By selecting Windows as a component, you imply that something is 
wrong on Windows.

"on Windows, not only can the user continue to write[(if the user Cancels),] it 
is possible to try to close the window again. Each time the user attempts to 
close the editor the "Save on Close" window appears one more time."

This is what should happen.

"Also, when you have 2 such windows if you say 'no' then,no matter what the 
answer to the second window is, IDLE crashes."

I do not see this.

'with Python 3.3': 3.3 is a version of the language. 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 are two 
different patch releases. Did you use the latter, which has several Idle 
improvements? When discussing bugs, we need to be specific as to releases used.


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[issue17822] Save on Close windows (IDLE)

2013-04-23 Thread Guilherme Simões

New submission from Guilherme Simões:

After changing the contents of a file in an Editor Window and closing without 
saving the "Save on Close" window pops up. On both MacOS and Linux the user 
can't do anything on the Editor Window anymore, but on Windows, not only can 
the user continue to write it is possible to try to close the window again. 
Each time the user attempts to close the editor the "Save on Close" window 
appears one more time.

Also, when you have 2 such windows if you say 'no' then,no matter what the 
answer to the second window is, IDLE crashes.

I'm not sure but this seems to me to be a Tk problem. Attached is a simple 
script that works completely different on different systems showing that this 
is probably a Tkinter or Tk bug.

I tested this on Mac with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and Tk 8.5.13. On Linux I tested 
with Python 3.2 and Tk 8.5.11 and on Windows with Python 3.3 and Tk 8.5.11.

components: IDLE, Tkinter, Windows
files: askyesnocancel.py
messages: 187641
nosy: Guilherme.Simões, Todd.Rovito, gpolo, roger.serwy, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Save on Close windows (IDLE)
type: crash
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29992/askyesnocancel.py

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