Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

As presented, this idea seems out of scope for Idle.  First, Idle is concerned 
with editing code, submitting it for execution, and displaying stdout and 
seterr output from the execution.  Idle normally knows nothing about name 
bindings created by user code in the user process. The code for menu commands 
is executed in the Idle process.  The code you displayed would have to be 
executed in the user process as part of user code.

Second, your request is for a very specific personal need. Running 
for i in range(1000): print('a'*100)
in 3.4.3 does not make Shell sluggish for me.  How much output, on what system, 
with what version, is a problem for you?

However, selecting a 1000 line block -- which is at least as likely to be 
output (as above) as an output representation -- is not pleasant.  A new Select 
Block option, active in Shell, would be generally useful.  The selected block 
could then be copied.  Deletion is not currently possible, but I might like to 
change that too. 

The debugger is an exception to Idle's normal ignorance of user code global and 
local namespaces.  The debugger window (which needs upgrading) can display 
names and object representations of both namespaces.  I do not know what it 
currently does with long representations (say 1000 chars or more), but they  
are clearly problematical and might best be truncated if not already.  Once the 
debugger has already pulled a string representation into the Idle process. 
reusing the existing Copy (to clipboard) function should be fairly easy.

nosy: +terry.reedy
title: Add a "copy variable to clipboard" option to the edit menu -> Add a 
"copy vale to clipboard" option to the debugger

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