[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2021-09-04 Thread Andre Roberge

Change by Andre Roberge :

nosy: +aroberge

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2021-09-04 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado

Change by Pablo Galindo Salgado :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +26599
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/28170

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2021-09-04 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado

Pablo Galindo Salgado  added the comment:

I think the best outcome here is to refine the syntax error. Making it behave a 
bit better is going to be quite a pain because of how unary "-" and "not" work 
on the priority level in the grammar.

I also don't think that facilitating the concatenation of operators without 
parentheses is a good idea (for readability reasons). 

I will prepare a PR to improve the syntax error


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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2021-09-04 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

Reproduced on 3.11:

>>> 0 + not 0
  File "", line 1
0 + not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> - not 0
  File "", line 1
- not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

nosy: +iritkatriel, pablogsal
versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2016-01-03 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti :

nosy: +ezio.melotti
versions: +Python 3.5, Python 3.6 -Python 3.4

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

BTW “yield” is not a fair comparison because its syntax is even stranger (due 
to originally being a “yield” statement):

def g():
x = yield + 1  # Yield the value +1
y = (yield) + 1  # Add 1 after yielding
return (yield)  # Mandatory brackets


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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Funny, I ran into this one or two days ago, when refactoring some code that 
used the bitwise exclusive-or operator, since there is no boolean exclusive or:

-if (x == a) ^ (y != b): ...
+aa = x == a
+bb = y == b
+if aa ^ not bb: ...

It is fairly clear what I wanted to do above, but with “is not” you would have 
to avoid ambiguity:

>>> "spam" is not "ham"  # Using “is not” operator
>>> "spam" is (not "ham")  # Two distinct operators

I think it would be too complicated to make unary “not” bind more tightly than 
“and” in some cases but not in others. How would you handle these cases?

a + not b and c
a ** not b ** c
a is not not b

The way I see it, there is no equivalent problem with the other unary 
operators: arithmetic (+, -), bitwise (~), and “await”. Await has higher 
priority than all other binary operators, so no problem there. The other three 
are equal with the highest priority binary operator, exponentiation (**):

>>> 2 ** -1 ** 2  # Evaluated right to left
>>> 2 ** (-1) ** 2  # Negation first
>>> (2 ** -1) ** 2  # Left-hand exponentiation first

BTW, in the operator precedence table 
, I 
think exponentiation should be in the same priority group as the arithmetic and 
bitwise unary operations. At the moment it says exponentiation has higher 
priority, but has a footnote saying this is reversed on the right-hand side of 
an exponentiation. This is unclear when applied to my example above.


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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Martin Panter

Changes by Martin Panter :

nosy: +vadmium

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Stefan Behnel

Stefan Behnel added the comment:

Hmm, right. I see your point and also the analogy with "yield". I could live 
with (maybe) giving it a better error message suggesting to use parentheses for 
clarity and otherwise keeping it a SyntaxError.


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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Matthew Barnett

Matthew Barnett added the comment:

"not" has a lower priority than unary "-"; this:

not a < b

is parsed as:

not (a < b)

How would you parse:

0 + not 0 + 0


Would it be parsed as:

0 + not (0 + 0)


Similar remarks could apply to "yield":

0 + yield 0

which is also a syntax error.

nosy: +mrabarnett

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Stefan Behnel

Stefan Behnel added the comment:

It looks like perfectly valid syntax to me and I cannot see why it should be 
semantically rejected. I disagree that it shouldn't be changed. I think it's a 
(minor) bug that should eventually get fixed.

nosy: +scoder

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano added the comment:

On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 03:23:53PM +, candide wrote:
> New submission from candide:
> Expressions such as
> a + not b
> a * not b
> + not b
> - not b
> raise a SyntaxError, for instance :
> >>> 0 + not 0
>   File "", line 1
> 0 + not 0
>   ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

That has been invalid syntax since Python 1.5, if not older. I don't 
think that it needs to be changed.

[steve@ando ~]$ python1.5
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Aug 27 2012, 09:09:18)  [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 
4.1.2-52)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> 0 + not 0
  File "", line 1
0 + not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

nosy: +steven.daprano

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[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

"not not 0" is compiled successful, while "+ not 0", "- not 0", and "~ not 0" 
are rejected.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24612] not operator expression raising a syntax error

2015-07-11 Thread candide

New submission from candide:

Expressions such as

a + not b
a * not b
+ not b
- not b

raise a SyntaxError, for instance :

>>> 0 + not 0
  File "", line 1
0 + not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> - not 0
  File "", line 1
- not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

if the not expression is wrapped in parenthesis, expected evaluation occurs:

>>> - not 0
  File "", line 1
- not 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> 0 + (not 0)
>>> - (not 0)

The problem has been first submitted in comp.lang.python :


suggesting  a bug report.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 246606
nosy: candide, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: not operator expression raising a syntax error
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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