[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-23 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

OK, here's the last version I had. Preconditions are that d > 0, n > 0, and n % 
d == 0.

This version tries to use the narrowest possible integers on each step. The 
lowermost `good_bits` of dinv at the start of the loop are correct already.

Taking out all the modular stuff, the body of the loop boils down to just

dinv *= 2 - dinv * d

For insight, if

dinv * d = 1 + k*2**i

for some k and i (IOW, if dinv * d = 1 modulo 2**i), then

2 - dinv * d = 1 - k*2**i

and so dinv times that equals 1 - k**2 * 2**(2*i). Or, IOW, the next value of 
dinv is such that d * dinv = 1 modulo 2**(2*i) - it's good to twice as many 

def ediv(n, d):
assert d

def makemask(n):
return (1 << n) - 1

if d & 1 == 0:
ntz = (d & -d).bit_length() - 1
n >>= ntz
d >>= ntz
bits_needed = n.bit_length() - d.bit_length() + 1
good_bits = 3
dinv = d & 7
while good_bits < bits_needed:
twice = min(2 * good_bits, bits_needed)
twomask = makemask(twice)
fac2 = dinv * (d & twomask)
fac2 &= twomask
fac2 = (2 - fac2) & twomask
dinv = (dinv * fac2) & twomask
good_bits = twice
goodmask = makemask(bits_needed)
return ((dinv & goodmask) * (n & goodmask)) & goodmask


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> But I won't post code (unless someone asks)

Okay, I'll ask.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-22 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Ya, I don't expect anyone will check in a change without doing comparative 
timings in C first. Not worried about that.

I'd be happy to declare victory and move on at this point ;-) But that's me. 
Near the start of this, I noted that we just won't compete with GMP's vast 
array of tricks.

I noted that they use a special routine for division when it's known in advance 
that the remainder is 0 (as it is, e.g., in every division performed by "our" 
recursion (which GMP also uses, in some cases)).

But I didn't let on just how much that can buy them. Under 3.10.1 on my box, 
the final division alone in math.factorial(100) // 
math.factorial(50)**2 takes over 20 seconds. But a pure Python 
implementation of what I assume (don't know for sure) is the key idea(*) in 
their exact-division algorithm does the same thing in under 0.4 seconds. Huge 
difference - and while the pure Python version only ever wants the lower N bits 
of an NxN product, there's no real way to do that in pure Python except via 
throwing away the higher N bits of a double-width int product. In C, of course, 
the high half of the bits wouldn't be computed to begin with.

(*) Modular arithmetic again. Given n and d such that it's known n = q*d for 
some integer q, shift n and d right until d is odd. q is unaffected. A good 
upper bound on the bit length of q is then n.bit_length() - d.bit_length() + 1. 
Do the remaining work modulo 2 raised to that power. Call that base B.

We "merely" need to solve for q in the equation n = q*d (mod B). Because d is 
odd, I = pow(d, -1, B) exists. Just multiply both sides by I to get n * I = q 
(mod B).

No divisions of any kind are needed. More, there's also a very efficient, 
division-free algorithm for finding an inverse modulo a power of 2. To start 
with, every odd int is its own inverse mod 8, so we start with 3 good bits. A 
modular Newton-like iteration can double the number of correct bits on each 

But I won't post code (unless someone asks) because I don't want to encourage 
anyone :-)


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

comb(n, k) can be computed as perm(n, k) // factorial(k).

$ ./python -m timeit -r1 -n1 -s 'from math import comb' "comb(100, 50)"
recursive: 1 loop, best of 1: 9.16 sec per loop
iterative: 1 loop, best of 1: 164 sec per loop

$ ./python -m timeit -r1 -n1 -s 'from math import perm, factorial' 
"perm(100, 50) // factorial(50)"
recursive: 1 loop, best of 1: 19.8 sec per loop
iterative: 1 loop, best of 1: 137 sec per loop

It is slightly faster than division on every step if use the iterative 
algorithm, but still much slower than the recursive algorithm. And the latter 
if faster if perform many small divisions and keep intermediate results smaller.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

All this should be tested with the C implementation because relative cost of 
operations is different in C and Python.

I have tested Raymond's idea about using iterative algorithm for small k.

$ ./python -m timeit -s 'from math import comb' "comb(3329023, 3)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 173 ns +- 9 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 257 ns +- 13 ns

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' "comb(102571, 4)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 184 ns +- 10 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 390 ns +- 29 ns

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' "comb(747, 8)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 187 ns +- 10 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 708 ns +- 39 ns

Recursive algorithm is always faster than iterative one for k>2 (they are equal 
for k=1 and k=2).

And it is not only because of division, because for perm() we have the same 

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' "perm(2642247, 3)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 118 ns +- 7 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 147 ns +- 8 ns

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' "perm(65538, 4)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 130 ns +- 9 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 203 ns +- 13 ns

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' "perm(260, 8)"
recursive: Mean +- std dev: 131 ns +- 10 ns
iterative: Mean +- std dev: 324 ns +- 16 ns

As for the idea about using a table for fixed k=20, note that comb(87, 20) 
exceeds 64 bits, so we will need to use a table of 128-bit integers. And I am 
not sure if this algorithm will be faster than the recursive one.

We may achieve better results for lesser cost if extend Mark's algorithm to use 
128-bit integers. I am not sure whether it is worth, the current code is good 
enough and cover the wide range of cases. Additional optimizations will likely 
have lesser effort/benefit ratio.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-14 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Another trick, building on the last one: computing factorial(k) isn't cheap, in 
time or space, and neither is dividing by it. But we know it will entirely 
cancel out. Indeed, for each outer loop iteration, prod(p) is divisible by the 
current k. But, unlike as in Stefan's code, which materializes range(n, n-k, 
-1) as an explicit list, we have no way to calculate "in advance" which 
elements of p[] are divisible by what.

What we _can_ do is march over all of p[], and do a gcd of each element with 
the current k. If greater than 1, it can be divided out of both that element of 
p[], and the current k. Later, rinse, repeat - the current k must eventually be 
driven to 1 then.

But that slows things down: gcd() is also expensive.

But there's a standard trick to speed that too: as in serious implementations 
of Pollard's rho factorization method, "chunk it". That is, don't do it on 
every outer loop iteration, but instead accumulate the running product of 
several denominators first, then do the expensive gcd pass on that product.

Here's a replacement for "the main loop" of the last code that delays doing 
gcds until the running product is at least 2000 bits:


kk = 1
for k in range(2, k+1):
n -= 1
# Merge into p[].
# Divide by k.
kk *= k
if kk.bit_length() < 2000:
for i, pi in enumerate(p):
if pi > 1:
g = gcd(pi, kk)
if g > 1:
p[i] = pi // g
kk //= g
if kk == 1:
assert kk == 1
return prod(x for x in p if x > 1) // kk

That runs in under half the time (for n=100, k=50), down to under 7.5 
seconds. And, of course, the largest denominator consumes only about 2000 bits 
instead of 50!'s 8,744,448 bits.

Raising the kk bit limit from 2000 to 1 cuts another 2.5 seconds off, down 
to about 5 seconds.

Much above that, it starts getting slower again.

Seems to hard to out-think! And highly dubious to fine-tune it based on a 
single input case ;-)

Curious: at a cutoff of 1 bits, we're beyond the point where Karatsuba 
would have paid off for computing denominator partial products too.

versions:  -Python 3.11

Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-13 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

I was thinking about

comb(100, 50)

The simple "* --n / ++k" loop does 499,999 each of multiplication and division, 
and in all instances the second operand is a single Python digit. Cheap as can 

In contrast, despite that it short-circuits all "small k" cases, comb_pole2.py 

return C(n, j) * C(n-j, k-j) // C(k, j)   # Recursive case

7,299,598 times. Far more top-level arithmetic operations, including 
extra-expensive long division with both operands multi-digit. At the very top 
of the tree, "// C(50, 25)" is dividing out nearly half a million bits.

But a tiny Python function coding the simple loop takes about 150 seconds, 
while Raymond's C() about 30 (under the released 3.10.1). The benefits from 
provoking Karatsuba are major.

Just for the heck of it, I coded a complication of the simple loop that just 
tries to provoke Karatsuba on the numerator (prod(range(n, n-k, -1))), and 
dividing that just once at the end, by factorial(k). That dropped the time to 
about 17.5 seconds. Over 80% of that time is spent computing the "return" 
expression, where len(p) is 40 and only 7 entries pass the x>1 test:

return prod(x for x in p if x > 1) // factorial(k)

That is, with really big results, almost everything is mostly noise compared to 
the time needed to do the relative handful of * and // on the very largest 
intermediate results.

Stefan's code runs much faster still, but requires storage proportional to k. 
The crude hack I used needs a fixed (independent of k and n) and small amount 
of temp storage, basically grouping inputs into buckets roughly based on the 
log _of_ their log, and keeping only one int per bucket.

Here's the code:

def pcomb2(n, k):
from math import prod, factorial

assert 0 <= k <= n
k = min(k, n-k)
PLEN = 40 # good enough for ints with over a trillion bits
p = [1] * PLEN

def fold_into_p(x):
if x == 1:
while True:
i = max(x.bit_length().bit_length() - 5, 0)
if p[i] == 1:
p[i] = x
x *= p[i]
p[i] = 1

def showp():
for i in range(PLEN):
pi = p[i]
if pi > 1:
print(i, pi.bit_length())

for i in range(k):
n -= 1
return prod(x for x in p if x > 1) // factorial(k)

I'm not sure it's practical. For example, while the list p[] can be kept quite 
small, factorial(k) can require a substantial amount of temp storage of its own 
- factorial(50) in the case at hand is an int approaching 9 million bits.

Note: again in the case at hand, computing it via

factorial(100) // factorial(50)**2

takes about 10% longer than Raymond's C() function.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50559/comb_pole2.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

def comb64(n, k):
'comb(n, k) in multiplicative group modulo 64-bits'
return (F[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] & (2**64-1)) << (S[n] - S[k] - S[n - k])

def comb_iterative(n, k):
'Straight multiply and divide when k is small.'
result = 1
for r in range(1, k+1):
result *= n - r + 1
result //= r
return result

def C(n, k):
k = min(k, n - k)
if k == 0: return 1
if k == 1: return n
if k < len(k2n) and n <= k2n[k]:  return comb64(n, k) # 64-bit fast case
if k == FixedJ and n <= Jlim:  return KnownComb[n]# Precomputed diagonal
if k < 10: return comb_iterative(n, k)# Non-recursive for 
small k  
j = FixedJ if k > FixedJ and n <= Jlim else k // 2
return C(n, j) * C(n-j, k-j) // C(k, j)   # Recursive case


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Okay, will set a cap on the n where a fixedj is used.  Also, making a direct 
computation for k<20 is promising.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg410440

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

ISTM that the asymptotic benefits of Karatsuba multiplication are mostly lost 
when each of the factors has to be built-up recursively prior to the multiply.  
Also, the benefits of Karatsuba only start to appear at around 400-bit numbers. 
 For us, we don't get there until comb(400, 200).  Even there, almost all of 
the multiplications are with smaller values that get no benefit at all from 
Karatsuba multiplication.  IOW, I don't think Karatsuba multiplication has been 
helping at all.  More likely, the improvement came from a reduced number of 

The depth issue is a red herring.  The fixed j approach is only used up to 
n=235.¹  The largest input, comb(235, 117), recurses only five levels 
C(215,97), C(195,77),
 C(175,57), C(155,37), C(135,17) before handing off to the j=k//2 algorithm.  
Five levels of width one is so inexpensive that it isn't worth talking about, 
especially when considering how many PyLong multiplies and divides are saved.²

¹ Jlim = 235 in the posted comb_pole.py.  I've since changed the span of 
precomputed combinations to C(n, 20) where 87 ≤ n ≤ 250.

² See the trace in the previous post showing a seven-fold reduction in the 
number of PyLong multiply and divide operations.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

A feature of the current code is that, while the recursion tree can be very 
wide, it's not tall, with max depth proportional to the log of k. But it's 
proportional to k in the proposal (the C(n-j, k-j) term's second argument goes 
down by at most 20 per recursion level).

So, e.g., C(100, 50) dies with RecursionError in Python; in C, whatever 
platform-specific weird things can happen when the C stack is blown.

The width of the recursion tree could be slashed in any case by "just dealing 
with" (say) k <= 20 directly, no matter how large n is. Do the obvious loop 
with k-1 multiplies, and k-1 divides by the tiny ints in range(2, k+1). Note 
that "almost all" the calls in your "trace for the old code" listing are due to 
recurring for k <= 20.  Or use Stefan's method: if limited to k <= 20, it only 
requires a tiny precomputed table of the 8 primes <= 20, and a stack array to 
hold range(n, n-k, -1); that can be arranged to keep Karatsuba in play if n is 

An irony is that the primary point of the recurrence is to get Karatsuba 
multiplication into play, but the ints involved in computing C(240, 112) are 
nowhere near big enough to trigger that.

To limit recursion depth, I think you have to change your approach to decide in 
advance the deepest you're willing to risk letting it go, and keep the current 
j = k // 2 whenever repeatedly subtracting 20 could exceed that.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Ran some timings on the pure python version with and without the precomputed 
diagonal:  [C(n, k) for k in range(n+1)]

  New CodeBaseline
 -   - 
n=85  156 usec160 usec
n=137 632 usec   1.82 msec
n=1561.01 msec   4.01 msec
n=1831.58 msec   7.06 msec
n=2122.29 msec   10.4 msec
n=2517.07 msec   15.6 msec
n=31119.6 msec   25.5 msec
n=1001314 msec471 msec

As expected, the best improvement comes in the range of the precomputed 
combinations:  C(129, 20) through C(250, 20).

To get a better idea of where the benefit is coming from, here is a trace from 
the recursive part of the new code:

>>> C(240, 112)
C(240, 112) = C(240, 20) * C(220, 92) // C(112, 20)
C(220, 92) = C(220, 20) * C(200, 72) // C(92, 20)
C(200, 72) = C(200, 20) * C(180, 52) // C(72, 20)
C(180, 52) = C(180, 20) * C(160, 32) // C(52, 20)
C(160, 32) = C(160, 20) * C(140, 12) // C(32, 20)
C(140, 12) = C(140, 6) * C(134, 6) // C(12, 6)
C(140, 6) = C(140, 3) * C(137, 3) // C(6, 3)
C(140, 3) = C(140, 1) * C(139, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(139, 2) = C(139, 1) * C(138, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(137, 3) = C(137, 1) * C(136, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(136, 2) = C(136, 1) * C(135, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(134, 6) = C(134, 3) * C(131, 3) // C(6, 3)
C(134, 3) = C(134, 1) * C(133, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(133, 2) = C(133, 1) * C(132, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(131, 3) = C(131, 1) * C(130, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(130, 2) = C(130, 1) * C(129, 1) // C(2, 1)

Here is a trace for the old code without the precomputed diagonal:

>>> C(240, 112)
C(240, 112) = C(240, 56) * C(184, 56) // C(112, 56)
C(240, 56) = C(240, 28) * C(212, 28) // C(56, 28)
C(240, 28) = C(240, 14) * C(226, 14) // C(28, 14)
C(240, 14) = C(240, 7) * C(233, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(240, 7) = C(240, 3) * C(237, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(240, 3) = C(240, 1) * C(239, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(239, 2) = C(239, 1) * C(238, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(237, 4) = C(237, 2) * C(235, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(237, 2) = C(237, 1) * C(236, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(235, 2) = C(235, 1) * C(234, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(233, 7) = C(233, 3) * C(230, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(233, 3) = C(233, 1) * C(232, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(232, 2) = C(232, 1) * C(231, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(230, 4) = C(230, 2) * C(228, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(230, 2) = C(230, 1) * C(229, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(228, 2) = C(228, 1) * C(227, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(226, 14) = C(226, 7) * C(219, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(226, 7) = C(226, 3) * C(223, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(226, 3) = C(226, 1) * C(225, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(225, 2) = C(225, 1) * C(224, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(223, 4) = C(223, 2) * C(221, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(223, 2) = C(223, 1) * C(222, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(221, 2) = C(221, 1) * C(220, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(219, 7) = C(219, 3) * C(216, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(219, 3) = C(219, 1) * C(218, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(218, 2) = C(218, 1) * C(217, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(216, 4) = C(216, 2) * C(214, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(216, 2) = C(216, 1) * C(215, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(214, 2) = C(214, 1) * C(213, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(212, 28) = C(212, 14) * C(198, 14) // C(28, 14)
C(212, 14) = C(212, 7) * C(205, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(212, 7) = C(212, 3) * C(209, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(212, 3) = C(212, 1) * C(211, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(211, 2) = C(211, 1) * C(210, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(209, 4) = C(209, 2) * C(207, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(209, 2) = C(209, 1) * C(208, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(207, 2) = C(207, 1) * C(206, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(205, 7) = C(205, 3) * C(202, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(205, 3) = C(205, 1) * C(204, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(204, 2) = C(204, 1) * C(203, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(202, 4) = C(202, 2) * C(200, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(202, 2) = C(202, 1) * C(201, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(200, 2) = C(200, 1) * C(199, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(198, 14) = C(198, 7) * C(191, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(198, 7) = C(198, 3) * C(195, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(198, 3) = C(198, 1) * C(197, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(197, 2) = C(197, 1) * C(196, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(195, 4) = C(195, 2) * C(193, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(195, 2) = C(195, 1) * C(194, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(193, 2) = C(193, 1) * C(192, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(191, 7) = C(191, 3) * C(188, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(191, 3) = C(191, 1) * C(190, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(190, 2) = C(190, 1) * C(189, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(188, 4) = C(188, 2) * C(186, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(188, 2) = C(188, 1) * C(187, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(186, 2) = C(186, 1) * C(185, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(184, 56) = C(184, 28) * C(156, 28) // C(56, 28)
C(184, 28) = C(184, 14) * C(170, 14) // C(28, 14)
C(184, 14) = C(184, 7) * C(177, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(184, 7) = C(184, 3) * C(181, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(184, 3) = C(184, 1) * C(183, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(183, 2) = C(183, 1) * C(182, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(181, 4) = C(181, 2) * C(179, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(181, 2) = C(181, 1) * C(180, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(179, 2) = C(179, 1) * C(178, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(177, 7) = C(177, 3) * C(174, 4) // C(7, 3)
C(177, 3) = C(177, 1) * C(176, 2) // C(3, 1)
C(176, 2) = C(176, 1) * C(175, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(174, 4) = C(174, 2) * C(172, 2) // C(4, 2)
C(174, 2) = C(174, 1) * C(173, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(172, 2) = C(172, 1) * C(171, 1) // C(2, 1)
C(170, 14) = C(170, 7) * C(163, 7) // C(14, 7)
C(170, 7) = C(170, 3) * C(167, 4) // C(7, 

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file50556/comb_pole.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Just posted an update that runs on 3.8 or later.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50557/comb_pole.py

Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Just noting that comb_pole.py requires a development version of Python to run 
(under all released versions, a byteorder argument is required for int.{to, 
from}_byte() calls).


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

One fixup:

- j = min(k // 2, FixedJ) 
+ j = FixedJ if k > FixedJ else k // 2 

With that fix, the number of 64-bit mod arithmetic calls drops to 3, 4, and 20 
for C(200,100), C(225,112), and C(250,125).  The compares to 115, 150, and 193 
calls in the current code.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50556/comb_pole.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file50555/comb_pole.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I've been experimenting with a modification of Serhiy's recurrence relation, 
using a different value of j rather than j=k//2.  

The current design splits-off three ways when it recurses, so the number of 
calls grows quickly.  For C(200,100), C(225,112), and C(250,125), the 
underlying 64 bit modular arithmetic routine is called 115 times, 150 times, 
and 193 times respectively.

But with another 2kb of precomputed values, it drops to 3, 16, and 26 calls.

The main idea is to precompute one diagonal of Pascal's triangle, starting 
where the 64-bit mod arithmetic version leaves off and going through a limit as 
high as we want, depending on our tolerance for table size.  A table for C(n, 
20) where 67 < n <= 225 takes 2101 bytes.

The new routine adds one line and modifies one line from the current code:

  def C(n, k):
k = min(k, n - k)
if k == 0: return 1
if k == 1: return n
if k < len(k2n) and n <= k2n[k]: return ModArith64bit(n, k)
if k == FixedJ and n <= Jlim:  return lookup_known(n)  # New line
j = min(k // 2, FixedJ)# Modified
return C(n, j) * C(n-j, k-j) // C(k, j)

The benefit of pinning j to match the precomputed diagonal is that two of the 
three splits-offs are to known values where no further work is necessary.  
Given a table for C(n, 20), we get:

C(200, 100) = C(200, 20) * C(180, 80) // C(100, 20)
  \_known_/   \_recurse_/\_known_/

A proof of concept is attached.  To make it easy to experiment with, the 
precomputed diagonal is stored in a dictionary.  At the bottom, I show an 
equivalent function to be used in a C version.

It looks promising at this point, but I haven't run timings, so I am not sure 
this is a net win.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50555/comb_pole.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2022-01-09 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

New changeset 2d787971c65b005d0cce219399b9a8e2b70d4ef4 by Serhiy Storchaka in 
branch 'main':
bpo-37295: Use constant-time comb() and perm() for larger n depending on k 


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-31 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

New changeset 0b58bac3e7877d722bdbd3c38913dba2cb212f13 by Mark Dickinson in 
branch 'main':
bpo-37295: More direct computation of power-of-two factor in math.comb 


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-31 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

> I'd be happy to change the implementation to use the trailing zero counts as 
> suggested.

Done in GH-30313 (though this will conflict with Serhiy's PR).


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-31 Thread Mark Dickinson

Change by Mark Dickinson :

pull_requests: +28529
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30313

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> I'd be happy to change the implementation to use the trailing
> zero counts as suggested.

Thanks.  I think that is a portability win and will made the code a lot easier 
to explain.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Change by Mark Dickinson :

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50531/driver.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

Thanks Tim for spotting the stupid mistake. The reworked timings are a bit more 
... plausible.

tl;dr: On my machine, Raymond's suggestion gives a 2.2% speedup in the case 
where POPCNT is not available, and a 0.45% slowdown in the case that it _is_ 
available. Given that, and the fact that a single-instruction population count 
is not as readily available as I thought it was, I'd be happy to change the 
implementation to use the trailing zero counts as suggested.

I'll attach the scripts I used for timing and analysis. There are two of them: 
"timecomb.py" produces a single timing. "driver.py" repeatedly switches 
branches, re-runs make, runs "timecomb.py", then assembles the results.

I ran the driver.py script twice: once with a regular `./configure` step, and 
once with `./configure CFLAGS="-march=haswell"`. Below, "base" refers to the 
code currently in master; "alt" is the branch with Raymond's suggested change 
on it.

Output from the script for the normal ./configure

Mean time for base: 40.130ns
Mean for alt: 39.268ns
Speedup: 2.19%
Ttest_indResult(statistic=7.9929245698581415, pvalue=1.4418376402220854e-14)

Output for CFLAGS="-march=haswell":

Mean time for base: 39.612ns
Mean for alt: 39.791ns
Speedup: -0.45%
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-6.75385578636895, pvalue=5.119724894191512e-11)

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50530/timecomb.py

Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

PR 30305 applies Mark's algorithm for larger n (up to 127) depending on k, as 
was suggested by Raymond. Note that it uses different table for limits, which 
maps k to maximal n.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Change by Serhiy Storchaka :

pull_requests: +28518
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30305

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

> Aargh! That is of course what I meant, but not in fact
> what I timed. :-(

!!! Even more baffling then. Seems like the code posted got out of 
math_comb_impl() early here:

if (overflow || ki > ni) {
result = PyLong_FromLong(0);
goto done;

67 out of every 68 times comb() was called, before any actual ;-) computation 
was even tried. Yet one way was significantly faster than the other overall, 
despite that they were so rarely executed at all?

Something ... seems off here ;-)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

> I'm assuming you meant to write comb(67, k) instead

Aargh! That is of course what I meant, but not in fact what I timed. :-(

I'll redo the timings. Please disregard the previous message.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

> I ran some timings for comb(k, 67) on my macOS / Intel MacBook Pro,
> using timeit to time calls to a function that looked like this:
> def f(comb):
> for k in range(68):
> for _ in range(256):
> comb(k, 67)
> comb(k, 67)
>... # 64 repetitions of comb(k, 67) in all

I'm assuming you meant to write comb(67, k) instead, since the comb(k, 67) 
given is 0 at all tested k values except for k=67, and almost never executes 
any of the code in question.

It's surprising to me that even the long-winded popcount code was faster! The 
other way needs to read up 3 1-byte values from a trailing zero table, but the 
long-winded popcount emulation needs to read up 4 4-byte mask constants (or are 
they embedded in the instruction stream?), in addition to doing many more 
bit-fiddling operations (4 shifts, 4 "&" masks, 3 add/subtract, and a multiply 
- compared to just 2 add/subtract).

So if the results are right, Intel timings make no sense to me at all ;-)


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

> So which of xor-popcount and add-up-up-trailing-zero-counts is faster may 
> well depend on platform.

I ran some timings for comb(k, 67) on my macOS / Intel MacBook Pro, using 
timeit to time calls to a function that looked like this:

def f(comb):
for k in range(68):
for _ in range(256):
comb(k, 67)
comb(k, 67)
... # 64 repetitions of comb(k, 67) in all

Based on 200 timings of this script with each of the popcount approach and the 
uint8_t-table-of-trailing-zero-counts approach (interleaved), the popcount 
approach won, but just barely, at around 1.3% faster. The result was 
statistically significant (SciPy gave me a result of 
Ttest_indResult(statistic=19.929941828072433, pvalue=8.570975609117687e-62)).

Interestingly, the default build on macOS/Intel is _not_ using the dedicated 
POPCNT instruction that arrived with the Nehalem architecture, presumably 
because it wants to produce builds that will still be useable on pre-Nehalem 
machines. It uses Clang's __builtin_popcount, but that gets translated to the 
same SIMD-within-a-register approach that we have already in pycore_bitutils.h.

If I recompile with -msse4.2, then the POPCNT instruction *is* used, and I get 
an even more marginal improvement: a 1.7% speedup over the lookup-table-based 


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

> That's [Mark's code] cheaper than almost every case handled by
> perm_comb_small()'s current ... "iscomb" loop.

Although I should clarify they're aimed at different things, and don't overlap 
all that much. Mark's code, & even more so Raymond's extension, picks on small 
"n" and then looks for the largest "k" such that comb(n, k) can be done with 
supernatural speed.

But the existing perm_comb_small() picks on small "k" and then looks for the 
largest "n" such that "the traditional" one-at-a-time loop can complete without 
ever overflowing a C uint64 along the way.

The latter is doubtless more valuable for perm_comb_small(), since its 
recursive calls cut k roughly in half, and the first such call doesn't reduce n 
at all.

But where they do overlap (e.g., comb(50, 15)), Mark's approach is much faster, 
so that should be checked first.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

A practical caution about this in comb_with_side_limits.py:

Pmax = 25   # 25 41
Fmax = Pmax

It's true then that 25! == F[25] << S[25], but that's so in Python. The result 
has 84 bits, so 64-bit C arithmetic isn't enough.

That's apparently why mathmodule.c's static SmallFactorials[] table ends at 20 
(the largest n such that n! fits in 64 bits).

(Well, actually, it ends at 12 on Windows, where sizeof(long) is 4, even on 
"modern" 64-bit boxes)

I would, of course, use uint64_t for these things - "long" and "long long" are 
nuisances, and not even attractive ones ;-) While support (both software and 
HW) for 64-bit ints progressed steadily in the 32-bit era, the same does not 
appear to be true of 128-bit ints in the 64-bit era. Looks to me like 64-bit 
ints will become as much a universal HW truth as, say, 2's-complement, and byte 
addresses, have become.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

> It can benefit larger arguments if move the code in
> perm_comb_small().

Seems pretty clear that the newer code really belongs there instead.

> And perhaps loops in perm_comb_small() could be optimized 
> by using precalculated values for some products.

For all n <= 67, the newer code computes comb(n, k), for all k, in a small and 
fixed number of operations, all in platform C arithmetic. Two multiplies, a 
shift, and some fiddling to compute the shift count. No divisions. That's 
cheaper than almost every case handled by perm_comb_small()'s current

k < Py_ARRAY_LENGTH(fast_comb_limits)
   && n <= fast_comb_limits[k])

"iscomb" loop. That loop is constrained by that all intermediate results have 
to fit in a C unsigned long long, but the newer code only needs to know that 
the _final_ result fits (intermediate overflows are both expected and harmless 
- indeed, they're _necessary_ for the modular arithmetic to work as intended).


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> Did you try running that?

Yes.  The table size was extended beyond what we have now. See attached file.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50526/comb_with_side_limits.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

I think Raymond means extending the tables to TableSize=101. It can benefit 
larger arguments if move the code in perm_comb_small(). And perhaps loops in 
perm_comb_small() could be optimized by using precalculated values for some 


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:


TableSize = 101
limits = bytearray(TableSize)
for n in range(0, TableSize):
for k in range(0, n+1):
if comb(n, k) != comb_small(n, k):

(and regardless of whether the last line is replaced with the later correction):

Did you try running that? Assuming "comb_small()" refers to the earlier Python 
function of that name you posted, it dies in the obvious way:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\MyPy\temp3.py", line 29414, in 
if comb(n, k) != comb_small(n, k) % Modulus:
  File "C:\MyPy\temp3.py", line 29404, in comb_small
return (F[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] % Modulus) << (S[n] - S[k] - S[n-k])
IndexError: list index out of range

This occurs, as expected, when n first reaches 68 (because Cmax = 67 in the 
code posted for comb_small()).

So it's unclear what you intended to say. Certainly, the current mathmodule.c 
perm_comb_small() (where "small" appears to mean merely that the args fit in C 
"unsigned long long") makes no attempt to exploit the newer n <= 67 code Mark 
checked in.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-29 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

- if comb(n, k) != comb_small(n, k):
+ if comb(n, k) != comb_small(n, k) % Modulus:


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Also, it would help Serhiy's divide and conquer algorithm if the fast cases 
included the sides of Pascal's triangle rather than just the top:

   if n < TableSize and k < limits[n]:
   return comb_small(n, k)
   return comb_slow(n, k)

Build the table like this:

TableSize = 101
limits = bytearray(TableSize)
for n in range(0, TableSize):
for k in range(0, n+1):
if comb(n, k) != comb_small(n, k):
k += 1
limits[n] = k


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

A timing confounder: I see that CPython's _Py_popcount32() only tries to use 
the relevant blazing fast hardware instruction if defined(__clang__) || 
defined(__GNUC__). On Windows, it's a long-winded bit-fiddling dance.

So which of xor-popcount and add-up-up-trailing-zero-counts is faster may well 
depend on platform.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Raymond, using the count of trailing zeroes instead is exactly what I suggested 
before, here:


So Mark & I already batted that around. For whatever reasons he had, though, he 
stuck with the xor-popcount approach. Presumably he found that was faster than 
looking up trailing zero counts.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

The shift table is an array of uint8_t, so it would be tiny (nearly fitting in 
one cache line).


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

It's a little late, but I had a thought that code could be made more general, 
slightly faster, and much easier to understand if the popcount logic were to be 
replaced with a table that records how many bits of the factorial were shifted 
out to make it odd.

from math import comb, perm, factorial as fact

Modulus = 2 ** 64
Cmax = 67
Pmax = 25
Fmax = Pmax

F = []  # odd factorial
S = []  # shift back to factorial
Finv = []   # multiplicative inverse of odd fact
for n in range(Cmax+1):
f = fact(n)
s = (f & -f).bit_length() - 1
odd_f = (f >> s) % Modulus
inv_f = pow(odd_f, -1, Modulus)
assert odd_f * inv_f % Modulus == 1
assert (odd_f << s) % Modulus == f % Modulus

def fact_small(n):
return F[n] << S[n]

def perm_small(n, k):
return (F[n] * Finv[n-k] % Modulus) << (S[n] - S[n-k])

def comb_small(n, k):
return (F[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] % Modulus) << (S[n] - S[k] - S[n-k])

assert all(fact_small(n) == fact(n) for n in range(Fmax+1))
assert all(perm_small(n, k) == perm(n, k) for n in range(Pmax+1) for k in 
range(0, n+1))
assert all(comb_small(n, k) == comb(n, k) for n in range(Cmax+1) for k in 
range(0, n+1))


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-28 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

New changeset 02b5417f1107415abaf81acab7522f9aa84269ea by Mark Dickinson in 
branch 'main':
bpo-37295: Speed up math.comb(n, k) for 0 <= k <= n <= 67 (GH-30275)


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-27 Thread Mark Dickinson

Change by Mark Dickinson :

pull_requests: +28490
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30275

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-24 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

If people are keen to speed comb() for larger arguments, the approach in 
Stefan's "comb_with_primes.py" is very much worth looking at. I've played with 
that idea before, and it runs circles around any other approach I've seen.

The only divisions it does are of integers no larger than n by primes no larger 
than k (the "effective" k: min(k, n-k)). The current CPython implementation 
guarantees the latter fit in a C "long long", so the divisor is never notably 

The downside is that it requires O(log(n) * k) temp storage, to hold 
list(range(n, n-k, -1)), and O(k) temp storage to hold a sieve to find the 
primes <= k.

A subtlety: Stefan's `myprod()` is also important to its speed gains when k 
gets large. For example, given xs = list(range(1, 100)), math.prod(xs) 
takes over 40 times longer than myprod(xs). myprod() is obscurely coded 
(presumably for peak speed), but effectively arranges the multiplications in a 
complete binary tree (e.g., myprod([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) is evaluated as 
((1*2)*(3*4))*((5*6)*(7*8))). This gives Karatsuba multiplication good chances 
to get exploited at higher levels in the tree.

The "divide-and-conquer" recurrence already checked in also bought speed gains 
by getting Karatsuba in play, but is much less effective overall because it can 
still need divisions of giant ints by giant ints. Then again, it's frugal with 


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> Should I code up my suggestion in a PR, 

Yes, go for it.


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-23 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Please don't use "long long". It usually introduces platform dependence where 
none is intended, or helpful. PEP 7 requires that the compiler in use supply 
the fixed-width integer types defined by C99's stdint.h[1]. These are:


This has been required since Python 3.6. There is no reason not to use them.

[1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0007/#c-dialect


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-23 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

Raymond: how do you want to proceed on this? Should I code up my suggestion in 
a PR, or are you already working on it?


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-22 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

No problem, Mark! I just prefer the shallowest approaches that are "good 
enough". If it's materially faster to use xors and a popcount instead, fine by 
me, just provided a comment points to a clue about why that works.

BTW, the later xor version was clearer to me at first glance than what it 
replaced, the older

k.bit_count() + (n-k).bit_count() - n.bit_count()

The connection to "carries" is quite obscured there. Instead it's a 
straightforward coding of one statement of Kummer's theorem for multinomial 
coefficients:  the highest power of a prime p dividing the multinomial 
coefficient M(n; k1, k2, k3, ...), where sum(k_i)=n, is the sum of the digits 
of k1, k2, ... when expressed in base p, less n, then divided by p-1. So, for 
p=2 and M(n; k, n-k), that's exactly the same (and leaving out the no-op of 
dividing by p-1=1 in the p=2 case).

Which in turn is, I think, easiest derived not from thinking about carries, but 
from mechanically plugging in 3 instances of that the highest power of p 
dividing i! is i minus the sum of the digits of i in base p, then divided by 
p-1. That in turn is easy to show by considering what Legendre's formula does 
in each digit position (and "carries" don't come up in that line of proof).


Python tracker 

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-22 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:


> The justification for the shift count isn't self-evident, and
> appears to me to be an instance of the generalization of Kummer's
> theorem to multinomial coefficients.

Not sure there's any generalisation here: I think it *is* just Kummer's 
theorem. Though I confess I wasn't aware that this was a named theorem - I was 
working directly from what I now discover is called [Legendre's 
formula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre%27s_formula), which I 
originally learned from "Concrete Mathematics" by Knuth et. al., where they 
also didn't mention any particular names. It's equation 4.24 in my edition; it 
may have a different number in the 2nd edition.

Kummer's theorem says that the 2-valuation of n-choose-k is the number of 
carries when k is added to n-k in binary.

Notation: write `bit(x, i)` for the bit at position `i` of `x` - i.e., `(x >> 
i) & 1`

In the absence of carries when adding `k` to `n-k`, `bit(n, i) = bit(k, i) ^ 
bit(n-k, i)`. We have an incoming carry whenever `bit(n, i) != bit(k, i) ^ 
bit(n-k, i)`; i.e., whenever `bit(n ^ k ^ (n-k), i)` is `1`. So the number of 
carries is the population count of `n ^ k ^ (n-k)`.

> I think it would be clearer at first sight to rely instead on that 2**i/(2**j 
> * 2**k) = 2**(i-j-k), which is shallow.

Sounds fine to me, especially if it makes little performance difference.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

long long is at least 64 bit, so we can safely use PyLong_FromLongLong() for 


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado

Change by Pablo Galindo Salgado :

nosy:  -pablogsal

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

I see no use of 128-bit ints in the CPython core. Advice: forget it. 

int64_t and uint64_t are required by C99, and are used many places in the core. 
Advice: use freely.

Note that if tables of "odd part mod 2**64" and "number of trailing zeroes" are 
used up through 67, then factorials up through 25! are trivially computed via

Fodd[i] << Fntz[i]

(at 26, the odd part no longer fits in 64 bits)


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Am I correct in my understanding the 64 bits are always available, that 128 bit 
ints aren't universal, and that #ifdefs would be needed to extend the range of 
the table for systems that support it?


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

>  Finv = [pow(fodd, -1, 2**64) for fodd in Fodd]

This is a good trick.  I had already experimented with separating factorials 
into an odd component and a shift count, but failed to get a speed-up because 
the divisions were slow.  Having a table of multiplicative inverses and working 
mod 2**64 bypasses that problem nicely.  Division-free is the way to go :-)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Clever, Mark! Very nice.

The justification for the shift count isn't self-evident, and appears to me to 
be an instance of the generalization of Kummer's theorem to multinomial 
coefficients. I think it would be clearer at first sight to rely instead on 
that 2**i/(2**j * 2**k) = 2**(i-j-k), which is shallow.

So here's a minor rewrite doing that instead; it would add 68 bytes to the 
precomputed static data.

import math
# Largest n such that comb(n, k) fits in 64 bits for all k.
Nmax = 67

# Express n! % 2**64 as Fodd[n] << Fntz[n] where Fodd[n] is odd.
Fodd = [] # unsigned 8-byte ints
Fntz = [] # unsigned 1-byte ints
for i in range(Nmax + 1):
f = math.factorial(i)
lsb = f & -f # isolate least-significant 1 bit
Fntz.append(lsb.bit_length() - 1)
Fodd.append((f >> Fntz[-1]) % 2**64)

Finv = [pow(fodd, -1, 2**64) for fodd in Fodd]

# All of the above is meant to be precomputed; just static tables in C.

# Fast comb for small values.
def comb_small(n, k):
if not 0 <= k <= n <= Nmax:
raise ValueError("k or n out of range")
return ((Fodd[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] % 2**64)
<< (Fntz[n] - Fntz[k] - Fntz[n-k]))

# Exhaustive test
for n in range(Nmax+1):
for k in range(0, n+1):
assert comb_small(n, k) == math.comb(n, k)

Since 99.86% of comb() calls in real life are applied to a deck of cards ;-) , 
it's valuable that Nmax be >= 52.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

That computation of the shift can be simplified to require only one popcount 
operation. With F and Finv as before:

def comb_small(n, k):
assert 0 <= k <= n <= Nmax
return (F[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] % 2**64) << (k ^ n ^ (n-k)).bit_count()


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-21 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

One approach that avoids the use of floating-point arithmetic is to precompute 
the odd part of the factorial of n modulo 2**64, for all small n. If we also 
precompute the inverses, then three lookups and two 64x64->64 unsigned integer 
multiplications gets us the odd part of the combinations modulo 2**64, hence 
for small enough n and k gets us the actual odd part of the combinations.

Then a shift by a suitable amount gives comb(n, k).

Here's what that looks like in Python. The "% 2**64" operation obviously 
wouldn't be needed in C: we'd just do the computation with uint64_t and rely on 
the normal wrapping semantics. We could also precompute the bit_count values if 
that's faster.

import math

# Max n to compute comb(n, k) for.
Nmax = 67

# Precomputation

def factorial_odd_part(n):
f = math.factorial(n)
return f // (f & -f)

F = [factorial_odd_part(n) % 2**64 for n in range(Nmax+1)]
Finv = [pow(f, -1, 2**64) for f in F]
PC = [n.bit_count() for n in range(Nmax+1)]

# Fast comb for small values.

def comb_small(n, k):
if not 0 <= k <= n <= Nmax:
raise ValueError("k or n out of range")
return (F[n] * Finv[k] * Finv[n-k] % 2**64) << k.bit_count() + 
(n-k).bit_count() - n.bit_count()

# Exhaustive test

for n in range(Nmax+1):
for k in range(0, n+1):
assert comb_small(n, k) == math.comb(n, k)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> Just curious about why the focus on the newer exp2 and log2?

No particular reason, those happened to give slighy best results on macOS.  
Across compilers, plain exp() is likely the most mature.

The quality of log() is irrelevant because it isn't used.  The table of log 
factorials can be precomputed to arbitrary exactness using tools other than the 
C math libraries.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Just curious about why the focus on the newer exp2 and log2? Logs are logs, and 
the "natural" `exp()` and `log()` should work just as well. On Windows, exp2() 
is particularly poor for now (I've seen dozens of cases of errors over 2 ulp, 
with exp2(x) very much worse than the Windows pow(2, x)).


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg408963

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Stand by.  I think I can implement this using only bit integer arithmetic. Will 
post tomorrow.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

> The problem here is that C gives no guarantees about accuracy of either log2 
> or exp2

* The input table has hard-wired constants so there is no dependency on log2(). 
 The inputs can be as exact as pi, tau, and e.

* The C library's exp2() function doesn't have to be perfect. Just being good 
would suffice.  Our test suite already requires that exp2() be within 5 ulp:

self.ftest('exp2(2.3)', math.exp2(2.3), 4.924577653379665)

* With a perfect exp2(), the first failure is at C(50, 22).  With a forced 
error of 5 ulp, it happens at C(48, 24).  So keeping n <= 47 that would let 
exp2() be off substantially and still give correct answers.

* Since exp2() is deterministic, it is easy to write a test that covers all 
C(n, r) where 0 <= r <= n <= 47.  If there were to be a problem, we would know 
right away and early during the release cycle.

* Also, it is easy to prove that C(n, r) always gives the correct result for a 
given ulp error bound on exp2() and a given limit on n.

* The speed-up is substantial, so this is worth consideration.

> factorial(49) has 163 significant binary digits.

Exact factorials aren't needed.  The important fact (no pun intended) is that 
comb(47, 23).bit_length() == 44.  For this to work, we need one addition and 
one subtraction of 53 bit approximations to come within 44 bits of the true 


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

factorial(49) has 163 significant binary digits. It cannot be represented in 
floating-point without losses. And C functions log2() and exp2() can add 
additional errors, depending on platform. We rely on the assumption that all 
errors will be compensated, but there are no guaranties of this.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-20 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

> we can get faster code by using a small (3Kb) table of factorial logarithms

The problem here is that C gives no guarantees about accuracy of either log2 or 
exp2, so we'd be playing a guessing game about how far we can go before the 
calculation becomes unsafe (in the sense of the `round` operation potentially 
giving the wrong answer). I think it would be better to stick to integer-only 


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

For the small cases (say n < 50), we can get faster code by using a small (3Kb) 
table of factorial logarithms:

   double lf[50] = [log2(factorial(n)) for n in range(50)];

Then comb() and perm() function can be computed quickly and in constant time 
using the C99 math functions:

   result = PyLong_FromDouble(round(exp2(lf[n] - (lf[r] + lf[n-r];


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg408865

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

For the small cases (say n < 50), we can get faster code by using a small (3Kb) 
table of factorial logarithms:

   double lf[50] = [log2(factorial(n)) for n in range(50)];

Then comb() and perm() can be computed quickly and in constant time using the 
C99 math functions:

   result = PyLong_FromDouble(round(exp2(lf[n] - (lf[r] + lf[n-r];


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-12-05 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

New changeset 60c320c38e4e95877cde0b1d8562ebd6bc02ac61 by Serhiy Storchaka in 
branch 'main':
bpo-37295: Optimize math.comb() and math.perm() (GH-29090)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-11-14 Thread Stefan Pochmann

Stefan Pochmann  added the comment:

Turns out for n=100_000, k=50_000, about 87% of my factors are 1, so they don't 
even need to be turned into Python ints for multiplication, improving the 
multiplication part to 3.05 ms. And a C++ version to produce the factors took 
0.85 ms. Updated estimation:

1510.4 ms  math.comb(n, k)
 460.8 ms  factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))
   3.9 ms  *estimation* for mycomb if written in C


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-11-14 Thread Stefan Pochmann

Stefan Pochmann  added the comment:

And for Raymond's case 4), about running very long and not responding to 
SIGINT, with n=1_000_000 and k=500_000:

150.91 seconds  math.comb(n, k)
 39.11 seconds  factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))
  0.40 seconds  mycomb(n, k)
  0.14 seconds  *estimation* for mycomb if written in C

And for n=10_000_000 and k=5_000_000:

   ~4 hours*estimation* for math.comb(n, k)
   ~1 hour *estimation* for factorials solution
  8.3 seconds  mycomb(n, k)
  4.5 seconds  *estimation* for mycomb if written in C


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-11-14 Thread Stefan Pochmann

Stefan Pochmann  added the comment:

I wrote a Python solution ("mycomb") that computes comb(100_000, 50_000) 
faster, maybe of interest:

1510.4 ms  math.comb(n, k)
 460.8 ms  factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))
  27.5 ms  mycomb(n, k)
   6.7 ms  *estimation* for mycomb if written in C

The idea:

13 * 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 * 8
comb(13, 6)  =  -  =  13 * 1 * 11 * 1 * 3 * 4
  1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6

It lists the numerator factors, then divides the denominator factors out of 
them (using primes), then just multiplies.

Preparing the factors for the final multiplication took most of the time, about 
23.1 ms. That part only needs numbers <= n, so it could be done with C ints and 
be much faster. If it's ten times faster, then mycomb in C would take 23.1/10 + 
(27.5-23.1) = 6.71 ms.

See the comb_with_primes.py file.

nosy: +Stefan Pochmann
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50439/comb_with_primes.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-11-13 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

These speedups all to be significant and worth doing.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-11-12 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Change by Serhiy Storchaka :

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

And with optimization of math.perm() for small arguments:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(30, 14)'
Mean +- std dev: 524 ns +- 43 ns -> 66.7 ns +- 4.6 ns: 7.85x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(31, 14)'
Mean +- std dev: 522 ns +- 26 ns -> 127 ns +- 6 ns: 4.09x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(568, 7)'
Mean +- std dev: 318 ns +- 19 ns -> 62.9 ns +- 3.7 ns: 5.05x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(569, 7)'
Mean +- std dev: 311 ns +- 14 ns -> 114 ns +- 7 ns: 2.73x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(63, 31)'
Mean +- std dev: 1.36 us +- 0.08 us -> 263 ns +- 14 ns: 5.17x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(111, 15)'
Mean +- std dev: 595 ns +- 27 ns -> 126 ns +- 7 ns: 4.71x faster

versions: +Python 3.8, Python 3.9 -Python 3.11

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Change by Serhiy Storchaka :

pull_requests: +27356
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29090

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

Divide-and-conquer approach works pretty well for larger n.

For results slightly out of the 64-bit range:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(63, 31)'
Mean +- std dev: 2.80 us +- 0.14 us -> 388 ns +- 19 ns: 7.22x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(111, 15)'
Mean +- std dev: 1.24 us +- 0.06 us -> 215 ns +- 18 ns: 5.76x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(1450, 7)'
Mean +- std dev: 654 ns +- 45 ns -> 178 ns +- 13 ns: 3.67x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(3329023, 3)'
Mean +- std dev: 276 ns +- 15 ns -> 175 ns +- 11 ns: 1.58x faster

For very large n:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit 'from math import comb' 'comb(2**100, 2**10)'
Mean +- std dev: 26.2 ms +- 1.7 ms -> 3.21 ms +- 0.20 ms: 8.16x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit 'from math import comb' 'comb(2**1000, 2**10)'
Mean +- std dev: 704 ms +- 15 ms -> 103 ms +- 5 ms: 6.85x faster

And it is faster than using factorial:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(100_000, 50_000)'
Mean +- std dev: 1.61 sec +- 0.02 sec -> 177 ms +- 9 ms: 9.12x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import factorial as fact' 
'fact(100_000) // (fact(50_000)*fact(50_000))'
Mean +- std dev: 507 ms +- 20 ms

math.perm() can benefit from reusing the same code:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(63, 31)'
Mean +- std dev: 1.35 us +- 0.07 us -> 1.18 us +- 0.06 us: 1.15x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(111, 15)'
Mean +- std dev: 601 ns +- 35 ns -> 563 ns +- 28 ns: 1.07x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(2**100, 2**10)'
Mean +- std dev: 5.96 ms +- 0.29 ms -> 2.32 ms +- 0.12 ms: 2.57x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(2**1000, 2**10)'
Mean +- std dev: 486 ms +- 14 ms -> 95.7 ms +- 4.2 ms: 5.08x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(100_000, 50_000)'
Mean +- std dev: 639 ms +- 23 ms -> 66.6 ms +- 3.2 ms: 9.60x faster

Even in worst cases it is almost as fast as factorial:

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import perm' 'perm(100_000, 100_000)'
Mean +- std dev: 2.55 sec +- 0.02 sec -> 187 ms +- 8 ms: 13.66x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import factorial' 'factorial(100_000)'
Mean +- std dev: 142 ms +- 7 ms


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-18 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:


$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' '[comb(n, k) for n in 
range(63) for k in range(n+1)]'
Mean +- std dev: 1.57 ms +- 0.07 ms -> 209 us +- 11 us: 7.53x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(62, 31)'
Mean +- std dev: 2.95 us +- 0.14 us -> 296 ns +- 11 ns: 9.99x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(110, 15)'
Mean +- std dev: 1.33 us +- 0.06 us -> 95.8 ns +- 3.1 ns: 13.86x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(1449, 7)'
Mean +- std dev: 689 ns +- 33 ns -> 59.0 ns +- 3.2 ns: 11.69x faster

$ ./python -m pyperf timeit -s 'from math import comb' 'comb(3329022, 3)'
Mean +- std dev: 308 ns +- 19 ns -> 57.2 ns +- 4.2 ns: 5.39x faster

Now I want to try to optimize for larger arguments. Perhaps using recursive 
formula C(n, k) = C(n, j)*C(n-j, k-j)//C(k, j) where j=k//2 could help.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-18 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

Here is more optimized PR inspired by PR 29020. It would be too long to explain 
how PR 29020 can be improved, so I write a new PR.

Basically it implements Raymond's idea #1, but supports n>62 for smaller k.

How to calculate limits:

import math
n = m = 2**64
k = 1
while True:
nmax = int(math.ceil((m * math.factorial(k-1)) ** (1/k) + (k-1)/2)) + 100
n = min(n, nmax)
while math.comb(n, k) * k >= m:
n -= 1
if n < 2*k: break
print(k, n)
k += 1

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-18 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Change by Serhiy Storchaka :

pull_requests: +27302
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29030

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2021-10-18 Thread Marco Cognetta

Change by Marco Cognetta :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +mcognetta
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +27293
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29020

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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-18 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

> Me, I'd wait for them to complain, and encourage _them_ to learn something 
> useful by writing a patch to fix it :-)



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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-17 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

In real life, I expect 99.999%+ of calls will be made with small arguments, so 
(1) is worth it.  I like Mark's suggestion to use uint64_t so the acceptable 
range doesn't depend on platform.  At least in the world I live in, 32-bit 
boxes are all but extinct anyway.

I honestly wouldn't bother with more than that.  It's fun to optimize 
giant-integer algorithms with an ever-ballooning number of different clever 
approaches, but Python is an odd place for that.  People looking for blazing 
fast giant-int facilities generally want lots & lots of them, so are better 
steered toward, e.g., gmp.  That's its reason for existing.

For example, their implementation of binomial coefficients uses special 
division algorithms exploiting that the quotient is exact (no remainder):


There's just no end to potential speedups.  But in Python, I expect a vast 
majority of users will be happy if they get the right answer for the number of 
possible poker hands ;-)

Oh ya - some smart kid will file a bug report about the inability to interrupt 
the calculation of a billion-bit result, so (4) is inevitable.  Me, I'd wait 
for them to complain, and encourage _them_ to learn something useful by writing 
a patch to fix it :-)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-17 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

FWIW, here's a rough implementation of (3).  It is limited to a specific range 
to avoid excess memory usage.  For comb(50_000, 25_000), it gives a three-fold 

if (k_long > 20 && k_long > n_long / 3 && n_long <= 10) {
PyObject *den = math_factorial(module, k); /* den = k! 
temp = PyNumber_Subtract(n, k);
Py_SETREF(temp, math_factorial(module, temp));
Py_SETREF(den, PyNumber_Multiply(den, temp));  /* den *= (n 
- k)! */
Py_SETREF(result, math_factorial(module, n));  /* result = 
n! */
Py_SETREF(result, PyNumber_FloorDivide(result, den));  /* result 
//= (n-k)! */
return result;

> Can the suggested performance improvements go into 3.8, or should they wait 
> for 3.9?
> It's not clear to me whether a performance improvement after feature freeze 
> is okay or not.

Historically, we've used the beta phase for optimizations, tweaking APIs, and 
improving docs.  However, I'm in no rush and this can easily wait for 3.9.

My only concern is that the other math functions, except for factorial(), have 
bounded running times and memory usage, so performance is more of a concern for 
this function which could end-up being an unexpected bottleneck or being a 
vector for a DOS attack.  That said, we haven't had any negative reports 
regarding factorial(), so this may be a low priority.


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-16 Thread Boštjan Mejak

Boštjan Mejak  added the comment:

Performance improvements is what a beta build exists for in the first place.

nosy: +PedanticHacker

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-16 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

(1), (4) and (5) sound good to me.

For (1), it might make sense to ignore the 32-bit vs. 64-bit distinction and 
use `uint64_t` for the internal computations. Then we can do up to n = 62 
regardless of platform.

(2) feels like too much extra complication to me, but that would become clearer 
with an implementation.

For (3), I somewhat agree that the factorial method should be avoided.

For (4), I don't see how/when the GIL could be released: doesn't the algorithm 
involve lots of memory allocations/deallocations and reference count 

Can the suggested performance improvements go into 3.8, or should they wait for 
3.9? It's not clear to me whether a performance improvement after feature 
freeze is okay or not.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-16 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Optimizations 2 and 3 look something like this:

bc75 = [comb(75, r) for r in range(75//2+1)]
bc150 = [comb(150, r) for r in range(150//2+1)]
bc225 = [comb(225, r) for r in range(225//2+1)]

def comb(n, k):
if n < 0 or k < 0: raise ValueError
if k > n: return 0
k = min(k, n-k)
if k > n // 3 and n < 100_000:
return factorial(n) // (factorial(r) * factorial(n-r))
if 75 <= n <= 75 + k:
c, num, den, times = bc75[75-(n-k)], 75+1, 75-(n-k)+1, n-75
elif 150 <= n <= 150 + k:
c, num, den, times = bc150[150-(n-k)], 150+1, 150-(n-k)+1, n-150
elif 225 <= n <= 225 + k:
c, num, den, times = bc225[225-(n-k)], 225+1, 225-(n-k)+1, n-225
c, num, den, times = 1, n-k+1, 1, k
for i in range(times):
c = c * num // den
num += 1
den += 1
return c


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[issue37295] Possible optimizations for math.comb()

2019-06-15 Thread Raymond Hettinger

New submission from Raymond Hettinger :

The implementation of math.comb() is nice in that it limits the size of 
intermediate values as much as possible and it avoids unnecessary steps when 
min(k,n-k) is small with respect to k.

There are some ways it can be made better or faster:

1) For small values of n, there is no need to use PyLong objects at every step. 
 Plain C integers would suffice and we would no longer need to make repeated 
allocations for all the intermediate values.  For 32-bit builds, this could be 
done for n<=30.  For 64-bit builds, it applies to n<=62.  Adding this fast path 
would likely give a 10x to 50x speed-up.

2) For slightly larger values of n, the computation could be sped-up by 
precomputing one or more rows of binomial coefficients (perhaps for n=75, 
n=150, and n=225).  The calculation could then start from that row instead of 
from higher rows on Pascal's triangle.   

For example comb(100, 55) is currently computed as:
comb(55,1) * 56 // 2 * 57 // 3 ... 100 // 45<== 45 steps

Instead, it could be computed as:
comb(75,20) * 76 // 21 * 77 // 22 ... 100 / 45  <== 25 steps
   ^-- found by table lookup 

This gives a nice speed-up in exchange for a little memory in an array of 
constants (for n=75, we would need an array of length 75//2 after exploiting 
symmetry).  Almost all cases would should show some benefit and in favorable 
cases like comb(76, 20) the speed-up would be nearly 75x.

3) When k is close to n/2, the current algorithm is slower than just computing 
(n!) / (k! * (n-k)!). However, the factorial method comes at the cost of more 
memory usage for large n.  The factorial method consumes memory proportional to 
n*log2(n) while the current early-cancellation method uses memory proportional 
to n+log2(n).  Above some threshold for memory pain, the current method should 
always be preferred.  I'm not sure the factorial method should be used at all, 
but it is embarrassing that factorial calls sometimes beat the current C 

$ python3.8 -m timeit -r 11 -s 'from math import comb, factorial as fact' 
-s 'n=100_000' -s 'k = n//2' 'comb(n, k)'
1 loop, best of 11: 1.52 sec per loop
$ python3.8 -m timeit -r 11 -s 'from math import comb, factorial as fact' 
-s 'n=100_000' -s 'k = n//2' 'fact(n) // (fact(k) * fact(n-k))'
1 loop, best of 11: 518 msec per loop

4) For values such as n=1_000_000 and k=500_000, the running time is very long 
and the routine doesn't respond to SIGINT.  We could add checks for keyboard 
interrupts for large n.  Also consider releasing the GIL.

5) The inner-loop current does a pure python subtraction than could in many 
cases be done with plain C integers.  When n is smaller than maxsize, we could 
have a code path that replaces "PyNumber_Subtract(factor, _PyLong_One)" with 
something like "PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((unsigned long long)n - i)".

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 345711
nosy: mark.dickinson, pablogsal, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, tim.peters
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Possible optimizations for math.comb()
type: performance
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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