[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> this is the sort of thing that is usually best suited to be reported by 
> linters, not the Python runtime.

TL;DR: if you write something like `a -- b`, it's quite extraordinary that you 
really wanted to write this. You probably wanted to write `a - -b` or, more 
probably, `a -= b`. So the parser is **masking a potential subtle bug**, that 
can cause hours of stressing debugging, because probably the program will run 
without problem but gives you a wrong result, or will throw an exception but in 
a completely different point.

Long version:

Normally I agree, but not in this case.

PEP 8 defines line guides for writing a more readable code. They are not 
mandatory because:

1. there are cases in which is more readable if you not follow PEP 8 (for 
example, using `\` with long `with` statements)
2. there are cases in which the rule is not followed because of using it in 
fast tests (as for from module import *)
3. sometimes is simply not possible to follow PEP 8 (for example, many classes 
can easily implement __eq__, but implementing all the other comparison 
operators many times is simply not possible)
4. sometimes the recommendation can't be followed, because it's not what you 
want to achive (for example, sometimes you need to check the exact class of an 
object and use `type(a) == SomeClass` instead of `isinstance(a, SomeClass)`)
5. there are cases that PEP 8 does not work. For example, bool(numpy.ndarray) 
does not work, you must do len(numpy.ndarray)
6. sometimes, it's simply a matter of style. One prefers a style, another one 
prefer another style

That said, none of these valid border cases can be applied to this case:

1. `a+-b` can be NEVER more readable than `a + -b`
2. `a++b` is clearly faster because you have to write... 2 spaces less. Well, I 
think that you'll never write a ton of binary operators followed by a unary 
one, so I suppose two little blank spaces does not slow down you too much :-D
3. it's always possible to separate `a * -b`, for example
4. if you write something like `a -- b`, it's quite extraordinary that you 
really wanted to write this. You probably wanted to write `a - -b` or, more 
probably, `a -= b`. So the parser is **masking a potential subtle bug**, that 
can cause hours of stressing debugging, because probably the program will run 
without problem but gives you a wrong result, or will throw an exception but in 
a completely different point.
5. See 3
6. this is IMHO not a matter of style. Writing `a ++ b` is simply ugly, 
**much** unreadable and prone to errors.


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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-04 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

FWIW, this is the sort of thing that is usually best suited to be reported by 
linters, not the Python runtime.

nosy: +eric.snow

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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> `++` isn't special

Indeed the problem is that no error or warning is raised if two operators are 
consecutive, without a space between. All the cases you listed are terribly 
unreadable and hardly intelligible. 

Anyway I do not agree `++` is not special:

> you should know that this example is a syntax error because you are missing 
> the right hand operand, not because `++` has no meaning

But you should know that in a *lot* of other popular languages, `++` and `--` 
are unary operators, so it's particularly surprisingly to see that they *seems* 
to work in Python, even if they *seems* to be a binary operator.

This is completely confusing and messy. Frankly, I'm not a PEP 8 orthodox at 
all. I think that you can write `a+b`. It's not elegant, it's a bit less 
readable that `a + b`, but it's not the end of the world. 

But you should *not* be allowed to write `a+-b` without at least a warning, 
because `+-` seems a binary operator. And you should not be able to write `a+ 
-b` too, with the interpreter that acts like Ponzio Pilato, because what's 
this? Is it an unary `+` or an unary `-`? 
We know the unary is the `-`, `a+` has no sense. but for someone that does not 
know Python, __it's not readable__. So, IMHO, the interpreter should at least 
raise a warning if the syntax is not: 
`a + -b`
for any combination of binary and unary operators.


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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

Marco, this is no more of a defect than `x*-y` or `a&~b`. It is a binary 
operator followed by an unary operator, just like `x--y`, `x/-y`, 
`x+-y`, `x**-y` etc. Python has at least three unary operators and at 
least 17 binary operators so in total there are 51 possible legal 
combinations of a binary operator followed by an unary operator.

`++` isn't special, it's not unique, or a defect, or a bug.

> 1++
>   ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

As a programmer with more than 10 years experience, you should know that 
this example is a syntax error because you are missing the right hand 
operand, not because `++` has no meaning. You would get precisely the 
same syntax error with `2*` or `2==`.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> This is not a bug
No one said it's a bug. It's a defect.

> This has been part of Python since version 1
There are many things that was part of Python 1 that was removed.

> `++` should never be an operator in the future, precisely because it already 
> has a meaning today

This is not a "meaning". `++` means nothing. Indeed

>>> 1++
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

> The first expression is not "unreadable". The fact that you were able to read 
> it and diagnose it [...]

The fact I understood it it's because I'm a programmer with more than 10 years 
of experience, mainly in Python. And I discovered this defect by acccident, 
because I wanted to write `a += b` and instead I wrote `a ++ b`. And when 
happened, I didn't realized why it didn't raised a SyntaxError or, at least, a 
SyntaxWarning. I had to take some minutes to realize the problem. 

So, in my "humble" opinion, it's *highly* unreadable and surprising.


Python tracker 

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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

This is not a bug, as you have pointed out yourself you are using a binary plus 
and a unary plus operator in the same expression.

This has been part of Python since version 1, and with operator overloading 
`obj + +thing` could mean whatever the objects want the two operators to mean. 
Unary plus is not necessarily a no-op. For example, the Decimal class gives a 
meaning to unary plus.

`++` should never be an operator in the future, precisely because it already 
has a meaning today (either two unary pluses, or binary plus followed by unary 
plus). Even if the compiler could distinguish between the cases, the human 
reader would not.

The first expression is not "unreadable". The fact that you were able to read 
it and diagnose it yourself as a binary operator followed by a unary operator 
proves that you can, in fact, read it. And it probably wasn't that hard to 
understand. (It wasn't for me.)

It would be easier to read if you used spaces around the binary plus and no 
space between the unary plus and its operand, but it can still be read and 
understood even with the unusual spacing.

nosy: +steven.daprano
resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1 ++ 2

This is probably because the interpreter reads:

1 + +2

1. ++ could be an operator in future. Probably not. Probably never. But you 
never know.
2. A space between an unary operator and the object should not be allowed
3. the first expression is clearly unreadable and hard to understand, so 
completely unpythonic

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 361159
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ++ does not throw a SyntaxError
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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