New submission from Karl Nelson <>:

In JPype, I am transfer stack information from Java into Python for diagnostics 
and display purposed.  Unfortunately, as the exception system is directly 
accessing traceback structure elements this cannot be replicated without 
creating traceback structures in C.   I have thus been forced to create new 
methods that create this using internal Python structures.  It would be much 
better if there were C API method to allow importing a foreign stack trace into 

Here is an example of the code used in JPype for reference.

// Transfer list of filenames, functions and lines to Python.
PyObject* PyTrace_FromJPStackTrace(JPStackTrace& trace)
        PyTracebackObject *last_traceback = NULL;
        PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(PyJPModule);
        for (JPStackTrace::iterator iter = trace.begin(); iter != trace.end(); 
                last_traceback = tb_create(last_traceback, dict,  
                                iter->getFunction(), iter->getLine());
        if (last_traceback == NULL)
        return (PyObject*) last_traceback;

PyTracebackObject *tb_create(                                                   
                            PyTracebackObject *last_traceback,
                PyObject *dict,                                                 
                            const char* filename,
                const char* funcname,
                int linenum)
        // Create a code for this frame.
        PyCodeObject *code = PyCode_NewEmpty(filename, funcname, linenum);
        // Create a frame for the traceback.
        PyFrameObject *frame = (PyFrameObject*) 
PyFrame_Type.tp_alloc(&PyFrame_Type, 0);
        frame->f_back = NULL;
        if (last_traceback != NULL)
                frame->f_back = last_traceback->tb_frame;
        frame->f_builtins = dict;
        frame->f_code = (PyCodeObject*) code;
        frame->f_executing = 0;
        frame->f_gen = NULL;
        frame->f_globals = dict;
        frame->f_iblock = 0;
        frame->f_lasti = 0;
        frame->f_lineno = 0;
        frame->f_locals = NULL;
        frame->f_localsplus[0] = 0;
        frame->f_stacktop = NULL;
        frame->f_trace = NULL;
        frame->f_valuestack = 0;
#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03070000
        frame->f_trace_lines = 0;
        frame->f_trace_opcodes = 0;
        // Create a traceback
        PyTracebackObject *traceback = (PyTracebackObject*)
                        PyTraceBack_Type.tp_alloc(&PyTraceBack_Type, 0);
        traceback->tb_frame = frame;
        traceback->tb_lasti = frame->f_lasti;
        traceback->tb_lineno = linenum;
        traceback->tb_next = last_traceback;
        return traceback;


components: C API
messages: 382852
nosy: Thrameos
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Enhancement request for importing stacktraces from foreign sources
type: enhancement

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