[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2022-03-20 Thread Alex Waygood

Change by Alex Waygood :

nosy: +AlexWaygood, JelleZijlstra

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2022-03-20 Thread Anton Agestam

Anton Agestam  added the comment:

As a consumer of `get_type_hints()` I think it'd be valuable to even have 
partially resolved types. My use case is that I provide an `Annotated` alias 
with a marker, and all I care about when inspecting user type hints is whether 
or not the arguments of an `Annotated` type contains my marker object. So 
ideally the fallback to an unresolved string or a sentinel object such as the 
proposed `typing.Unresolvable` should happen at the "lowest resolvable level" 
so that what can be resolved isn't lost.

By example, I'm saying that I think that this code:

marker = object()

def dec(cls):
return cls

class A(abc.ABC):
forward: Annotated[B, marker]

class B:

Should produce:

{"forward": Annotated[Unresolvable["B"], marker]}

I guess this would apply in situations where for instance a part of a union 
isn't resolvable too. If we have a union A|B where A is resolvable and B isn't, 
it should be resolved to:

A | Unresolvable["B"]

And not to:

Unresolvable["A | B"]

(I think for this perspective it's irrelevant whether unresolved types have a 
sentinel type or are just represented as strings).

(Here's the library that's my use case for the curious: 

nosy: +antonagestam

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings  added the comment:

I admit I hadn't looked that closely at Jelle's PR.  You're right, its effects 
on code size should be minimal.

If I'm reading it correctly, Jelle's PR would suppress NameError by replacing 
the failed value with a new "AnnotationName" object.  It wouldn't handle any 
other exceptions (e.g. ValueError).

Also, as currently implemented it doesn't permit getting attributes or indexing 
into the AnnotationName--if "o" is the object we failed to look up, "o.value" 
and "o[1]" would raise exceptions.  The AnnotationName could be extended with 
__getattr__ and __getitem__, but this makes it even more opinionated.

Also, the PR only adds LOAD_ANNOTATION_GLOBAL; it would presumably also need 

I'll file these comments on the PR.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

I thought Jelle’s solution would avoid code bloat — a dedicated opcode. It can 
do whatever is decided.

nosy: +Guido.van.Rossum

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings  added the comment:

It would also cause the code generated for the annotations function to 
balloon--the calculation of every value would have to be wrapped in a 
try/except, and for what I assume is an obscure use case.  I'm already getting 
some pushback on the code generated with PEP 649 as it is.

My goal in designing PEP 649 was to take stock semantics and time-shift the 
evaluation of the annotations, adding as little opinion as possible.  I think 
catching NameErrors is too opinionated, much less catching every plausible 

Still, the approach is mentioned in PEP 649.  I assume the Steering Committee 
rules is aware this option exists.  If they rule in favor of adding PEP 649, 
but stipulate that this feature is necessary, I will of course implement it.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

If the NameError were to leave behind a marker wrapping the string, that might 
allow the best of both worlds -- errors don't pass *silently* (an error value 
is returned) and you can still inspect the other annotations.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings  added the comment:

> Hey Larry, it would seem that PEP 649 as currently specified would make it 
> impossible to access annotations via the inspect module in cases where 
> x.__annotations__ raises (because one of the annotations references an 
> undefined variable).

That's true.  If PEP 649 is accepted, inspect.signature() might want to catch 
NameError when examining __annotations__ on the object.  Though I'm not sure 
what it should do when the exception is raised.

> I really think that we need *some* way of accessing partial annotations. Even 
> just leaving the failing key out of __annotations__ (but keeping other keys 
> if their annotation works) would be better than failing to return an 
> __annotations__ dict at all.

Unfortunately I don't agree--"errors should never pass silently."  Silently 
omitting the failed annotation seems like it would be a bad experience.  What 
if the value you needed from the annotation was the one that was omitted?  Now 
you have a mystery obscuring your existing problem.

There is a PR against PEP 649 specifically to suppress NameErrors:


I haven't merged the PR as I don't agree with it.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-04-16 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Hey Larry, it would seem that PEP 649 as currently specified would make it 
impossible to access annotations via the inspect module in cases where 
x.__annotations__ raises (because one of the annotations references an 
undefined variable).

I really think that we need *some* way of accessing partial annotations. Even 
just leaving the failing key out of __annotations__ (but keeping other keys if 
their annotation works) would be better than failing to return an 
__annotations__ dict at all.

nosy: +larry

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-15 Thread Florian Bruhin

Florian Bruhin  added the comment:

Ah, I wasn't aware of that, thanks for the pointer! So what inspect does 
internally is:

def _get_type_hints(func, **kwargs):
return typing.get_type_hints(func, **kwargs)
except Exception:
# First, try to use the get_type_hints to resolve
# annotations. But for keeping the behavior intact
# if there was a problem with that (like the namespace
# can't resolve some annotation) continue to use
# string annotations
return func.__annotations__

Which means there's even some "prior art" there already falling back to a 
string when the annotation couldn't be resolved. Doing so in 
typing.get_type_hints on a per-argument basis would thus also make inspect more 

Right now,


in my example returns a string, but when changing the annotation for `a`, the 
returned annotation for `b` is now magically a `typing.Union` object.

(I personally would indeed expect inspect to resolve those annotations, but 
yeah, let's keep that in issue43355.)


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-15 Thread Ken Jin

Ken Jin  added the comment:


IIUC inspect.signature auto-resolves string annotations to typing.ForwardRef 
internally from 3.10 onwards. It's mentioned in the what's new for PEP 563 

If it fails, it will just give the string. So the only place where 
inspect.signature might start giving you different output is if you previously 
defined a function like so:

def foo(a: 'MyType'): ...

And you expected inspect.signature.paramters to be ``[]`` (the string). However if MyType is in globals()/locals(), you'll 
instead get ``[]`` in 3.10.

FWIW someone already reported that in Issue43355.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-15 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Please open a separate issue for that.


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-15 Thread Florian Bruhin

Florian Bruhin  added the comment:

Fair points.

As an aside, I'm also wondering how inspect.Parameter.annotation should 
interact with the changes in Python 3.10? That used to be the canonical way (as 
far as I'm aware) of getting a single argument's type annotation (other than 
getting it from __annotations__ manually), but with PEP 563 now would always 
return a (probably not very useful?) string.


Python tracker 

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-12 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

If we add a new flag to ignore errors it's difficult to write code that
works in 3.9 as well. And given the use case I have doubts that "Errors
should never pass silently" is really the right Zen line to focus on. I'd
rather go for "Simple is better than complex" or "practicality beats


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-12 Thread Florian Bruhin

Florian Bruhin  added the comment:

I suppose returning the string unchanged would work as well. However, "Errors 
should never pass silently." :)

Perhaps that with a ignore_nameerror=True or switch or so would work?


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-10 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Maybe return the original string?


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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-10 Thread Ken Jin

Change by Ken Jin :

nosy: +kj

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-10 Thread Eric V. Smith

Change by Eric V. Smith :

nosy: +eric.smith

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[issue43463] typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for single argument

2021-03-10 Thread Florian Bruhin

New submission from Florian Bruhin :

Consider a file such as:

# from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, get_type_hints

import types

def fun(a: 'types.SimpleNamespace', b: Union[int, str]):


When running this, typing.get_type_hints fails (as you would expect):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/florian/tmp/x.py", line 11, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/typing.py", line 1449, in get_type_hints
value = _eval_type(value, globalns, localns)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/typing.py", line 283, in _eval_type
return t._evaluate(globalns, localns, recursive_guard)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/typing.py", line 539, in _evaluate
eval(self.__forward_code__, globalns, localns),
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'types' is not defined

However, in my case I'm not actually interested in the type of 'a', I only need 
the type for 'b'. Before Python 3.10 (or the __future__ import), I can do so by 
getting it from __annotations__ directly.

With Python 3.10 (or the __future__ import), this doesn't seem to be possible 
anymore - I'd need to either evaluate the 'Union[int, str]' annotation manually 
(perhaps calling into private typing.py functions), or maybe work around the 
issue by passing some magical dict-like object as local/globals which ignores 
the NameError. Both of those seem suboptimal.

Thus, I'd like a way to either:

1) Ignore exceptions in get_type_hints and instead get something like a 
typing.Unresolvable['types.SimpleNamespace'] back
2) Have something like a typing.get_argument_type_hints(fun, 'b') instead, 
allowing me to get the arguments one by one rather than resolving the whole 
3) Have a public API to resolve a string type annotation (i.e. the equivalent 
of `typing._eval_type`)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 388436
nosy: The Compiler, gvanrossum, levkivskyi
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: typing.get_type_hints with TYPE_CHECKING imports / getting hints for 
single argument
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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