[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-09-02 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

Closing again. In addition to what Eric said, both 2.7 and 3.6 are no longer 
maintained so you will need to reproduce the issue on a current version (>= 
3.8) for any of us to investigate it.

nosy: +iritkatriel
resolution: remind -> third party
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-06-07 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

No, I'm sorry that I don't. The example is too large for me (or probably any of 
our volunteers) to look through and reason about. I think asking on a forum 
like Stack Overflow is your best bet, but even there they will ask for a 
simpler example. Or maybe try the python-list mailing list 

If you could get this down to a 10 to 20 line example, maybe we could determine 
here if it's a python bug, or a deliberate change.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-06-07 Thread Muralidhar BN

Muralidhar BN  added the comment:

Dear Eric Smith,
Do we have any analysis for this issue for information shared ? 
Appreciate your quick reply.
PS: Making a simple socket connection instead of paramiko or pyssh ssh 
connection gives similar error

Thank you


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-05-25 Thread Muralidhar BN

Muralidhar BN  added the comment:

We have checked this issue by adapting another 3rd party SSH packages ( replace 
paramiko with pyssh). Using this we have found same o/p results. Which means it 
is not 3rd party SSH package ( paramiko or pyssh) issue. 

Issue report in Paramiko github will be removed 

To our analysis this issue is not observed when "logging" module is disabled. 
Request to provide your analysis from python perspective ?

Executing code qa-test-execute.py in Py 2.7 (Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS)

Command 1 :
sudo python ./qa-test-execute.py

Output 1 :

2021-05-25 21:23:44,889[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140392385488400][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
Exception AssertionError: 'attempt to release recursive lock not owned by 
thread' in > ignored

Command 2 :

2021-05-25 21:23:44,889[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140392385488400][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
Exception AssertionError: 'attempt to release recursive lock not owned by 
thread' in > ignored

Executing code qa-test-execute.py in Py 3.69 (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS)

Command 1 :
sudo python3 ./qa-test-execute.py

Output 1 :
2021-05-25 22:32:54,945[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140490991571128][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
2021-05-25 22:32:54,945[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140490991571128][DEBUG]: 
Closing internal ssh-client.
Fatal Python error: could not acquire lock for <_io.BufferedWriter 
name=''> at interpreter shutdown, possibly due to daemon threads

Thread 0x7fc69880e700 (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 997 in emit
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 865 in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1516 in callHandlers
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1454 in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1444 in _log
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1296 in debug
  File "./qa-test-execute_sajal.py", line 132 in __nonblocking_close1
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/threading.py", line 864 in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/threading.py", line 916 in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/threading.py", line 884 in _bootstrap

Current thread 0x7fc69dab5740 (most recent call first):
  File "./qa-test-execute_sajal.py", line 48 in call_with_timeout1
  File "./qa-test-execute_sajal.py", line 117 in close1
  File "./qa-test-execute_sajal.py", line 83 in __del__
Aborted (core dumped)

Command 2 :
sudo python3 ./qa-test-execute.py 2>&1 | tee 

Output 2 :
2021-05-25 22:33:26,393[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140711046725760][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
2021-05-25 22:33:26,393[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140711046725760][DEBUG]: 
Closing internal ssh-client.

Behaviour of same code is different when executed in Py 2.7 & Py 3.69. 
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import traceback
import logging
import logging.config
import time
import threading
import multiprocessing
import pyssh

def lock_acquire_with_timeout1(lock, timeout_seconds):
Try to acquire lock without specified timeout
@param lock: threading lock to be acquired
@type lock: threading.Lock
@param timeout_seconds: maximal time to make lock acquire attempts
@type timeout_seconds: float
begin_time = time.time()
while time.time() - begin_time < timeout_seconds:
if lambda: lock.acquire(False):
return True
return None

def call_with_timeout1(method_to_call, timeout_seconds):
Good for potentially "freeze" methods calls. Executes passed method in
separate thread. Waits for control returns within timeout. If timeout
exceed - return control to callee thread. Separate execution thread will
still be active.

@param method_to_call: method te be called
@type method_to_call: function
@param timeout_seconds: maximal time to wait for method call finished
@type timeout_seconds: float
stop_thread = threading.Barrier(2)
thread_name = threading._newname("{}-%d".format(__name__))
call_thread = threading.Thread(target=method_to_call, name=thread_name)
call_thread.daemon = True
print ("threading.activeCount() : %s",threading.activeCount())
print ("threading.currentThread() : %s", threading.currentThread())
print ("threading.enumerate() : %s", threading.enumerate() )
if call_thread.is_alive():
return not call_thread.is_alive()

def format_all_threads_stacks1():
@return: formatted stacks for all running threads.
stacktraces = []
for thread_id, stack in 

[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-05-24 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

This was reported a few hours ago at 

I'm closing this as a third party issue.

nosy: +eric.smith
resolution:  -> third party
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44226] Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection using Paramiko module

2021-05-24 Thread Muralidhar BN

New submission from Muralidhar BN :

Threads shutting down in Py 2.7 but not in Py 3.69 while making SSH connection 
using Paramiko module

Executing code qa-test-execute.py in Py 2.7 (Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS)

Command 1 :
sudo python ./qa-test-execute.py

Output 1 :
2021-05-24 23:35:59,889[BaseCommandLine __init__ 139916740505872][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
Exception AssertionError: 'attempt to release recursive lock not owned by 
thread' in > ignored

Command 2 :

sudo python ./qa-test-execute.py 2>&1 | tee 24052021_py27_execute_1.log

Output 2 :
2021-05-24 23:50:16,303[BaseCommandLine __init__ 139863250567440][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
Exception AssertionError: 'attempt to release recursive lock not owned by 
thread' in > ignored

Executing code qa-test-execute.py in Py 3.69 (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS)

Command 1 :
sudo python ./qa-test-execute.py

Output 1 :
2021-05-24 23:53:49,293[BaseCommandLine __init__ 139973197423840][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
2021-05-24 23:53:49,293[BaseCommandLine __init__ 139973197423840][DEBUG]: 
Closing internal ssh-client.
Fatal Python error: could not acquire lock for <_io.BufferedWriter 
name=''> at interpreter shutdown, possibly due to daemon threads

Command 2 :
sudo python3 ./qa-test-execute.py 2>&1 | tee 

Output 2 : Terminal hangs & CTRL C to return prompt

2021-05-24 23:56:31,646[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140516619855072][DEBUG]: 
Attempt to close ssh-session within 10.0 seconds.
2021-05-24 23:56:31,646[BaseCommandLine __init__ 140516619855072][DEBUG]: 
Closing internal ssh-client.

Behaviour of same code is different when executed in Py 2.7 & Py 3.69. 

Threads not terminating normally conflicting with paramiko / logging module  

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import traceback
import logging
import logging.config
import time
import threading
import multiprocessing
import paramiko

def lock_acquire_with_timeout1(lock, timeout_seconds):
Try to acquire lock without specified timeout
@param lock: threading lock to be acquired
@type lock: threading.Lock
@param timeout_seconds: maximal time to make lock acquire attempts
@type timeout_seconds: float
begin_time = time.time()
while time.time() - begin_time < timeout_seconds:
if lambda: lock.acquire(False):
return True
return None

def call_with_timeout1(method_to_call, timeout_seconds):
Good for potentially "freeze" methods calls. Executes passed method in
separate thread. Waits for control returns within timeout. If timeout
exceed - return control to callee thread. Separate execution thread will
still be active.

@param method_to_call: method te be called
@type method_to_call: function
@param timeout_seconds: maximal time to wait for method call finished
@type timeout_seconds: float
stop_thread = threading.Barrier(2)
thread_name = threading._newname("{}-%d".format(__name__))
call_thread = threading.Thread(target=method_to_call, name=thread_name)
call_thread.daemon = True 
print ("threading.activeCount() : %s",threading.activeCount())
print ("threading.currentThread() : %s", threading.currentThread())
print ("threading.enumerate() : %s", threading.enumerate() )
if call_thread.is_alive():
return not call_thread.is_alive()

def format_all_threads_stacks1():
@return: formatted stacks for all running threads.
stacktraces = []
for thread_id, stack in 
for thread1 in threading.enumerate():
if thread1.ident == thread_id:
stacktraces.append('Thread %s (daemon=%r) stacktrace: \n%s' %
   (thread1.name, thread1.daemon, 
thread = None
return '\n'.join(stacktraces)

class SSHClient_noauth1(paramiko.SSHClient):

def _auth(self, username, *args):

class BaseCommandLine1(object):

def __init__(self, connection_timeout=None):
self._connection_timeout = connection_timeout
self._connection_lock = multiprocessing.RLock()

self._ssh_client = None
self.logger = logging.getLogger('BaseCommandLine __init__ 

def __del__(self):

def _wait_for_connection1(self):
begin_time = time.time()
self.logger.debug("Will attempt to connect with device for %s seconds." 
% self._connection_timeout)
while time