[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-18 Thread David Rajaratnam

David Rajaratnam  added the comment:

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the extra pointers.  My initial intention in explaining my use-case 
was to find out whether treating an externally embedded  interpreter's files as 
`importlib.resources` is the correct use of this library. However, you're right 
that my explanation turned into a python packaging support question. I'm sorry 
about that.

Thanks for the clarification about the limitations of `as_file()`. I guess that 
means that at the moment it doesn't fully support my use-case, but hopefully 
may do so at some point in the future.



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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-18 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

Thanks Dave for closing. I would recommend in the future if you have packaging 
questions to bring them to packaging problems repo as indicated at 

Glad to hear that `as_file` promised to do what you need. Do be aware that it 
doesn't yet support a directory of files (only individual files), a known 
deficiency (https://github.com/python/importlib_resources/issues/228).

I don't have any good advice on separating Python and non-Python code in your 
package. You're right that the current interfaces for supporting package 
resources are specifically designed around resources in a Python package (aka 

I agree that there may not be a robust way to locate "data_files". It sounds 
like you have a use-case that's not well served by the current implementation. 
I'd recommend to file a report describing a detailed minimal example of the 
use-case you have and what you'd like to see (in packaging-problems; maybe 
search if someone's already reported). One thing you'll want to answer is where 
do you expect these files to be installed if not in the python package?

Thanks and good luck!


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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-17 Thread David Rajaratnam

David Rajaratnam  added the comment:

I'm closing the bug report. Clearly not a bug. It looks like 
importlib.resources.as_file() is exactly what I want. It returns a context and 
can potentially create a temporary file system directory structure with all 
files I want underneath. Not sure how I missed this before and was struggling 
to work out what to do with a MultiplexedPath object.

If you do have comments on a better way of separating python and non-python 
code (see my previous use-case explanation) I'm interested to hear it.


resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-17 Thread David Rajaratnam

David Rajaratnam  added the comment:

Hi Filipe,

Thanks very much for the pointers and for the clarifications. I'll look at 
using importlib.resources.as_file(). I think this is the API that I stupidly 
seemed to have missed!

However, it is also very possible that I am misunderstanding the correct usage 
of the importlib.resource library, so here is a summary of my use-case:

I am working with a specialised language interpreter that can be embedded in 
python. The interpreter API requires a file system path to load files and the 
language itself has its own "include" statements for loading files. So in my 
case it has to be a file system path and not some other resource (eg. zip file 
or database).

However, I have struggled to understand what is the correct way to treat these 
files when installed as part of a python package. It seems to me that python's 
setuptools is too limited to cover the range of options that I would want. 
AFAIK setuptools allows only two options for installing non-python files; 
"data_files" and "package_data". "data_files" doesn't seem to be the right 
place because I couldn't find a full-proof way to programmatically find out 
where these files are installed. So it seems to be focused more on 
supplementary data (high-level docs, examples, etc) rather than data files that 
are necessary for the operations of the application.

On the other hand "package_data" forces these non-python files to be embedded 
within the python package structure. This is a bit ugly since its not really a 
natural fit; for example the language has its own command-line tools that I use 
during development.

So what I've tried to do is that for development I separate the python code 
from my other interpreter's code, but then for installation have setup.py map 
the specialised language files into the python package structure. I'm not 
overly happy with how I've done it (although it does seem to work),so I would 
be very happy if someone can point to a better way.



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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-15 Thread Filipe Laíns

Filipe Laíns  added the comment:

*realize I did *not* point this out

:facepalm: sorry!


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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-15 Thread Filipe Laíns

Filipe Laíns  added the comment:

Just to clarify, as I realize I did point this out in my reply, 
Traversable[1][2] is the protocol that objects returned by 
importlib.resources.files implement.

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html#importlib.abc.Traversable


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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-15 Thread Filipe Laíns

Filipe Laíns  added the comment:

The Traversable protocol does not guarantee you access to the file-system path. 
pathlib.Path happens to give you that information, but other traversables are 
not required to.

The main reasoning for this is that traversables do not need to exist on the 
file-system, we can be reading from a zip, database, etc.

str(path) does give you the file-system path on pathlib.Path, but there is no 
guarantee about the value of __str__ on other traversables.
My recommendation here would be to use os.fspath[1] instead if you want to try 
getting the file-system path from traversables.

I don't really know what you are trying to accomplish, but I would recommend 
that you try designing your code directly on top of the Traversable interface, 
which should make it work on anything we return in importlib.resources.files.
If you actually need a file-system path, to pass to an external program or 
something like that, you can use the importlib.resources.as_file[2] helper.

bpo-44200 proposes documenting that traversables should implement __fspath__ if 
they represent a file-system path, which could help a bit with your issue.

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.fspath
[2] https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html#importlib.resources.as_file

nosy: +FFY00, jaraco

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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-11 Thread David Rajaratnam

David Rajaratnam  added the comment:

Thanks for the quick response. I think the attached file shows the issue. 

In the directory where you download and run this file create a sub-directory 
'data'. Then running the file creates the output (note: I've truncated the path 

> Traverse data: MultiplexedPath('<>/data') ( 'importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath'>)

I think the idea behind MultiplexedPath() is that it merges together multiple 
base/root directories so even though in this case it is a single path it 
wouldn't necessarily be the case in general. So while it makes sense that for 
some MultiplexedPath object X that str(X) isn't itself a proper directory path, 
however, there seems to be no method/property to access these root paths.

Note: Traverable.iterdir() iterates over the files/sub-directories in the 
root(s) so doesn't return the root path(s) themselves.

A further note. If you add a file `data/__init__.py` then data is now a package 
and running the code this time returns a PosixPath object (on a posix system): 

> Traverse data: <>/data ()
> X: <>/data/__init__.py ()
> X: <>/data/__pycache__ ()

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50342/navigate.py

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[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-11 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

Can you provide a short code snippet that we can run that demonstrates the 

Looking at the code, and not knowing much about it, maybe iterating over the 
paths with .iterdir() is what you want?

nosy: +eric.smith

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45427] importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath

2021-10-10 Thread David Rajaratnam

New submission from David Rajaratnam :

I'm trying to use `importlib.resources.files()`. However, I cannot work out how 
to properly use the `importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath()` object that is 

As I expect and want, the returned object is referring to a directory, but I 
cannot seem to simply access the value of that path. 

For a normal `pathlib.Path` object you can get a OS specific path by simply 
converting to the string representation (eg., 'str(pathlib.Path('/somepath') == 
'/somepath'). However, for the MutiplexedPath object the __str__() value is the 
same as the __repr__() (e.g., "MultiplexedPath('/somepath')").

It seems that this is a bug since I would expect MultiplexedPath to behave the 
same as pathlib.Path in this regard. In the meantime is there a way to actually 
access this data without stripping the prefix and suffix of this string?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 403621
nosy: daveraja
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: importlib.readers.MultiplexedPath
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

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