
I would like to get attention to issue 4142 [1] which was filed several months ago. This is about a clear bug in smtplib's SMTP implementation which is probably present since (at least) Python 1.5.

When re-using an smtplib.SMTP instance for a second connection, smtplib does not send another HELO/EHLO which is a clear violation of the SMTP specification.

I built a small patch (changes only 2 lines) but I'm unable to write a unit test for this easily because:
  * Python's smtpd does not check if HELO/EHLO was received before MAIL FROM
  * Therefore any extension of test_smtplib would need some patches to check
    this also.

However, the patch is very small so it is very easy to test this manually. Just connect to a real world smtp (Exim is best because it is quite strict when it comes to SMTP verbs).


[1] http://bugs.python.org/issue4142

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