(Apologies if you're seeing this twice. I first posted to the
discourse instance.)

I first worked on a register-based virtual machine in the 1.5.2
timeframe. That was before PEP 227 (closures) landed. Prior to that,
local variables and the stack were contiguous in the f_localsplus
array. Based on a comment at the time from Tim Peters (which I recall
but can no longer find), the number of required registers won’t be any
greater than the maximum extent of the stack. (It makes sense, and
worked for me at the time.) That allowed me to repurpose the stack
space as my registers and treat the full f_localsplus array as a
single large “register file,” eliminating LOAD_FAST_REG and
STORE_FAST_REG instructions completely, which I believe was a major

I want to rearrange the current f_localsplus to make locals and stack
neighbors again. My first look at the code suggested there is no good
reason it can’t be done, but figured Jeremy Hylton must have had a
good reason to prefer the current layout which places cells and frees
in the middle.

While the necessary changes didn’t look extensive, they did look a bit
tedious to get right, which I have confirmed. My first attempt to
reorganize f_localsplus from locals/cells/frees/stack to
locals/stack/cells/frees has been an abysmal failure. I’ve found a
couple mistakes and corrected them. Implementing those corrections
caused the types of failures to change (convincing me they were
necessary), but did not eliminate them entirely (so, necessary, but
not sufficient). I’ve clearly missed something. I’m also fairly
ignorant about recent changes to the language (big understatement), so
thought that before going any further, I would see if anyone with
better current knowledge of frame objects knew of a reason why my
desired layout change wouldn’t work.

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