Hi all,

This is specifically about embedding Python on Windows, and I'm hoping some of 
the Windows Python devs might have some ideas or be interested in this. I have 
implemented a partial solution (linked below) and I'm interested to hear what 
other people think of this.

Currently when embedding Python both python3x.dll and python3.dll get loaded, 
with python3.dll redirecting stable API calls to python3x.dll. If a process 
embeds two different versions of Python 3, e.g., python39.dll and python310.dll 
they both load their respective python3.dlls. At this point I imagine you are 
thinking "don't do that", but bear with me... The problem comes when the Python 
loaded second imports an extension module linked with python3.dll. The 
python3.dll that it gets linked to will be the first one that was loaded, not 
the one that relates to the second Python that is actually doing the import. 
This results in a call into the wrong Python dll and 'bad things' happen.

None of this is unexpected and I'm sure that the sensible thing to do is to 
simply not do this... but I've been working on a way to make this work anyway. 
In my case I have a plugin to another application that embeds Python into that 
application. It's perfectly possible (and reasonable) for other plugins to also 
want to embed Python. This can be dealt with by having both plugins use the 
same Python environment easily enough in most cases. With Python 2 it used to 
be possible to have two different Python interpreters embedded at the same time 
and not have them interfere with each other (although it is possible there 
would still be issues with DLL versions used by extension modules). With Python 
3 if we want to have two different versions of Python 3 embedded at the same 
time then it will fail because of the reason outlined above.

My idea is to redirect all loaded python3.dll dlls to the one we want to be 
used before loading any extension modules (i.e., just before any call to 
LoadLibraryEx) and then restore them afterwards. This can be done by 
manipulating the loader modules list in Windows. I have implemented this as a 
proof of concept in my own plugin and confirmed that this works and does allow 
two different versions of Python 3 to be embedded at the same time. This works 
with an unmodified version of Python by applying the redirect in an import 
hook. It uses several undocumented Windows structures and APIs in order to 
safely manipulate the loader table.

Here is my proof of concept code that performs the redirect 

While this works for different versions of Python 3, there is still a problem 
when trying to embed two different instances of the same version of Python 3. 
The problem is basically the same but with the added complication that the pyd 
files are named the same, and the ones loaded first get found by the second 
Python runtime and you end up again calling across versions. I managed to solve 
this using a similar method to the code above, but rather than redirecting just 
python3.dll I look for any other loaded python3x.dll and then remove *all* 
modules loaded under that Python distribution from the loader table. This 
ensures that both Python runtimes are effectively isolated from each other as 
neither see any of the same modules. This gets more complicated once you start 
thinking about user site-packages folders and venvs, but for simple 
distributions where everything is under the same root folder this technique 

Anyway, just keen to hear what people think or whether this has been tackled 
before in another way.

Best regards,
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