Still no-mail on python-dev, forwarding this because it has a direct
e-mail contact for Microsoft at the bottom.

----- Forwarded message from Joanna Cobb <> -----

> From: Joanna Cobb <>
> To: "" <>
> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 10:05:34 -0400
> Subject: Windows 7 Compatibility
> Regarding:  Windows 7 Compatibility for Python Software Foundation - 
> Application:  Python
> I am trying to contact your company regarding the Microsoft Windows 7 
> Compatibility Program for Python.  I have not been able to get in touch with 
> the person responsible for this application in your company and this is why I 
> am reaching out to you through the Support Team. This application has been 
> identified as one of the applications Microsoft would like to see supported 
> on Windows 7 and I have been tasked by Microsoft to help answer your 
> questions about Windows 7 application compatibility and help you get your 
> application through the Windows 7 "Green Light" compatibility process.
> If your application already supports Windows Vista, chances are it will 
> already be compatible with Windows 7 without the need for any code changes.  
> By pledging support for Windows 7 you're application will automatically be 
> listed in the Windows Application Compatibility seen currently by more than 1 
> million users per month. The registration is extremely simple and just asks a 
> few key questions.
> Here is the link to Microsoft's ISV Application Compatibility page: 
>  When you have a moment, I would 
> encourage you to visit the site and complete the process to pledge support 
> for your application on Windows 7 by October 22nd 2009 when Windows 7 is 
> officially released.
> In addition if you are able to pledge compatibility you'll receive access to 
> a special Windows 7 Partner Marketing Kit  that includes a press release with 
> a Microsoft quote, plus customizable marketing templates including; email 
> templates, postcards, web banners, business letter, and copy blocks, all to 
> identify to your customers, or potential customers that your solutions are 
> compatible with Windows 7.
> If you provide me with a phone number where to get in touch with you, I will 
> call you to answer any questions you may have.
> Once you register on the ISV Application Compatibility site, I would 
> appreciate it if you would email me to let me know that you have completed so 
> that I can make a note of it for Microsoft. If you register the application 
> under a different partner or application name please let me know in order to 
> track changes. If there is a new version of the application and there are no 
> plans to support Windows 7 on the older version please register the older 
> version as "No planned Support" on the site as well as the new version with 
> desired Win7 compatibility date.
> Should you have any questions about this email feel free to call me or send 
> an email to my supervisor at  
> Best regards,
> Joanna Cobb
> Business Development Representative
> N(3)
> niche cubed
> Office:  800.508.4291 Ext. 316
> Confidentiality note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains 
> privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the 
> individual(s) or entity named in the e-mail.  If the reader of the e-mail is 
> not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for 
> delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading 
> it is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please 
> immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system.  Thank 
> you.

----- End forwarded message -----

Aahz (           <*>

"It's 106 miles to Chicago.  We have a full tank of gas, a half-pack of
cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."  "Hit it."
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