Now that tomllib is in the stdlib, I'd like to convert the stable ABI manifest (Misc/stable_abi.txt) to TOML to make it easier to work with. To get proper highlighting in editors, I'd like to rename it from .txt to .toml.

So, when the command that uses it stops working for you, change `.txt` to `.toml`. (See https://devguide.python.org/c-api/#adding-a-new-definition-to-the-limited-api -- if you're using make, nothing should change for you.)

As always, the file is only intended as input to the stable_abi script. The format/contents can change unexpectedly. If you use it for something else, let me know and let's create a proper data source for your use case.

bpo link: https://bugs.python.org/issue47168

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