As mentioned previously [0], the Steering Council decided to switch from python-dev to Discourse ( We're aware that Discourse is not perfect. The previous mail thread [0] lists various shortcomings, as well as some workarounds. However, we don't see anything that would block Python development.

Practically, the switch means that:
- New PEPs should be announced in the PEPs category on Discourse (rather than on this list), and - The Devguide will list Discourse, rather than mailing lists, as the primary communication channel.

Note that you can have development-related discussions anywhere, as long as you (eventually) include all relevant people. You're welcome to continue using python-dev and other mailing lists, IRC, in-person sprints, etc. But for PEP-level changes, we believe python-dev no longer reaches the proper audience.

For the related docs changes, see [peps-2775] and [devguide-945]. Note that this is documentation, not law – if something is unclear or doesn't make sense, please ask for clarification or propose edits.


— Petr, on behalf of the Steering Council
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